

Dynamics of Complex Systems (2016, ICTS, Bangalore)

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source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences    2016年6月21日
Summer Research Program on Dynamics of Complex Systems
ORGANIZERS: Amit Apte, Soumitro Banerjee, Pranay Goel, Partha Guha, Neelima Gupte, Govindan Rangarajan and Somdatta Sinha
DATES: Monday 23 May, 2016 - Saturday 23 Jul, 2016
VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bangalore

This program is first-of-its-kind in India with a specific focus to provide research experience and training to highly motivated students and young researchers in the interdisciplinary field of complex dynamical systems theory that has applications in diverse fields in science and engineering, such as the study of biological systems, atmosphere and oceans, materials and structures, economics and social systems, archaeology and anthropology, languages, and many others.
The specific theme for summer-2016 program is "Geophysical Phenomena".e especially encourage early graduate students, postdocs, and early faculty to apply for participation. Applications from exceptional advanced undergraduate students may also be considered, depending on their level of preparation.
This two month long program will consist of the following activities:23 May - 04 June: Two-week preparatory summer school. Details of lecturers and topics are given below.
23 May - 23 July: Two-month summer research program. A few selected fellows will get a chance to work on a project mentored by an expert in mathematical modeling of geophysical phenomena.
18 - 23 July: One-week discussion meeting. The fellows will present their work during the summer, along with talks by other researchers. Considerable time will be reserved for discussions.
Throughout the summer months, we will also have active seminar series on various mathematical and physical aspects of earth sciences
Speakers at the summer school (23 May - 04 June)
Jayanta K. Bhattacharjee, HRI, Allahabad: "Introduction to Turbulence"
Georg Gottwald, University of Sydney, "Stochastic Model Reduction in Climate Science"
Rama Govindarajan, TCIS/ICTS-TIFR: "Introduction to hydrodynamic stability"
Michael Hoegele, Universidad de losAndes, Bogotá: "Stochastic climate models with Lévynoise"
Tudor Ratiu, EPFL Lausanne: TBD
Jai Sukhatme, CAOS, IISc, Bangalore: "Dynamics of rotating fluids"
Jean-Luc Thiffeault, University of Wisconsin, Madison: "Stirring, mixing and transport"

Welcome Remarks by Rajesh Gopakumar 11:27
Introduction by Amit Apte 21:59
Dynamics of rotating fluids by Jai Sukhatme (Part 1) 56:47
Introduction to Turbulence by Jayanta K. Bhattacharjee (Part 1) 1:18:04
Stochastic climate models with Lévy noise by Michael Hoegele (Part 1) 1:06:08
Introduction to hydrodynamic stability by Rama Govindarajan (Part 1) 1:05:07
Introduction to Turbulence by Jayanta K. Bhattacharjee (Part 2) 1:13:42
Introduction to Turbulence by Jayanta K. Bhattacharjee (Part 3) 1:06:59
Dynamics of rotating fluids by Jai Sukhatme (Part 2) 56:00
Stochastic climate models with Lévy noise by Michael Hoegele (Part 2) 57:35
Introduction to Turbulence by Jayanta K. Bhattacharjee (Part 4) 1:05:23
Stochastic climate models with Lévy noise by Michael Hoegele (Part 3) 1:01:03
Dynamics of rotating fluids by Jai Sukhatme (Part 3) 1:02:46
Dynamics of rotating fluids by Jai Sukhatme (Part 4) 52:44
Introduction to hydrodynamic stability by Rama Govindarajan (Part 2) 58:32
Stirring, mixing and transport by Jean-Luc Thiffeault (Part 1) 1:00:57
Stochastic climate models with Lévy noise by Michael Hoegele (Part 3) 1:04:08
Stochastic Model Reduction in Climate Science by Georg Gottwald (Part 1) 1:03:10
Stochastic Model Reduction in Climate Science by Georg Gottwald (Part 2) 1:06:46
Stochastic Model Reduction in Climate Science by Georg Gottwald (Part 3) 1:03:09
Stochastic Model Reduction in Climate Science by Georg Gottwald (Part 4) 1:047:57
Stirring, mixing and transport by Jean-Luc Thiffeault (Part 2) 1:01:23
What can we learn about climate change from energy balance models? by J. Srinivasan 58:13
Metabolic Engineering : An Overview by Tirthankar Sengupta 13:42
Collective dynamics of drops in 2D microchannels: an agent based approach by Danny Raj M 13:23
Oscillation of droplets suspended in a convective flow field by Deepu P 14:15
Theoretical and experimental study of Brownian motion.... by Sudipta Kumar Bera 15:02
Stochastic Model Reduction in Climate Science by Georg Gottwald (Part 5) 1:02:18
Stirring, mixing and transport by Jean-Luc Thiffeault (Part 3) 59:49
Stochastic Model Reduction in Climate Science by Georg Gottwald (Part 6) 59:43
Internal waves by Dheeraj Varma, IIT Madras, Chennai 12:55
Horseshoe diffeomorphism by Mukesh Raghav, ICTS-TIFR 15:56
Instabilities of columnar vortices by Suraj Singh, IIT Madras, Chennai 13:56
A brief overview of tropical atmospheric circulation models by Vijay Prakash S 14:02
Stirring, mixing and transport by Jean-Luc Thiffeault (Part 4) 1:01:31
Bird's Eye View of the Monsoon by Ravi Nanjundiah 1:11:06
How to make mathematical candy by Jean-Luc Thiffeault 1:05:51
Soliton and Some of its Geophysical/Oceanographic Applications by M. Lakshmanan 37:26
Revisiting the slow manifold of the Lorenz- Krishnamurthy quintet by A S Vasudeva Murthy 35:13
Understanding glacier fluctuations in the Himalaya through simple models by Argha Banerjee 40:20
Droplets in Turbulent Flows by Samriddhi Sankar Ray 33:59
A geometric approach to study non conservative systems by Partha Guha 38:14
Modeling the Deep Earth by Attreyee Ghosh 36:08
Gradient descent with constraints by Vishal Vasan 35:16
Stirring by rising bubbles by Deepu P. 13:34
Stochastic Mode Reduction in Climate by Rupali Sonone 7:45
Systematic Strategies for Stochastic Mode Reduction by Mukesh Raghav 26:10
Dynamics of quasi-geostrophy by Sandeep Mohapatra 10:42
Geophysical environment of the Indian subcontinent: the hazard By Kusala Rajendran 46:08
On the connection between wave resonance, shear .. by Anirban Guha 39:27
Global modeling – A deterministic technique for modeling chaotic ..by Sylvain Mangiarotti 25:26
Quasi geostrophic dynamics near the equator by V Resmi 14:11
Two-dimensionalisation of Rotating 3D Turbulence Revisited by Shailendra Rathor 19:51
Study of Momentum Equation in one and Two Dimensions by Rupak Mukherjee 19:24
Cooling in Granular Gases by Sanjay Puri 50:49

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