

8th Young Set Theory Workshop (Compactness, Incompactness and Canonical Structures)

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source: Israel Institute for Advanced Studies     2015年10月25日
The 19th Midrasha Mathematicae - 8th Young Set Theory Workshop (Compactness, Incompactness and Canonical Structures)
Peter Sarnak, General Director (IAS Princeton)
Menachem Kojman, Codirector (Ben-Gurion University)
Menachem Magidor, Codirector (The Hebrew University)
Assaf Rinot, Codirector (Bar-Ilan University)
Saharon Shelah, Codirector (The Hebrew University)
The aims of the “Young Set Theory Workshops” are to bring together young researchers in the domain of set theory and give them the opportunity to learn from each other and from experts in a friendly environment. A long-term objective of this series of workshops is to create and maintain a network of young set theorists and senior researchers, so as to establish working contacts and help disseminate knowledge in the field.

Laura Fontanella -Reflection and Anti-reflection at the Successor of a Singular Cardinal (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) 57:01
Diego A. Mejia (Vienna University of Technology) Many different values in Cichon's diagram 52:51
Boaz Tsaban -Applications of PCF theory and forcing theory to free topological groups 54:45
W. Hugh Woodin-The HOD Dichotomy, weak extender models, and universality 1:04:01
Martin Zeman - A panoramic view of inner model theory for not so small/large cardinals 1:01:47
Menachem Magidor - Compactness and Incompactness at small Cardinals 57:54
Peter Komjath- The chromatic number of infinite graphs 59:06
Yizheng Zhu (Westfälische Wilhelms Universität, Münster) The higher sharp 54:14
W. Hugh Woodin (Harvard University) The coding obstruction 1:01:43
Martin Zeman -A panoramic view of inner model theory for not so small/large cardinals II 1:05:52
Menachem Magidor - Compactness and Incompactness at small Cardinals II 58:04
Peter Komjath - The chromatic number of infinite graphs II 59:31
W. Hugh Woodin (Harvard University) The comparison obstruction 1:03:41
Menachem Magidor -Compactness and Incompactness at small Cardinals III 1:02:26
Peter Komjath -The chromatic number of infinite graphs III 55:40
Andrew Marks - Baire measurable paradoxical decompositions via matchings 54:00
Martin Zeman -A panoramic view of inner model theory for not so small/large cardinals III 1:08:14
Menachem Magidor - Compactness and Incompactness at small Cardinals IV 1:06:36
Peter Komjath (Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE)) The chromatic number of infinite graphs IV 57:59
W. Hugh Woodin (Harvard University) The amenability obstruction 1:12:37
Saharon Shelah (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Iterated forcings for inaccessible cardinals 1:05:57
Martin Zeman-A panoramic view of inner model theory for not so small/large cardinals IV 1:05:46
Diana Ojeda-Aristizabal-Topological partition relations for ordinals below w^w 1:03:23
Ari Brodsky (Bar-Ilan University) A new framework for Souslin-tree constructions 52:11
Menachem Kojman (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) The arithmetic of Density 58:35

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