

Ergodic Theory, Fractals and Groups

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist 

source: Israel Institute for Advanced Studies 2015年10月11日

Russell Lyons - Poisson-Furstenberg boundaries and the kaimanovich-vershik conjecture  (Indiana University, Bloomington) 45:17
Abért Miklós-Local convergence, cellular maps and entropy 50:57
Tamar Ziegler - Concatenations of cubic structures and applications to primes 49:00
Alexander Gorodnik -Diophantine approximation on group varieties and ergodic theory 57:47
Manfred Einsiedler -Positive entropy and (multiple) quantitative unipotent recurrence 58:14
Uri Bader-Linearity vs. non-linearity of some automorphism groups of buildings 1:00:08
Hillel Furstenberg -Affine group actions and harmonic functions 1:02:21
Damien Gaboriau- Geometric dimension in orbit equivalence 47:46
Perla Sousi - Self-interacting random walks 52:09
Lewis Bowen -Entropy theory for actions of nonamenable groups 57:17
Tim Austin -Additivity of sofic entropy and measures on model spaces 1:00:48
Brandon Seward -Cost, L^2-Betti numbers 58:11
Yuval Peres - Cutoff on Ramanujan graphs 1:02:22
Pablo Shmerkin - Geometric problems at the intersection of fractal geometry and ergodic theory 1:00:27
Peter Varju -Absolute continuity of Bernoulli convolutions 1:06:01
Jean-Francois Quint -Absolutely continuous stationary measures 43:14
Michael Hochman- Generators in Borel dynamics 54:03
Andres Karlsson -New subadditive and multiplicative ergodic theorems 52:29
Omri Sarig- Temporal distributional limit theorems for dynamical systems 55:29
Bryna Kra (Northwestern University) -Systems with low complexity 51:51
Emmanuel Breuillard -The Furstenberg boundary and C-star simple groups 1:07:27

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