

University of California Television (UCTV) [videos of February 2017]

source: University of California Television (UCTV)
2:03 Boost Your Flexibility (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Improving flexibility increases your independence while also decreasing the likelihood of a fall. Lowen Cattolico, UCSF Medical Center, discusses how mobility is import...
59:00 The Voice of Your Brother’s Blood: The Murder of a Town in Eastern Galicia with Omer Bartov (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Omer Bartov, the John P. Birkelund Distinguished Professor of European History and German Studies at Brown University, explores the dynamics of the horrifying genocidal...
0:36 UCTV Promo March 2017 (Movies Behind-The-Scenes; Approach Towards China; Microbiomes and Aging) (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) UCTV This Month: Get an inside look at the movie-making process, from script-to-screen; Experts present recommendations for the Trump Administration; Discover how the m...
 3:38 The Future of Social Security and Medicare (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Stan Collender, author and professional commentator on the federal budget, brings his sense of humor to ponder the future of both Social Security and Medicare. Watch th...
1:28:14 An Evening with Tim Wise: A White Anti-Racist Advocate (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Author and anti-racist activist Tim Wise speaks about the importance of being a white ally to communities of color, and how we can all work together to create a healthi...
56:00 How Should The US Approach China?-- Winston Lord Orville Schell and Susan Shirk (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) With a new administration in the White House, maintaining what is perhaps the country’s most crucial bilateral relationship remains a critical issue. Members of a high-...
1:27:08 The Genius of Judaism (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Bernard-Henri Levy vistited the UCSB campus to discuss his new book The Genius of Judaism. In this provocative book he demonstrates that hatred of Jews, anti-Semitism, ...
57:48 Human Longevity and Preventative Medicine with J. Craig Venter (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) The Rady School of Management at UC San Diego presents J. Craig Venter, the Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of Human Longevity Inc. as the keynote speaker for its 201...
2:09 An Unusual Primate: The Human (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Steven Pinker, Professor of Psychology at Harvard, describes the uniqueness of human beings. Pinker discusses three distinct human traits which have led to the age of m...
1:26:03 Spinal Cord Injury Management in the First 4 Hours (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Urgent medical attention is critical to minimize the effects of any head or neck trauma. Dr. William Whetstone, UCSF professor of emergency medicine, and Dr. Lisa Pascu...
1:23:51 Public Health and Injury Prevention: Gun Violence and Traffic Deaths (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Dr. Jahan Fahimi, a UCSF emergency room physician, looks at the need for firearms research to inform clinical and public health interventions. And Leilani Schwarcz expl...
59:48 Rare Disorders: Why Should You Care? - Exploring Ethics (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv) Collectively rare disorders are more prevalent than cancer and many other commonly known diseases. It might seem obvious that something that is rare should warrant littl...
27:29 Falstaff (2017) - San Diego Opera Spotlight (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Spotlight continues its 20th season with an in-depth exploration of San Diego Opera's production of FALSTAFF, Giuseppe Verdi's third Shakespearean adaptation and his fi...
1:55 Opioid Use: An American Epidemic (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Ramana Naidu, MD, argues that Opioid abuse is not a pandemic but rather an American epidemic. Americans constitute 4.6% of the world's population and consume 80% of the...
1:18:53 Living With Traumatic Brain Injury (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Traumatic brain injury results from an impact to the head that disrupts normal brain function. Dr. Phiroz Tarapore looks at strategies for treating patients with chroni...
7:00 CalWave (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) At CalWave, Marcus Lehmann is developing the WaveCarpet, which harnesses the power of ocean waves to produce electricity and freshwater. Series: "Science at the Theat...
8:17 Nanoscale Sponges for Carbon Capture (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Removing excess carbon from an overheating atmosphere is an urgent and complicated problem. The answer, according to Berkeley Lab’s Jeff Urban, could lie at the nanosca...
38:47 QandA and Close for Influence of Early Experience on Adult Brain Organization and Function (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Question and Answer session and closing remarks for the Kavli Institute for Brain and Mind's symposium Influence of Early Experience on Adult Brain Organization and Fun...
9:07 Energy-Efficient Desalination (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Current desalination techniques require huge amounts of energy and generate large amounts of environmental waste. Berkeley Lab’s Chinmayee Subban, a Cornell PhD, leads ...
1:28:04 Disaster Response and the Asiana Plane Crash (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv) Drs. Clement Yeh and Rachael Callcut reflect on the response to the deadly Asiana Airlines Flight 214 crash at San Francisco International Airport. Yeh, an emergency phy...
8:36 MyGreenCar (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) A Berkeley Lab scientist specializing in all things vehicular—from powertrain technologies, vehicle electrification and vehicle-grid integration to advanced engine tech...
8:15 DIY Efficient Windows (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Replacing millions of porous windows with energy-efficient versions in older buildings and homes can be prohibitively expensive. Berkeley Lab’s Raymond Weitekamp, a Cal...
2:12 Facebook Confronts Fake News (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Garance Burke discusses AP’s new partnership with Facebook aimed at debunking fake news. Burke shares her experiences and insights with civil rights attorney Jonathan ...
8:48 Recycling CO2 (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Kendra Kuhl co-founded Opus 12 to find out if an electrochemical process, operating inside a desk-sized reactor, can do on an industrial scale what is often hailed as t...
3:50 Famous Ramayana Epic Now in Modern English (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) UC Berkeley professors, Robert and Sally Goldman, led the 40-year project to translate the Sanskrit epic poem Valmiki Ramayana to modern English. Series: "UC Berkeley ...
3:16 SALTO - Berkeley's Leaping Robot (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Robotics at UC Berkeley have designed a small robot that can leap into the air and then spring off a wall, or perform multiple vertical jumps in a row, resulting in the...
52:23 Empirical Studies of Conflict: Implications for ISIS and Syria featuring Eli Berman (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Eli Berman, a former soldier for the Israel Defense Forces and now the research director for security studies for the UC Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation an...
1:58 How Does Your Brain Decode Garbled Speech? (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) When you're suddenly able to understand someone despite their thick accent, or finally make out the lyrics of a song, your brain appears to be re-tuning to recognize sp...
25:43 Integrating Immigrants with Mary C. Waters and John Skrentny (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Sociologist Mary C. Waters of Harvard University paints a comprehensive and compelling picture of the immigrant experience in the United States. As the chair of a recen...
3:26 Supercharging the Immune System to Cure Disease (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Doctors have had great success using vaccines to boost the immune system to fight infectious diseases like smallpox and measles, but only recently have immune system bo...
54:52 Innovations in Trauma Care (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv) Drs. Lucy Kornblith and Aaron Kornblith provide an overview of advances in trauma care and the impact they are having. Recorded on 11/17/2016. Series: "UCSF Osher Center...
57:58 Seven Years With Mantas: A Journey of Discovery (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Oceanic Manta Rays (Manta birostris) are increasingly caught in targeted fisheries for their gill rakers, fueled by demand as a pseudo-remedy in traditional Chinese med...
1:24:53 Introduction to Trauma (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) UCSF doctors present an overview of the concepts of injury survey in trauma patients when time is critical. Recorded on 10/13/2016. Series: "UCSF Osher Center for Inte...
9:53 Introduction to Influence of Early Experience on Adult Brain Organization and Function (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Introduction and opening remarks to the Kavli Institute for Brain and Mind's symposium Influence of Early Experience on Adult Brain Organization and Function. Series: "...
19:32 The Challenge of Integration (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) The Salk Institute's Terry Sejnowski provides a lively exploration of the challenges inherent in understanding the complexity of the human brain from the molecular to t...
18:20 Tracing the Path from Spontaneous Mutation to Neurobiology in Autism Spectrum Disorders (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) UC San Francisco's Matthew State provides a fascinating account of how the explosion of access to genetic information has led to a much deeper understanding of Autism a...
20:35 Using Neurobiology to Overcome Genetic and Environmental Adversity (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv) MIT's Mark Bear presents a fascinating account of how understanding neural plasticity, or the ability to modify the function of neurons, led to a novel treatment for vis...
20:32 How Immune Cells Sculpt Developing Synaptic Circuits (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Harvard University's Beth Stevens reveals how understanding the role of immune cells in neural development may lead to better understanding and treatment of neurologica...
20:00 Making an Old Brain Young? From Developmental Critical Periods to Alzheimer's Disease (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) 2016 Kavli Prize recipient Carla Shatz from Stanford University presents a lively exploration of how understanding early stages of neural development may be leading to ...
20:10 The Amazing Teen Brain (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) UC San Diego adolescent psychiatrist Jay Giedd provides a fascinating explanation of why the teen brain is truly amazing, explaining how the critical period of neurolog...
19:49 The Neurobiology of the Parental Brain (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) From mice to primates to humans, Harvard University's Catherine Dulac provides a fascinating account of research that reveals the specific factors in the brain that gov...
18:06 The Effects of Early Life Stress on Brain and Behavior (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Yale University's BJ Casey shares an in-depth look into the detrimental effects on the brain resulting in behavioral and developmental impairment caused by stress durin...
17:28 Early Brain Trajectories and Evolving Oscillations: Template for Mature Function? (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Rutgers University's April Benasich shares research into how critical periods of language acquisition in infants has lifetime effects, and also presents opportunities f...
54:47 Early Brain and Mature Function;Brain Development and Alzheimer’s Disease; Challenges of Integration (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Three fascinating presentations reveal how exploring changes during critical periods of brain development may lead to interventions, therapies and perhaps cures to cond...
57:14 Regulating Synaptic DevelopmentTreating Synaptic Dysfunction Understanding Mutations in Autism (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Three fascinating presentations show how explorations into synaptic development and genetic mutation are revealing pathways to better interventions for neurological imp...
3:31 The Art of Messaging: Start with Shared Values (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Messaging expert Anat Shenker-Osorio argues that the most effective way to change minds is not through the traditional “anger, hope, action” model, but instead to estab...
1:20:18 Preparing for Transition and Gender Affirming Surgery (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv) This program looks at the process of preparing for transition and gender affirming surgery. Because sex reassignment surgery is just one step for transitioning people, t...
55:50 Early Life Stress on Brain and Behavior; The Parental Brain; The Amazing Teen Brain (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Three fascinating presentations explain how deeper understanding of neurological development reveals the basis of behavior and what factors can cause behavioral impairm...

Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory 2016 (CERN Winter School)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: GraduatePhysics     2017年2月28日
Lectures at CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory 2016 held at CERN, Feb1-5, 2016.
Event website: https://indico.cern.ch/event/439879

Douglas Stanford - Chaos in QFT and black holes - Lecture 1 1:01:28
Angel Uranga - String theory model building for particles physics and cosmology - Lecture 1 59:56
Angel Uranga - String theory model building for particles physics and cosmology - Lecture 2 1:00:42
Angel Uranga - String theory model building for particles physics and cosmology - Lecture 3 59:38
Angel Uranga - String theory model building for particles physics and cosmology - Lecture 4 1:04:06
Douglas Stanford - Chaos in QFT and black holes - Lecture 1 (better quality) 20:42
Douglas Stanford - Chaos in QFT and black holes - Lecture 2 (better quality) 1:02:40
Douglas Stanford - Chaos in QFT and black holes - Lecture 3 (better quality) 58:51
Douglas Stanford - Chaos in QFT and black holes - Lecture 4 (better quality) 1:06:08
Beate Heinemann - Update on LHC searches 1:01:50
Jonathan Heckman - Top down approaches to 6d SCFTs - Lecture 1 1:02:31
Jonathan Heckman - Top down approaches to 6d SCFTs - Lecture 2 1:04:44
Jonathan Heckman - Top down approaches to 6d SCFTs - Lecture 3 1:06:01
Sean Hartnoll - Some condensed matter challenges for high energy theorists - Lecture 1 1:05:02
Sean Hartnoll - Some condensed matter challenges for high energy theorists - Lecture 2 1:02:35
Sean Hartnoll - Some condensed matter challenges for high energy theorists - Lecture 3 52:23
Sean Hartnoll - Some condensed matter challenges for high energy theorists - Lecture 4 1:08:14

Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory 2015 (CERN Winter School)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist 

source: GraduatePhysics    2017年3月16日
Event website: https://indico.cern.ch/event/307465
Lectures at CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory 2015 held at CERN, Feb2-6, 2015.
Event website: https://indico.cern.ch/event/307465

Francesco Benini - Exact results in SUSY gauge theories - Lecture 1 1:00:50
Francesco Benini - Exact results in SUSY gauge theories - Lecture 2 59:48
Francesco Benini - Exact results in SUSY gauge theories - Lecture 3 1:04:15
Francesco Benini - Exact results in SUSY gauge theories - Lecture 4 1:07:56
Ashoke Sen - Aspects of superstring perturbation theory - Lecture 1 1:09:35
Ashoke Sen - Aspects of superstring perturbation theory - Lecture 2 58:42
Ashoke Sen - Aspects of superstring perturbation theory - Lecture 3 58:26
Ashoke Sen - Aspects of superstring perturbation theory - Lecture 4 1:06:54
Daniel Baumann - Inflation and string theory - Lecture 1 57:05
Daniel Baumann - Inflation and string theory - Lecture 2 1:04:50
Daniel Baumann - Inflation and string theory - Lecture 3 1:04:27
Daniel Baumann - Inflation and string theory - Lecture 4 1:04:06
Marco Battaglia - Status and expectations from LHC Run 2 1:03:31
Claude Duhr - New methods for scattering amplitudes - Lecture 2 1:04:38
Claude Duhr - New methods for scattering amplitudes - Lecture 4 58:03
Claude Duhr - New methods for scattering amplitudes - Lecture 3 1:00:07
Claude Duhr - New methods for scattering amplitudes - Lecture 1 1:01:22

ADHD - Understanding the Superpowers Within [Stacey Turis]

source: GoogleTechTalks    2017年3月3日
A Google TechTalk, 10/28/16, presented by Stacey Turis.
ABSTRACT: Stacey Turis is an entrepreneur living with ADHD and giftedness who earned her degree in broadcast journalism from Wichita State University in Kansas. She co-produced and hosted a TV show for a FOX affiliate before pursuing a career in advertising, then graphic design, then market research, then photography, then IT, then acting, then Yoga instruction, then...

In 2012, Stacey self-published the Amazon best-selling memoir, “Here’s to Not Catching Our Hair on Fire”, and also began to manage the now successful Reggae Band, Niu Roots; a job she finally loved enough to stick around for, and still does passionately to this day.
She has, through the years, unsuccessfully started twenty-seven businesses and can't remember most of them; though she does remember every lesson those un-successes taught her. She loves speaking to groups of the same kind of wacky folks, where she's not afraid to stop mid-speech and ask, "What was I just talking about?"
Stacey lives in Southern California with her husband, two kids, a dog, three cats, and a guinea pig.
Other cool things about Stacey
I have the largest ADHD Facebook page on the globe - https://www.facebook.com/ADHDSuperhero
Best-Selling book on Amazon - https://amzn.com/0983827508
Named Top 10 ADHD Blogger in 2013 by Dr. Oz's Sharecare - https://about.sharecare.com/press-rel...
Owner of the largest on-line ADHD Facebook Group Support Page - 9,000 + members

Real Analysis with Ole Christensen

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: DTUdk     2013年2月6日
01325 Mathematics 4 Real Analysis F13
Course website: http://www2.mat.dtu.dk/education/01325/
Here the link http://www2.mat.dtu.dk/education/01325/overview.htm gives all the information about the course. Each week it is updated with new files, containing the program for lectures, problem sessions and home work for the subsequent week, as well as selected solutions.
Course material: We use the book O. Christensen: Functions, Spaces, and Expansions, Birkhauser 2010. Best Regards, Ole.

Normed Vector Spaces Part 1 51:54
Lecture with Ole Christensen. Kapitler: 00:00 - Introduction; 06:45 - Vector Spaces; 07:15 - Example 1; 12:00 - Mathematical Tool - Fourier Transform; 17:00 - Example 2; 20:00 - Example 3; 23:00 - New Concept - Norm; 27:45 - Lemma 2.1.2 - The Opposite Triangle Inequality; 35:15 - Convergence; 39:30 - Exact Definition; 41:45 - Goal; 43:15 - Subspaces; 44:15 - Characterisation Of A Subspace; 46:15 - Example: A Trigonometric Polynomial;
Normed Vector Spaces Part 2 51:38
Banach Spaces part 1 48:52
Banach Spaces part 2 52:21
Hilbert Spaces part 1 50:18
Hilbert Spaces part 2 55:55
Adjoint Operator Part 1 43:08
Adjoint Operator Part 2 54:35
Lecture 5 Lp Spaces on the real line 50:59
Lp Spaces On The Real Line part 2 50:49
More On Lp And L2 Spaces Part 1 48:00
More On Lp And L2 Spaces Part 2 55:37
More On Operators On L2 Part 1 52:34
Orthonormal Bases Vs Fourier Series Part 2 46:37
Approximation Theory Part 1 48:32
Approximation Theory Part 2 53:28
The Fourier Transform Part 1 47:42
The Fourier Transform Part 2 50:20
Fourier Transform And Wavelets Part 1 47:32
The Fourier Transform And Wavelets Part 2 51:09
Wavelets And Multiresolution Analysis Part 1 51:54
Wavelets And Multiresolution Analysis Part 2 54:10
Wavelets And B-Splines Part 1 43:50
Wavelets And B-Splines Part 2 59:57
Special Functions And Diff. Equation Course Evaluation 1:16:49
Banachrum Del 2 51:25
L^p-rum Del 1 52:59
Operatorer på Hilbertrum Del 1 55:45
Lp og L2 Del 2 56:10
Lp og L2 Del 2 56:10
Fouriertransformationer Del 1 50:10
[deleted video]
L^p-rum Del 2 52:36
L^p-rum Del 2 52:36
Lp og L2 Del 1 48:52
[deleted video]
Fouriertransformationer Del 2 50:31
Fouriertransformationer Del 2 50:31
Banachrum Del 1 49:31
Banachrum Del 1 49:31
[deleted video]
Intro til Vektorrum Del 1 51:03
Operatorer på Hilbertrum Del 2 47:58
Test Del 1 0:30
Operatorer på Hilbertrum Del 2 47:58
Approximationsteori Del 1 42:19
Approximationsteori Del 1 42:19
Hilbertrum Del 1 49:45
L2 og ONB's Del 1 49:02
Intro til Vektorrum Del 2 54:44
L2 og ONB's Del 2 46:27
Hilbertrum Del 2 43:50
Approximationsteori Del 2 55:17
Anvendelse af Fouriertransformation Del 1 54:11
Anvendelse af Fouriertransformation Del 2 53:34
Wavelets Del 1 54:59
Wavelets Del 2 1:04:06
Wavelets og B-splines Del 1 37:32
Wavelets og B-splines Del 2 55:58
Specielle funktioner Del 1 1:17:32

(italiano / in Italian) Misure e Strumentazioni Industriali by Francesco Paolo Branca & Francesco Angrilli / UniNettuno

# playlist of the 40 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: Ryo Saeba 2014年12月4日
Misure e Strumentazioni Industriali

(italiano / in Italian) Programmazione Ad Oggetti In Java by Giovanni Malnati / UniNettuno

# playlist of the 26 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: Ryo Saeba     2012年11月9日
UniNettuno - Programmazione Ad Oggetti In Java (Programming For Objects In Java)
Il corso introduce la metodologia di programmazione ad oggetti e ne mostra l'utilizzo con il linguaggio Java.
Partendo dai concetti fondamentali di classe ed oggetto, il corso presenta il processo di modellazione ed astrazione della realtà attraverso i costrutti, le tecniche e le interfacce che il linguaggio mette a disposizione, allo scopo di far crescere nello studente la capacità di progettare e realizzare sistemi di complessità medio/alta.
Introduzione a Java, installazione e compilazione Modellare la realtà con gli oggetti Tipi di dati in Java Costrutti di programmazione e gestione degli errori Librerie di classi Java Interfacce utente di tipo grafico Integrazione con le basi di dati
Si assume che lo studente conosca i concetti base legati alla programmazione ed abbia una buona familiarità con un linguaggio per la programmazione strutturata (C, Pascal, ...) e sappia utilizzare i relativi strumenti di sviluppo (editor, compilatore, debugger).

(italiano / in Italian) Chimica del Restauro by Pio Baldi / UniNettuno

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: Ryo Saeba    2013年1月24日
UniNettuno - Chimica del Restauro (Restoration Chemistry)
Nel contribuire al completamento della formazione di carattere tecnico-diagnostico-materico-conservativo dell'operatore dei beni culturali, insieme con le discipline: "Conservazione e trattamento dei materiali" e "Chimica dell'ambiente", il presente Corso si prefigge l'intento di fornire quella conoscenza sugli interventi e sui prodotti da impiegare allo scopo di restituire la relativa leggibilità e l'uso agli oggetti d'arte e di cultura. A tal riguardo sono presi in esame gli aspetti non solo di ordine chimico e fisico, ma anche strutturale e morfologico, che consentono così di effettuare una completa e corretta sequenza di atti rivolti a mantenere le cose di interesse culturale in condizioni ottimali di integrità e funzionalità.
Tutela e valorizzazione
Il restauro e la sua evoluzione nel tempo: dai primordi alla teoria brandiana e alle Carte del restauro
Le metodologie scientifiche per lo studio dei beni culturali
La Normativa Materiali Lapidei (Nor.Ma.L.)
La Carta del Rischio del Patrimonio Culturale
Interazione fra materiali dei beni culturali e prodotti per il restauro:
Caratterizzazione / classificazione dei materiali
Caratterizzazione dei processi di alterazione-degradazione
Proprietà dei prodotti impiegati negli interventi di restauro
Controllo dell'efficacia degli interventi
Invecchiamento dei prodotti applicati nel restauro
Prodotti e controllo dell'efficienza negli interventi di restauro dei materiali:
Lapidei artificiali
Di origine organica (avorio, legno, tessuti e carta)
Casi di studio:
Manufatti in pietra
Manufatti in ceramica
Manufatti musivi
Su alcune applicazioni di metodologie scientifiche per il controllo del sistema "manufatto-ambiente":
Individuazione di un percorso metodologico per la realizzazione di un intervento conservativo: la Chiesa di Santa Maria del Parto (Sutri-Viterbo)
Valutazione dello stato di conservazione di manufatti di interesse storico-artistico nelle sale del Museo Nazionale di Castel Sant'Angelo (Roma)
Considerazioni sull'intervento di restauro della facciata della Basilica di San Pietro
Idoneità dei prodotti per il restauro, la conservazione e la manutenzione dei beni culturali
La valutazione tecnico-economica nel settore dei beni culturali
Testi di base:
C. FIORI, S. LORUSSO, R. PENTRELLA, Restauro, manutenzione, conservazione dei beni culturali: materiali, prodotti, tecniche, a cura di S. Lorusso e F. Prestileo, Pitagora Editrice, Bologna, 2002.
S. LORUSSO, La diagnostica per il controllo del sistema manufatto-ambiente, Pitagora Editrice, Bologna, 2002.
S. LORUSSO, B. SCHIPPA, Le metodologie scientifiche per lo studio dei beni culturali. Diagnosi e valutazione tecnico-economica, Pitagora Editrice, Bologna 2002.
S. LORUSSO, La tutela e la valorizzazione dei manufatti di interesse storico in archeologia navale, Pitagora Editrice, Bologna, 2004.
Approfondimenti bibliografici
Teoria del restauro, C. BRANDI, Einaudi, 2000, escluse appendici, ma compresa Carta del restauro 1972

Lez 01 Introduzione 53:17
Lez 02 Accenni sul restauro dei monumentil I parte 41:48
Lez 03 Accenni sul restauro dei monumenti II parte 39:43
Lez 04 Accenni sul Restauro dei Monumenti III parte 39:41
Lez 05 Il restauro preventivo I parte 39:42
Lez 06 Il restauro preventivo II parte 40:13
Lez 07 Il colore dell'architettura storia, tecnica, progetto I parte 40:50
Lez 08 Il colore dell'architettura storia, tecnica, progetto II parte 40:44
Lez 09 I materiali delle opere d'arte e la loro interazione 40:19
Lez 10 Materiali lapidei, caratterizzazione e classificazione 41:25
Lez 11 Il degrado di materiali lapidei Pulitura 40:23
Lez 12 Protettivi e consolidanti Sistema acqua pietra 39:31
Lez 13 Trattamenti consolidanti e protettivi 41:24
Lez 14 Protettivi e consolidanti 39:09
Lez 15 Consolidanti Organici I parte 38:24
Lez 16 Consolidanti Organici II parte alt 41:42
Lez 17 Materiali lapidei artificiali Malte leganti, intonaci e stucchi 41:39
Lez 18 Ceramica Classificazione Degrado Conservazione Restauro 40:37
Lez 19 Vetro Tipologie, degrado, prodotti per il restauro 41:22
Lez 20 Metalli, leghe, fenomeni e prodotti di corrosione 42:59
Lez 21 Materiali di natura o origine organica Avori e Tessuti degrado 42:29
Lez 22 Relitti subacquei degrado e restauro Tessuti degrado e restauro 41:15
Lez 23 Degrado e restauro Considerazioni ed esempi 40:20
Lez 24 Degrado e restauro Scienza e disciplina 45:33
Lez 25 Notizie di cantiere da una fabbrica romana del primo 600 alt 40:26
Lez 26 La rocca di Cantalice 39:43
Lez 27 e acque meteoriche ed i materiali di copertura 40:24
Lez 28 Le acque meteoriche ed i materiali di rivestimento Intonaci Decorativi 40:15
Lez 29 Inquinamenti Da Traffico Urbano tra innovazioni urbanistiche 40:34
Lez 30 Quando la terra trema 1976 terremoti in Friuli 40:18
Lez 31 Il degrado ambientale e le trasformazioni urbane e monumentali 40:35
Lez 32 Restauro monumentale come restauro ambientale alt 40:49
Lez 33 recupero ambientale e restauro urbano 41:04
Lez 34 Restauro ambientale tra centro antico e periferia alt 40:02
Lez 35  38:35
Lez 36 Tutela e valorizzazione dei beni culturali 39:37
Lez 37 Il restauro e la sua evoluzione nel tempo I parte alt 40:09
Lez 38 Il restauro e la sua evoluzione nel tempo II parte alt 41:27
Lez 39 Il restauro e la sua evoluzione nel tempo III parte 40:21
Lez 40  43:03

(italiano / in Italian) Elementi di Teoria dei Sistemi by Salvatore Monaco / UniNettuno

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: Ryo Saeba    2012年11月19日
UniNettuno - Elementi di Teoria dei Sistemi (Elements of Systems Theory)
Scopo del corso è introdurre ai principali metodi di studio dei sistemi dinamici orientati con particolare riferimento alla classe dei sistemi lineari e stazionari, a tempo continuo e a tempo discreto.
Contenuti Sistemi dinamici orientati e rappresentazioni con lo stato. Rappresentazioni differenziali e alle differenze, lineari e stazionarie. Analisi nel dominio del tempo Analisi nel dominio della variabile complessa Studio del comportamento in frequenza Funzione di trasferimento e problemi di realizzazione. Elementi di teoria della stabilità Proprietà della struttura interna Sistemi interconnessi: calcolo del modello
Matematica II, Fisica II.

01 Definizione di Sistema 44:51
02 I Sistemi allo studio 46:21
03 Un'introduzione ai metodi 40:53
04 Rappresentazioni approssimate 41:26
05 Analisi nel tempo delle rappresentazioni lineari 42:14
06 La matrice di transizione 42:50
07 I modi naturali nei sistemi a tempo continuo 41:57
08 I sistemi a tempo discreto analisi nel tempo 42:31
09 50:22
10 Il regime permanente e il comportamento in frequenza 49:27
11 41:54
12 Le rappresentazioni grafiche della risposta armonica 46:42
13 40:53
14 47:10
15 Analisi nel dominio complesso il caso generale 41:10
16 42:21
17 Ancora sul calcolo delle rappresentazioni con lo stato 44:27
18 La stabilità definizioni e condizioni 46:23
19 La stabilità interna dei sistemi lineari 48:51
20 Il metodo di Lyapunov per lo studio della stabilità 40:44
21 40:35
22 La scomposizione di Kalman 41:16
23 40:02
24 51:24
25 Una sintesi 47:17

Nanoscale Sponges for Carbon Capture

source: University of California Television (UCTV)    2017年2月15日
(Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Removing excess carbon from an overheating atmosphere is an urgent and complicated problem. The answer, according to Berkeley Lab’s Jeff Urban, could lie at the nanoscale. Series: "Science at the Theater" [2/2017] [Science] [Show ID: 31940]

Energy-Efficient Desalination

source: University of California Television (UCTV)    2017年2月14日
(Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Current desalination techniques require huge amounts of energy and generate large amounts of environmental waste. Berkeley Lab’s Chinmayee Subban, a Cornell PhD, leads a desalination research project that simultaneously reduces environmental waste and energy use by incorporating an innovative mix of low-cost materials. Series: "Science at the Theater" [2/2017] [Science] [Show ID: 31937]

(בעברית / in Hebrew) עשרת הדברות על תרבות ישראלית (Ten Commandments on Israeli culture)

# playlist of the 11 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: Hebrew University of Jerusalem    2012年3月22日
עשרת הדברות על תרבות ישראלית
פרופ' גד יאיר
תיאור הקורס:
2 נ"ז, שו"ת פרופ' גד יאיר בקורס זה נחקור קודים עמוקים בתרבות הישראלית ונבחן כיצד הם מכוננים את הזהות הישראלית. הקורס מניח כי ישנה "זהות ישראלית" קולקטיבית, וכי לזהות זו יש מאפיינים יציבים יחסית מעבר לקבוצת מוצא ומגדר. הקורס יתבסס על ניתוח של מגוון חומרים - חלקם ישנים וחלקם חדשים - כאשר בכל זירה או אתר שנבקר נחלץ את המאפיין התרבותי העמוק של הישראליות (למשל, ב"ארץ נהדרת"). הקורס יתבסס על דיונים סביב חומר הקריאה, ויצריך מאמץ שבועי באיסוף חומר אמפירי ובניתוח. הקורס פתוח גם בעבור תלמידי 'אבני פינה' - תחום חברתי.
Prof. Gad Yair

Astronomy (Spring 2017) with Bruce Betts at California State University

# playlist (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: csuDHTV     2017年1月24日
PHY195 Astronomy (Spring 2017) taught by Bruce Betts of The Planetary Society for undergraduates and astronomy enthusiast
www.youtube.com/csudhtv [Please Subscribe]
Take a tour of the Solar System in class of Dr. Bruce Betts' 2017 online Introductory Planetary Science and Astronomy course at California State University Dominguez Hills. The lecture moves outward through the Solar System (including moons and ring systems of planets): Mercury, Venus, Earth Moon, Mars, asteroids, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Eris, Trans Neptunian Objects, and comets. For more information on the class, see http://planetary.org/bettsclass

Astronomy (Spring 2016) with Bruce Betts

# playlist of the 14 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: csuDHTV    2016年2月3日
PHY195 Astronomy (Spring 2016) taught by Bruce Betts of The Planetary Society for undergraduates and astronomy enthusiast
www.youtube.com/csudhtv [Please Subscribe]
Take a tour of the Solar System in class 1 of Dr. Bruce Betts' 2015 online Introductory Planetary Science and Astronomy course at California State University Dominguez Hills. The lecture moves outward through the Solar System (including moons and ring systems of planets): Mercury, Venus, Earth Moon, Mars, asteroids, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Eris, Trans Neptunian Objects, and comets. For more information on the class, see http://planetary.org/bettsclass

Astronomy (Spring 2015) with Bruce Betts

# playlist of the 13 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: csuDHTV     2015年2月5日
PHY195 Astronomy (Spring 2015) taught by Bruce Betts of The Planetary Society for undergraduates and astronomy enthusiast
www.youtube.com/csudhtv [Please Subscribe]
Take a tour of the Solar System in class 1 of Dr. Bruce Betts' 2015 online Introductory Planetary Science and Astronomy course at California State University Dominguez Hills. The lecture moves outward through the Solar System (including moons and ring systems of planets): Mercury, Venus, Earth Moon, Mars, asteroids, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Eris, Trans Neptunian Objects, and comets. For more information on the class, see http://planetary.org/bettsclass

Astronomy (Spring 2014) by Bruce Betts at California State University

# playlist of the 13 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: csuDHTV     2014年2月6日
PHY195 Astronomy (Spring 2014) taught by Bruce Betts of The Planetary Society for undergraduates and astronomy enthusiasts
Subscribe: www.youtube.com/csudhtv
"Tour of the Solar System"
Take a tour of the Solar System in class 1 of Dr. Bruce Betts' 2014 online Introductory Planetary Science and Astronomy course at California State University Dominguez Hills. The lecture moves outward through the Solar System (including moons and ring systems of planets): Mercury, Venus, Earth Moon, Mars, asteroids, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Eris, Trans Neptunian Objects, and comets. For more information on the class, see http://planetary.org/bettsclass 


Hannah Arendt: The Human Condition

source: The Partially Examined Life    2017年2月27日
Mark Linsenmayer, Seth Paskin, Wes Alwan, and Dylan Casey at the Pittsburgh Continental Philosophy Network Conference 9/26/15. For the edited audio version, check out http://partiallyexaminedlife.com/2015....

Sticking together: microbes and their role in forming sediment (Lyell Meeting 2017)

source: GeologicalSociety  7 March 2017
12:14 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking together: microbes and their role in forming sediments Visualising the Role of Microbes in the Development of Sediment Flocs - Jonathan Wheatland (Queen Mary University of London, UK)
10:14 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking together: microbes and their role in forming sediments How far can biostabilisation go via EPS-mediated sediment erosion process? - Xindi Chen (Hohai University, China)
10:57 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking together: microbes and their role in forming sediments Microbial mat sandwiches and other anactualistic sedimentary features of the Ediacara Member (Rawnsley Quartzite, South Australia): Implications for interpretation of the Ediacaran sedimentary reco...
14:17 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking together: microbes and their role in forming sediments Microbial transport and soil integrity in drylands - David Elliott (University of Derby, UK)
16:00 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking together: microbes and their role in forming sediments Microbially-influenced Architectural Preservation in Aeolian Bedforms - Robin Westerman
15:59 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking together: microbes and their role in forming sediments Subaqueous sedimentary cracks: evidence for a microbial contribution - Sean McMahon (Yale University, USA)
16:15 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking together: microbes and their role in forming sediments Not just along for the ride - the influence of extracellular polymeric substances on fine-grained sediment gravity flows - Melissa Craig (University of Adelaide, Australia)
15:48 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking together: microbes and their role in forming sediments The combined effects of cyclic particle flux and anaerobic oxidation of methane support growth of a laminated seep bioherm off Pakistan (northern Arabian Sea) - Tobias Himmler (University of Bremen...
17:36 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking Together: microbes and their role in forming sediments Modern and ancient biosignatures in sabkha-associated microbial mats - Cees van der Land (Newcastle University, UK)
14:11 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking Together: microbes and their role in forming sediments Oxygenic and anoxygenic photosynthesis in a microbial mat from an anoxic and sulfidic spring - Dirk de Beer (Max-Planck-Institute for Marine Microbiology, Germany)
16:20 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking Together: microbes and their role in forming sediments Abiotic vs biotic-influenced carbonate nucleation: towards identifying their unique textural signatures - Ramon Mercedes-Martin (University of Hull, UK)
16:33 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking together: microbes and their role in forming sediments Microbial mats as agents in the formation of discoidal pseudofossils: observations from the Ediacaran Longmyndian Supergroup, Shropshire, England - Latha Menon (University of Oxford, UK)
16:41 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking Together: microbes and their role in forming sediments Microbial activity as a key control on fluvial-aeolian landscapes in the Cambrian - Arnold Reesink (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
15:44 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking Together: microbes and their role in forming sediments Microbial mat ecology in lacustrine settings at the Meso-Neoproterozoic boundary - Paul Strother, Weston Observatory of Boston College, USA.
38:15 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking Together: microbes and their role in forming sediments KEYNOTE: Biofilms and Sediment: a 'Geobiological Tango' - Christophe Dupraz, University of Stockholm, Sweden
16:03 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking Together: microbes and their role in forming sediments Travertine ridges and microbialite reefs: a rock record of GSL shorelines at Lakeside, Utah - Peter Homewood, Geosolutions TRD & University of Fribourg, Switzerland
15:49 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking Together: microbes and their role in forming sediments Hydrodynamic effects on the structure and functioning of reservoir biofilms: A flume investigation - Sabine Gerbersdorf, Stuttgart University, Germany