

New Physics on Trial at LHC Run II (Summer School 2016)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist 

source: Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics     2016年9月13日
July 25 - August 5, 2016
Felix Yu (JGU Mainz), Joachim Brod (JGU Mainz), Anna Kaminska (JGU Mainz), Maikel de Vries (JGU Mainz), Matthias Neubert (JGU Mainz)

Roni Harnik (Fermilab): Dark Matter - Lecture 1 1:29:35
Roni Harnik (Fermilab): Dark Matter - Lecture 2 1:32:43
Roni Harnik (Fermilab): Dark Matter - Lecture 3 1:47:18
Tobias Golling (Univ. of Geneva): LHC - Experimental Perspective - Lecture 1 1:26:56
Tobias Golling (Univ. of Geneva): LHC - Experimental Perspective - Lecture 2 1:31:07
Tobias Golling (Univ. of Geneva): LHC - Experimental Perspective - Lecture 3 1:30:08
Tobias Golling (Univ. of Geneva): LHC - Experimental Perspective - Lecture 4 1:30:52
Jesse Thaler (MIT): Jet Physics - Lecture 1 1:31:57
Jesse Thaler (MIT): Jet Physics - Lecture 2 1:30:29
Jesse Thaler (MIT): Jet Physics - Lecture 3 1:34:11
Jesse Thaler (MIT): Jet Physics - Lecture 4 1:30:06
Sally Dawson (BNL): Higgs Physics - Lecture 1 1:24:27
Sally Dawson (BNL): Higgs Physics - Lecture 2 1:26:07
Sally Dawson (BNL): Higgs Physics - Lecture 3 1:22:11
Sally Dawson (BNL): Higgs Physics - Lecture 4 1:21:53
Yuval Grossman (Cornell): Flavor Physics - Lecture 1 1:33:20
Yuval Grossman (Cornell): Flavor Physics - Lecture 2 1:32:41
Yuval Grossman (Cornell): Flavor Physics - Lecture 3 1:31:08
Bogdan Dobrescu (Fermilab): Exotics Phenomenology - Lecture 1 1:33:48
Bogdan Dobrescu (Fermilab): Exotics Phenomenology - Lecture 2 1:32:05
Bogdan Dobrescu (Fermilab) Exotics Phenomenology - Lecture 3 1:32:27
Maxim Perelstein (Cornell): Collider Physics - Lecture 1 1:39:43
Maxim Perelstein (Cornell): Collider Physics - Lecture 2 1:31:58
Maxim Perelstein (Cornell): Collider Physics - Lecture 3 1:29:55
Nima Arkani Hamed (IAS): Collider Physics From The Bottom Up - Lecture 1 1:33:35
Nima Arkani Hamed (IAS): Collider Physics From The Bottom Up - Lecture 2 1:59:08

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