

Differential Equations (Summer 2017) by James Cook at Liberty University

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source: James Cook      2017年6月12日
This is the playlist for Math 334 of Summer 2017 at Liberty University. I'm using Nagle, Saff and Snider's "Fundamentals of Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems" 4th edition and my notes. The course website is: http://www.supermath.info/DEqns.html where I have many resources posted. Naturally, I'll use Blackboard, wait, I should say unnaturally but out of habit to be more honest, to post the actual syllabus etc. I hope to have the Lectures posted the same day if all goes as planned.

introduction, terminology, 6-12-17, part 1 39:21
how to solve first order ODEs, 6-12-17, part 2 59:51
first order solutions and theory, 6-12-17, part 3 31:06
substitutions, reduction order, 6-13-17, part 1 47:52
applications, orthogonal trajectories, 6-13-17, part 2 59:51
vdvdx trick for constant gravity, 6-13-17, part 3 1:09
applications, 6-13-17, part 4 20:33
nth order problem, survey of theory, 6-14-17, part 1 57:17
calculus of operators, 6-14-17, part 2 57:55
nth order problem complex case, 6-14-17, part 3 20:54
undetermined coefficients, 6-15-17, part 1 55:43
annihilator method, superposition, 6-15-17, part 2 59:51
variation of parameters and such, 6-15-17, part 3 17:44
linear eqns and matrices, 6-19-17, part 1 54:13
linear eqns and matrices, 6-19-17, part 2 15:27
eigenvector solutions to systems, 6-20-17, part 1 56:50
eigenvector solutions to systems, 6-20-17, part 2 59:51
matrix exponential, 6-20-17, part 3 20:41
matrix exponential and magic formula, 6-21-17, part 1 59:13
more matrix exp, nonhomog. case, 6-21-17, part 2 59:51
stability, type of critical points intro, 6-21-17, part 3 12:15
energy analysis, 6-22-17, part 1 59:47
energy analysis, 6-22-17, part 2 22:18
Laplace Transforms, 6-22-17, part 3 50:50
inverse Laplace Transforms, 6-26-17, part 1 59:51
inverse Laplace Transforms, 6-26-17, part 2 0:23
trigonmetry, discontinuous terms, 6-26-17, part 3 59:51
trigonmetry, discontinuous terms, 6-26-17, part 4 12:07
Dirac Delta and examples, 6-27-17, part 1 59:51
Dirac Delta and examples, 6-27-17, part 2 3:02
convolution, transfer fnct, power series begins, 6-27-17, part 3 56:37
power series solutions, 6-28-17, part 1 48:43
power series solutions, 6-28-17, part 2 59:51
nearest singularity theorem, 6-28-17, part 3 3:23
Frobenius method, 6-29-17, part 2 59:51
Frobenius method, 6-29-17, part 3 15:45
review for Test 2, 7-3-17, part 1 53:54
review for Test 2, 7-3-17, part 2 5:16
Fourier Series intro, BVPs, 7-3-17, part 3 59:51
heat equation, 7-3-17, part 4 5:21
heat equation, 7-5-17, part 1 59:51
heat and wave equation, 7-5-17, part 2 5:35
wave equation, 7-6-17, part 1 41:10
Test 2 post mortem, Laplace Equation, 7-6-17, part 2 55:38

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