

Introduction to Differential Equations (Fall 2016) by James Cook at Liberty University

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source: James Cook      2016年8月30日

L1, terminology, first order ODEs, 8-30-2016, part 1 59:51
L1, terminology, first order ODEs, 8-30-2016, part 2 15:04
L2, substitutions and existence, 9-1-2016, part 1 59:51
L2, substitutions and existence, 9-1-2016, part 2 19:16
L3, applications of first order ODEs, orthogonal trajectories, 9-6-16, part 1 59:51
L3, applications of first order ODEs, orthogonal trajectories, 9-6-16, part 2 17:33
L4, applications, intro to complex arithmetic, 9-8-16, part 1 59:51
L4, applications, intro to complex arithmetic, 9-8-16, part 2 16:06
L5, the n-th order homogeneous problem, part 1, 9-13-16 59:51
L5, the n-th order homogeneous problem, part 2, 9-13-16 11:32
L6, linear independence and the wronskian, part 1, 9-15-16 59:51
L6, linear independence and the wronskian, part 2, 9-15-16 15:07
L7, undetermined coefficients with annihilators and naive method, part 1, 9-20-16 59:51
L7, undetermined coefficients with annihilators and naive method, part 2, 9-20-16 14:27
L8, variation of parameters, part 1, 9-22-16 59:51
L8, variation of parameters, part 2, 9-22-16 13:18
L9, Cauchy Euler, the second LI solution formula, resonance begins, 9-27-16, part 1 59:51
L9, Cauchy Euler, the second LI solution formula, resonance begins, 9-27-16, part 2 17:37
L10, resonance and applications of 2nd order, energy methods, part 1, 9-29-16 59:51
L10, resonance and applications of 2nd order, energy methods, part 2, 9-29-16 15:32
L11, solution to Test 1 of 2013 and politics, 10-4-16 34:42
L12, series techniques to solve DEqns, 10-13-16, part 1 59:51
L12, series techniques to solve DEqns, 10-13-16, part 2 17:18
L13, regular singular points, ordinary points, domain of solution, 10-18-16, part 1 59:51
L13, regular singular points, ordinary points, domain of solution, 10-18-16, part 2 9:09
L14, frobenious unfurled, 10-20-16, part 1 59:51
L14, frobenious unfurled, 10-20-16, part 2 14:36
L15, crash course in matrix algebra, intro to systems, 10-25-16, part 1 59:51
L15, crash course in matrix algebra, intro to systems, 10-25-16, part 2 16:55
L16, systems of ODEs, 10-27-16, part 1 59:51
L16, systems of ODEs, 10-27-16, part 2 16:10
L17, eigenvector solutions, 11-1-16, part 1 59:51
L17, eigenvector solutions, 11-1-16, part 2 15:53
L18, matrix exponential, 11-3-16, part 1 59:51
L18, matrix exponential, 11-3-16, part 2 15:50
L20, systems by elimination, phase plane, 11-10-16, part 1 59:51
L20, systems by elimination, phase plane, 11-10-16, part 2 8:28
L21, Laplace Transforms the basic theorems, 11-15-16, part 1 59:51
L21, Laplace Transforms the basic theorems, 11-15-16, part 2 9:35
L22, treating discontinuities with Laplace, 11-17-16, part 1 59:51
L22, treating discontinuities with Laplace, 11-17-16, part 2 11:02
L23, Dirac Delta, 11-29-16, part 1 59:51
L23, Dirac Delta, 11-29-16, part 2 10:40
L24, PDEs, heat, wave and Laplace equation an introduction, 12-1-16, part 1 59:51
L24, comments about Test 3, 12-1-16, part 2 21:00

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