

Quantum Gravity (Bianca Dittrich @PSI 2013)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist 

source: LeonhardEuler1    2014年10月11日
Lectures on quantum gravity given by Bianca Dittrich, of the Perimeter Institute, at the 2013-2014 PSI. These are NOT my videos! All rights, credit, etc. go to the Perimeter Institute, which can be found at the website linked to below. All the videos come from, and can be downloaded from in various formats and from previous years, the Perimeter Institute (where these lectures took place) website: http://perimeterscholars.org/447.html
The textbooks Dittrich suggests for the course are:
Basics: http://global.oup.com/academic/produc...
Advanced: http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0409061
More Advanced: http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0210094

**NOTE** For some reason, lecture 4 (on canonical analysis and the gravity hamiltonian) from this course is not available in a format that can be uploaded on Youtube, but it can be viewed on the PI website via the following link: http://pirsa.org/displayFlash.php?id=...
Moreover, a pdf showing the boards for that lecture can be found here: http://pirsa.org/pdf/loadpdf.php?pirs...
Before tackling these lectures, it would be nice if you have a solid understanding of Einstein's special and general relativity. To that end, you might be interested in the following collections of lectures on Youtube:
There are numerous resources on quantum gravity for one to peruse, for example:
Lastly, here is a lecture on quantum gravity by Susskind with an eye towards its philosophical implications: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yK4rh...

Quantum Gravity | Lecture 1 40:07
Quantum Gravity | Lecture 2 32:01
Quantum Gravity | Lecture 3 18:14
Quantum Gravity | Lecture 5 29:05
Quantum Gravity | Lecture 6 1:04:50
Quantum Gravity | Lecture 7 1:01:44
Quantum Gravity | Lecture 8 1:04:09
Quantum Gravity | Lecture 9 1:00:27
Quantum Gravity | Lecture 10 1:01:25
Quantum Gravity | Lecture 11 59:08
Quantum Gravity | Lecture 12 1:05:34
Quantum Gravity | Lecture 13 1:02:40
Quantum Gravity | Lecture 14 9:23

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