

Population Genetics and Evolution (2016, ICTS Bangalore)

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source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences    2016年3月10日
Second Bangalore School on Population Genetics and Evolution
PROGRAM URL : http://www.icts.res.in/program/popgen2016
DATES: Monday 25 Jan, 2016 - Saturday 06 Feb, 2016
VENUE : Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore

Just as evolution is central to our understanding of biology, population genetics theory provides the basic framework to comprehend evolutionary processes. Population genetics theory allows quantitative predictions of evolutionary processes, integrating mathematical and statistical concepts with fundamental biological principles of genetic inheritance and processes such as mutation and selection. Population genetics theory is thus critical to understanding many pressing issues in biology, such as the evolution of antibiotic resistance in pathogens, the formation of new species and the emergence of cooperative and altruistic behaviors.
This school aims to expose students and researchers from diverse backgrounds to the basics and the forefront of current research in population genetics. Students from the disciplines of biology, mathematics, medicine, physics, and statistics who are interested in evolutionary theory are all welcome to apply for participation in this program. The school will introduce and develop an understanding of population genetics and quantitative genetics, and their applications. Research seminars and poster sessions will also be held during this school.
ORGANIZERS: Deepa Agashe, Kavita Jain

Registration + Welcome address by ICTS Director 11:00
Introduction to mutation, selection and drift by Bruce Walsh 1:34:04
Research talks by Sumana Annagiri 49:01
Research talks by Himanshu Sinha 48:51
Basic Probability theory by John Wakeley 1:16:10
Sexual vs. asexual reproduction, multiple loci by Nick Barton 1:28:58
Introduction to Quantitative Genetics by Bruce Walsh 1:35:38
Basic biology and sources of genetic variation in microbes by Isabel Novella 1:30:01
Introduction to gene genealogies and coalescent processes by John Wakeley 1:32:04
Population genetics of multiple loci by Nick Barton 1:32:30
Open session, problem sets by John Wakeley, Nick Barton 1:12:39
ICTS Special Colloquium by John Wakeley 1:07:06
Gene genealogies with recombination by John Wakeley 1:29:26
Diversity of sex & recombination by Nick Barton 1:28:39
Deterministic models by Nick Barton 37:39
Public Lecture: Scaling of Electronic Devices: From the Vacuum Tube... by Latha Venkataraman 1:08:12
Structured coalescent processes by John Wakeley 1:30:47
Stochastic models by Nick Barton 1:19:05
Research talks by Kavita Jain 35:05
Research talks by Nisheeth Vishno 48:48
Research talks by Deepa Agashe 34:07
Poster Session 37:21
Coalescent processes with multiple mergers of ancestral lines by John Wakeley 1:07:57
Open session, problem sets by Nick Barton 40:38
Open session, problem sets by John Wakeley 9:26
QTL and Association mapping by Bruce Walsh 1:32:24
Targets of selection, evolution of virulence by Isabel Novella 1:24:15
Population genomics by Wolfgang Stephan 1:05:51
Univariate and Multivariate selection by Bruce Walsh 1:26:07
Measuring fitness and selection on traits by Bruce Walsh 1:30:15
Practical aspects of quasispecies theory by Isabel Novella 1:21:33
ICTS Special Colloquium by Wolfgang Stephan 1:04:25
Neutrality tests by Wolfgang Stephan 1:26:17
Detecting strong positive directional selection in the genome by Wolfgang Stephan 1:09:26
ICTS Special Colloquium by Bruce Walsh 1:17:15
Adaptation and adaptability under changing environmental conditions by Isabel Novella 1:12:25
Detecting other types of positive selection by Wolfgang Stephan 1:18:55
Research talks by Areejit Samal 46:41
Research talks by Rahul Siddharthan 30:01
Research talks by Aparup Das 44:46
Poster Session 25:34
Open session, problem sets by Wolfgang Stephan 35:54
Testing whether trait divergence is neutral by Bruce Walsh 1:18:22

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