

ADHD - Understanding the Superpowers Within [Stacey Turis]

source: GoogleTechTalks    2017年3月3日
A Google TechTalk, 10/28/16, presented by Stacey Turis.
ABSTRACT: Stacey Turis is an entrepreneur living with ADHD and giftedness who earned her degree in broadcast journalism from Wichita State University in Kansas. She co-produced and hosted a TV show for a FOX affiliate before pursuing a career in advertising, then graphic design, then market research, then photography, then IT, then acting, then Yoga instruction, then...

In 2012, Stacey self-published the Amazon best-selling memoir, “Here’s to Not Catching Our Hair on Fire”, and also began to manage the now successful Reggae Band, Niu Roots; a job she finally loved enough to stick around for, and still does passionately to this day.
She has, through the years, unsuccessfully started twenty-seven businesses and can't remember most of them; though she does remember every lesson those un-successes taught her. She loves speaking to groups of the same kind of wacky folks, where she's not afraid to stop mid-speech and ask, "What was I just talking about?"
Stacey lives in Southern California with her husband, two kids, a dog, three cats, and a guinea pig.
Other cool things about Stacey
I have the largest ADHD Facebook page on the globe - https://www.facebook.com/ADHDSuperhero
Best-Selling book on Amazon - https://amzn.com/0983827508
Named Top 10 ADHD Blogger in 2013 by Dr. Oz's Sharecare - https://about.sharecare.com/press-rel...
Owner of the largest on-line ADHD Facebook Group Support Page - 9,000 + members

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