

Fundamental Problems of Quantum Physics (2016, ICTS Bangalore)

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source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences    2016年11月21日
PROGRAM LINK: https://www.icts.res.in/program/fpqp2016
21 November 2016 to 10 December 2016
Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
Quantum Theory has passed all experimental tests, with impressive accuracy. It applies to light and matter from the smallest scales so far explored, up to the mesoscopic scale. It is also a necessary ingredient for understanding the evolution of the universe. It has given rise to an impressive number of new technologies. Yet it suffers from internal problems of consistency. On top of this, its unification with general relativity is still problematic, and no fully satisfactory quantum theory of gravity yet exists.
This program will explore the current state of the art and future perspectives in the foundations of quantum theory, also in connection with its unification with general relativity. It consists of a two-week school, followed by a discussion meeting. The topics to be covered in the school include:

School 1st Week - Theory: The measurement problem and its proposed solutions, Role of gravity in wave function collapse, Weak measurements, Quantum Measure and the Born rule, Trace Dynamics and Non-Markovian Dynamics.
School 2nd Week - Experiment: Matter wave interferometry, optomechanics experiments, entanglement experiments, tests of decoherence and experimental tests of the quantum measure.
A Discussion Meeting will be held during the 3rd week. During this meeting, the following questions will be addressed: What is the state of the art in experiments testing quantum theory with light, and with matter? What are the conceptual implications of gravity applied to quantum systems? What are the limitations imposed by, or new possibilities allowed by entanglement in relativistic quantum systems? How can we arrive at a coherent description of the early universe? Do we need a deeper level theory, which goes beyond quantum theory?
More information about the program will be added in the near future.
CONTACT US: fpqp@icts.res.in

Introduction to non-Markovian open quantum systems dynamics by Bassano Vacchini (Lecture - 01) 1:33:34
Weak measurements by Alex Matzkin (Lecture - 01) 1:27:38
Introduction to non-Markovian open quantum systems dynamics by Bassano Vacchini ( Lecture - 02) 1:30:09
Weak measurements by Alex Matzkin (Lecture - 02) 1:27:26
Introduction to non-Markovian open quantum systems dynamics by Bassano Vacchini (Lecture - 03) 1:30:00
Weak measurements by Alex Matzkin (Lecture - 03) 1:34:24
Introduction to non-Markovian open quantum systems dynamics by Bassano Vacchini ( Lecture - 04) 1:41:03
Weak measurements by Alex Matzkin ( Lecture - 04) 1:21:01
The measurement problem and some mild solutions by Dustin Lazarovici ( Lecture - 01) 1:31:51
Quantum mechanics and gravitation – what we know... by Andrè Grossardt (Lecture - 01) 1:32:13
The measurement problem and some mild solutions by Dustin Lazarovici (Lecture - 02) 1:30:17
Quantum mechanics and gravitation – what we know... by Andrè Grossardt (Lecture - 02) 1:08:39
The measurement problem and some mild solutions by Dustin Lazarovici (Lecture - 03) 1:35:05
Quantum mechanics and gravitatiy. what we think we know by Andrè Grossardt ( Lecture - 03) 1:30:37
The measurement problem and some mild solutions by Dustin Lazarovici (Lecture - 04) 1:36:16
Quantum mechanics and gravitation what we don't know, by Andrè Grossardt (Lecture - 04) 1:29:25
The quantum measure (and how to measure it) by Rafael Sorkin ( Lecture - 01) 1:34:17
Trace Dynamics: Quantum theory as an emergent phenomenon by Tejinder Singh ( Lecture - 01) 1:42:50
The quantum measure (and how to measure it) by Rafael Sorkin ( Lecture - 02) 1:38:09
Quantum trajectory formalism for weak measurements by Apoorva Patel (Lecture - 01) 1:33:17
The quantum measure (and how to measure it) by Rafael Sorkin (Lecture - 03) 1:40:43
Models of Spontaneous wave function collapse by Angelo Bassi ( Lecture - 01) 1:34:36
Trace Dynamics: Quantum theory as an emergent phenomenon by Tejinder Singh ( Lecture - 02) 1:23:46
Models of Spontaneous wave function collapse by Angelo Bassi ( Lecture - 02) 1:38:23
Feeback Control: Taming atoms and nano-drums with electronic feedback by Saikat Ghosh 1:36:20
Testing fundamental physics with table-top experiments: Part I by Hendrik Ulbricht 1:35:31
Detection of weak forces and quantum foundational problems: Part I by Andrea Vinante 1:32:32
Quantum Cavity Optomechanics: Part I by Nikolai Kiesel 1:30:26
Quantum Cavity Optomechanics: Part III by Nikolai Kiesel 1:27:59
Quantum Cavity Optomechanics: Part II by Nikolai Kiesel 1:36:02
Quantum Cavity Optomechanics: by Nikolai Kiesel (Tutorial) 1:29:51
Optical Models for Gravity, part I - optical media that change in time by Daniele Faccio 1:35:37
Detection of weak forces and quantum foundational problems: Part II by Andrea Vinante 1:40:46
Testing fundamental physics with table-top experiments: Part II by Hendrik Ulbricht 1:31:04
Detection of weak forces and quantum foundational problems (Tutorial) by Andrea Vinante 1:28:49
Optical Models for Gravity, Part II - optical media that change in time by Daniele Faccio 1:44:41
Experimental Quantum Measure: Connection with the Superposition : Part I by Urbasi Sinha 1:38:58
Experimental Quantum Measure: Connection principle and the Born Rule: Part II by Urbasi Sinha 1:33:57
Optical Models for Gravity by Daniele Faccio Tutorial 1:37:03
CSL and Gravity Induced Collapse Models by Angelo Bassi 1:27:23
Optical Models for Gravity, part III - Newton-Schrodinger equation in optics by Daniele Faccio 1:36:24
Photonic Entanglement and Quantum Communication: Part I by Gregor Weihs 1:36:45
Photonic Entanglement and Quantum Communication: Part II by Gregor Weihs 1:33:23
Photonic Entanglement and Quantum Communication by Gregor Weihs Tutorial 58:37
A clock containing a massive object in a superposition of states; what makes... by Tjerk Oosterkamp 53:28
Optical simulations of problems in quantum cosmology by Daniele Faccio 45:57
Multipath Interference Experiments Probe the Foundations of Quantum Physics by Gregor Weihs 48:09
Levitated Cavity Optomechanics by Nikolai Kiesel 43:35
Smoothly breaking unitarity by Tom van der Reep 16:15
In search of multi-path interference using large m by Joseph Paul Cotter 14:22
Zeno and Anti-Zeno effects in Quantum Mechanics by Nalini Dattatreya Gurav 11:26
A proposed steering criterion using Generalised Uncertainty Relation by Souradeep Sasmal 15:32
Exploring Hidden Non-Locality using Weak Interaction and Post-Selection by Som Kanjilal 12:06
Cosmic Inflation and Quantum Mechanics by Jerome Martin 48:27
How to count one photon and get a(n average) result of 1000… (in binary) by Aephraim Steinberg 44:44
Exploring Quantum Physics using Spin Ensembles by T S Mahesh 46:00
Collapse models and spacetime symmetries by Daniel Bedingham 49:14
Manipulation of entanglement sudden death in an all-optical experimental set-up by Ashutosh Singh 15:03
Probing quantum nonlocality of bipartite qutrits by generalising Wigner's argument by Debarshi Das 13:19
Coupled atom-cavity system: a quantum sensor by Sourav Datta 12:32
Information Retrieval from Black Holes by Sumanta Chakraborty 16:37
On a New Formulation of Microphenomena and Relativ by Fatemeh Ahmadi 14:29
An Investigation of the Influence of Gravity on Macroscopic Mechanical by Miles Blencowe 45:40
Matter Wave Ramsey Interferometry & The Quantum Nature of Gravity by Sougato Bose 45:34
A note on entanglement entropy, coherent states and gravity by Madhavan Varadarajan 45:26
Quantum mechanical violation of macrorealism for large spin and for large mass by Dipankar Home 45:43
Understanding the Born rule in weak measurements by Apoorva Patel 17:10
Quantum Correlations in curved spacetime by Kinjalk Lochan 20:35
Quantum discord-tool for comparing collapse models by Shreya Banerjee 16:57
Some importance of "time delay" in quantum theory by Ankur Mandal 13:47
Cosmic inflation and the measurement problem by Suratna Das 17:00
Quantum Reality via Late Time Photodetection by Adrian Kent 48:23
Non-Linear Quantum Mechanics and de Broglie's Double Solution Program by Thomas Durt 42:04
The quantum measure (and how to measure it) by Rafael Sorkin 45:57
Covariant Observables in Causal Set Quantum Gravityv by Sumati Surya 49:11
Gravity-related alterations of non-relativistic quantum theory by Lajos Diósi 48:43
Quantum mechanics for non-inertial observers by Andre Grossardt 40:44
Sharing of Nonlocality of a single member of an En by Shiladitya Mal 13:52
Entropy and Geometry of Quantum States by Anirudh Reddy 17:02
GR And QG: The Next Hundred Years by T Padmanabhan 52:36
Dynamical Reduction in General Relativistic Contexts by Daniel Sudarsky 53:11
Consistent quantum histories and the probability for singularity resolution by Parampreet Singh 54:40
Must space-time be singular? by Ward Struyve 40:53
The Information Paradox and State-Dependence by Suvrat Raju 54:12
An alternative to the Schrodinger Newton approach by Antoine Tilloy 14:52
A New Stochastic Schrodinger Newton equation by Sayantani Bera 23:38

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