

Conformal and CR Geometry

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist 

source: LeonhardEuler1     2014年8月31日
Talks from the "Conformal and CR Geometry" workshop held at Banff in July of 2012. The conference website, where the videos can be downloaded, can be found here: http://www.birs.ca/events/2012/5-day-workshops/12w5072/vi...

Colin Guillarmou, On the Renormalized Volume 1:03:47
Jie Qing, Hypersurfaces in Hyperbolic Space and Conformal Metrics on Domains in Sphere 49:54
Pierre Albin, Conformal Surgery & Compactness of Relatively Isospectral Sets of Surfaces 50:14
Xianzhe Dai, Cheeger’s Half Torsion and Cone 51:01
Michael Eastwood, Conformal and CR Geometry from the Parabolic Viewpoint 59:14
Andreas Juhl, On the Building Blocks of GJMS Operators 50:19
Bent Ørsted, Extremal Properties of Natural Functionals in Conformal and CR Geometry 50:29
Pawel Nurowski, More Explicit Fefferman Graham Metrics with G2 Holonomy 43:42
Jan Slovak, Free CR Distributions 53:34
Andreas Cǎp, Projective Compactness 58:34
A. Rod Gover, Conformal Geometry, Holography, and Boundary Calculus 55:29
Matthias Hammerl, Ambient and Conformal Holonomy 28:09
Katharina Neusser, Some Complexes of Differential Operators 30:28
Andrea Malchiodi, Recent Progress on the Yamabe Problem 56:03
Sagun Chanillo, Embedding CR 3-manifolds 47:18
Maria Del Mar González, Fractional Order Operators in Conformal Geometry 51:37
Yi Wang, Quasiconformal Mappings, Isoperimetric Inequality, and Finite Total Q-curvature 27:04
Antonia Ache, Asymptotics in the Study of Obstruction-flat Metrics 30:14
Travis Willse, Highly Symmetric Generic 2-plane Fields on 5-manifolds and ... 30:01
Yoshihiko Matsumoto, Asymptotics of ACH Einstein Metrics 31:11
Jeffrey Case, A Paneitz type Operator for CR Pluriharmonic Functions 30:56

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