
Computer Architecture (Spring 2012) by Onur Mutlu at Carnegie Mellon U

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: Carnegie Mellon Computer Architecture    2012年2月5日
Lecture videos from CMU 18-447, Computer Architecture, in Spring 2012.
Lecture 4: More ISA Tradeoffs and Single-Cycle Microarchitectures.

Lecture 4  More ISA Tradeoffs and Single-Cycle Microarchitectures. 1:44:18
Lecture 5 Single-Cycle Microarchitectures. 1:39:18
Lecture 6 Multi-Cycle Microarchitecture. 1:44:43
Lecture 7 Multiprogrammed Microarchitectures. 1:49:53
Lecture 8 Microprogramming and Pipelined Microarchitectures. 1:41:42
Lecture 9 Pipelining and Related Issues. 1:41:36
Lecture 10 Data and Control Dependence Handling in Pipelined Microarchitectures.1:44:09
Lecture 11 Control Flow Handling 1:49:32
Lecture 12 Control Flow and Exceptions 1:41:56
Lecture 13 Out-of-Order Execution  1:46:32
Lecture 15 Approaches to Concurrency (OoO, DataFlow, Vector, VLIW)  1:41:53
Lecture 16 Approaches to Concurrency (SIMD and VLIW) 1:45:49
Lecture 17 Memory Hierarchy and Caches 1:48:23
Lecture 18 Caches and Main Memory 1:37:41
Lecture 19 Main Memory  1:47:39
Lecture 20 Memory Scheduling and Virtual Memory 1:50:11
Lecture 21 Virtual Memory 1:50:03
Review Session (Midterm II) 1:52:16
Lecture 22 Tolerating Memory Latency 1:49:23
Lecture 23 Tolerating Memory Latency II  1:45:42
Lecture 24 Runahead and Multiprocessing 1:36:30
Lecture 25 Multiprocessor Correctness and Cache Coherence 1:48:03
Lecture 26 More Coherence and Interconnects 1:46:06
Lecture 27 Multi-Core Potpourri 1:39:14
Final Review Session 2:02:28
The videos in this playlist are in high quality format.
Lecture 11 (HQ) 1:48:30
Lecture 12 (HQ) 1:41:50
Lecture 13 (HQ) 1:46:30
Lecture 15 (HQ) 1:47:59
Lecture 16 (HQ) 1:46:05
Lecture 17 (HQ) 1:48:24
Lecture 18 (HQ) 1:37:38
Lecture 19 (HQ) 1:47:41
Lecture 20 (HQ) 1:50:00
Lecture 21 (HQ) 1:48:08
Lecture 22 (HQ) 1:48:12
Lecture 23 (HQ) 1:45:32
Lecture 24 (HQ) 1:45:43
Lecture 25 (HQ) 1:48:52
Lecture 26 (HQ) 1:45:50
Lecture 27 (HQ) 1:38:33

Introduction to Finite Element Methods by Krishna Garikipati (U of Michigan)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: openmichigan    2014年5月30日
View course on Open.Michigan: http://open.umich.edu/find/open-educa...
Help us caption & translate this video! http://amara.org/v/PcPx/

01.01. Introduction, Linear Elliptic Partial Differential Equations (Part 1) 14:47
01.02. Introduction, Linear Elliptic Partial Differential Equations (Part 2) 13:02
01.03. Boundary Conditions 22:19
01.04. Constitutive relations 20:07
01.05. Strong Form of the Partial Differential Equation, Analytic Solution 22:45
01.06. Weak Form of the Partial Differential Equation (Part 1) 12:30
01.07. Weak Form of the Partial Differential Equation (Part 2) 15:06
01.08. Equivalence Between the Strong and Weak Forms (Part 1) 24:21
01.08ct. 1. Intro to C++ (Running Your Code, Basic Structure, Number Types, Vectors) 21:10
01.08ct. 2. Intro to C++ (Conditional Statements, "for" Loops, Scope) 19:28
01.08ct. 3. Intro to C++ (Pointers, Iterators) 14:02
02.01. The Galerkin, or finite dimensional weak form 23:15
02.01. Response to a question 7:29
02.02. Basic Hilbert Spaces (Part 1) 15:52
02.03. Basic Hilbert Spaces (Part 2) 9:29
02.04. FEM for the One Dimensional, Linear Elliptic PDE 22:54
02.04. Response to a question 6:22
02.05. Basis Functions (Part 1) 14:56
02.06. Basis Functions (Part 2) 14:44
02.07. The Bi-Unit Domain (Part 1) 11:45
02.08. The Bi-Unit Domain (Part 2) 16:20
02.09. Finite Dimensional Weak Form as a Sum Over Element Subdomains (Part 1) 16:09
02.10. Finite Dimensional Weak Form as a Sum Over Element Subdomains (Part 2) 12:25
02.10ct. 1. Intro to C++ (Functions) 13:28
02.10ct. 2. Intro to C++ (C++ Classes) 16:44
03.01. The Matrix-Vector Weak Form - I (Part 1) 16:27
03.02. The Matrix-Vector Weak Form - I (Part 2) 17:45
03.03. The Matrix-Vector Weak Form - II (Part 1) 15:38
03.04. The Matrix-Vector Weak Form - II (Part 2) 13:51
03.05. The Matrix-Vector Weak Form - III (Part 1) 22:32
03.06. The Matrix-Vector Weak Form - III (Part 2) 13:23
03.06ct1 Dealii.org, Running Deal.II on a Virtual Machine with Oracle Virtualbox 13:00
03.06ct. 2. Intro to AWS; Using AWS on Windows 24:44
03.06ct2. Correction 3:32
03.06ct. 3. Using AWS on Linux and Mac OS 7:43
03.07. The Final Finite Element Equations in Matrix-Vector form (Part 1) 22:05
03.08. The Final Finite Element Equations in Matrix-Vector form (Part 2) 18:24
03.08. Response to a question 4:36
03.08ct Coding Assignment 1 (main1.cc, Overview of C++ Class in FEM1.h) 19:35
04.01. The Pure Dirichlet Problem (Part 1) 18:16
04.02. The Pure Dirichlet Problem (Part 2) 17:42
04.02. Correction to boardwork 1:01
04.03. Higher Polynomial Order Basis Functions - I 22:56
04.03. Correction to boardwork 0:58
04.04. Higher Polynomial Order Basis Functions - 1 (Part 2) 16:39
04.05. Higher Polynomial Order Basis Functions - II (Part 1) 13:39
04.06. Higher Polynomial Order Basis Functions - III 23:24
04.06ct. Coding Assignment 1 (Functions: Class Constructor to "basis_gradient") 14:41
04.07. The Matrix Vector Equations for Quadratic Basis Functions - I (Part 1) 21:20
04.08. The Matrix Vector Equations for Quadratic Basis Functions - I (Part 2) 11:54
04.09. The Matrix Vector Equations for Quadratic Basis Functions - II (Part 1) 19:10
04.10. The Matrix Vector Equations for Quadratic Basis Functions - II (Part 2) 24:09
04.11. Numerical Integration -- Gaussian Quadrature 13:58
04.11ct. 1. Coding Assignment 1 (Functions: "generate_mesh" to "setup_system") 14:22
04.11ct.2. Coding Assignment 1 (Functions: "assemble_system") 26:59
05.01. Norms (Part 1) 18:23
05.01. Correction to boardwork 0:57
05.01ct. 1. Coding Assignment 1 (Functions: "solve" to "I2norm_of_error") 10:58
05.01ct.2. Visualization Tools 7:18
05.02. Norms (Part 2) 18:22
05.02. Response to a question 5:46
05.03. Consistency of the Finite Element Method 24:28
05.04. The Best Approximation Property 21:33
05.05. The "Pythagorean Theorem" 13:15
05.05. Response to a question 3:32
05.06. Sobolev Estimates and Convergence of the Finite Element Method 23:51
05.07. Finite Element Error Estimates 22:08
06.01. Functionals, Free Energy (Part 1) 17:39
06.02. Functionals, Free Energy (Part 2) 13:21
06.03. Extremization of Functionals 18:31
06.04. Derivation of the Weak Form Using a Variational Principle 20:10
07.01. The Strong Form of Steady State Heat Conduction and Mass Diffusion (Part 1) 18:25
07.02. The Strong Form of Steady State Heat Conduction and Mass Diffusion (Part 2) 19:01
07.02. Response to a question 1:28
07.03. The Strong Form, continued 19:28
07.03. Correction to boardwork 0:43
07.04. The Weak Form 24:34
07.05. The Finite Dimensional Weak Form (Part 1) 12:36
07.06. The Finite Dimensional Weak Form (Part 2) 15:57
07.07. Three-Dimensional Hexahedral Finite Elements 21:31
07.08. Aside: Insight to the Basis Functions by Considering the Two-Dimensional Case 16:44
07.09. Field Derivatives: The Jacobian (Part 1) 12:39
07.10. Field Derivatives: The Jacobian (Part 2) 14:21
07.11. The Integrals in Terms of Degrees of Freedom 16:26
07.12. The Integrals in Terms of Degrees of Freedom - Continued 20:56
07.13. The Matrix-Vector Weak Form (Part 1) 17:20
07.14. The Matrix-Vector Weak Form (Part 2) 11:20
07.15. The Matrix-Vector Weak Form, continued (Part 1) 17:22
07.15. Correction to boardwork 1:01
07.16. The Matrix Vector Weak Form, continued (Part 2) 16:09
07.17. The Matrix-Vector Weak Form, continued further (Part 1) 17:41
07.17. Correction to boardwork 0:48
07.18. The Matrix-Vector Weak Form, continued further (Part 2) 17:19
08.01. Lagrange Basis Functions in 1 Through 3 Dimensions (Part 1) 18:59
08.02. Lagrange Basis Functions in 1 through 3 dimensions (Part 2) 12:37
08.02ct. Coding Assignment 2 (2D Problem) - I 13:34
08.03. Quadrature Rules in 1 Through 3 Dimensions 17:04
08.03ct. 1. Coding Assignment 2 (2D Problem) - II 13:51
08.03ct. 2. Coding Assignment 2 (3D Problem) 6:53
08.04. Triangular and Tetrahedral Elements-Linears (Part 1) 6:52
08.05. Triangular and Tetrahedral Elements Linears (Part 2) 16:30
09.01. The Finite Dimensional Weak Form and Basis Functions (Part 1) 20:40
09.02. The Finite Dimensional Weak Form and Basis Functions (Part 2) 19:13
09.03. The Matrix Vector Weak Form 19:07
09.04. The Matrix Vector Weak Form (Part 2) 9:43
09.04. Correction to boardwork 1:53
10.01. The Strong Form of Linearized Elasticity in Three Dimensions (Part 1) 9:59
10.02. The Strong Form of Linearized Elasticity in Three Dimensions (Part 2) 15:45
10.03 The Strong Form, continued 23:55
10.04. The Constitutive Relations of Linearized Elasticity 21:10
10.05. The Weak Form (Part 1) 17:38
10.05. Response to a Question 7:56
10.06. The Weak Form (Part 2) 20:24
10.07. The Finite-Dimensional Weak Form-Basis Functions (Part 1) 18:24
10.08. The Finite-Dimensional Weak Form-- Basis functions (Part 2) 10:01
10.09. Element Integrals (Part 1) 20:46
10.09. Correction to boardwork 0:54
10.10 Element Integrals (Part 2) 6:46
10.11. The Matrix-Vector Weak Form (Part 1) 19:01
10.12. The Matrix Vector-Weak Form (Part 2) 12:12
10.13. Assembly of the Global Matrix-Vector Equations (Part 1) 20:41
10.14 Assembly of the Global Matrix-Vector Equations II 9:17
10.14. Correction to boardwork 2:54
10.14ct. 1. Coding Assignment 3 - I 10:20
10.14ct. 2. Coding Assignment 3 - II 19:56
10.15 Dirichlet Boundary Conditions (Part 1) 21:24
10.16 Dirichlet Boundary Conditions (Part 2) 14:00
11.01 The Strong Form 16:30
11.01. Correction to boardwork 0:44
11.02 The Weak Form, and Finite Dimensional Weak Form (Part 1) 18:45
11.03 The Weak Form, and Finite Dimensional Weak Form (Part 2) 10:16
11.04. Basis Functions, and the Matrix-Vector Weak Form (Part 1) 19:53
11.04. Correction to Boardwork 0:45
11.05. Basis Functions, and the Matrix-Vector Weak Form (Part 2) 12:04
11.05. Response to a question 0:52
11.06. Dirichlet Boundary Conditions; The Final Matrix Vector Equations 16:58
11.07. Time Discretization; The Euler Family (Part 1) 22:38
11.08. Time Discretization; The Euler Family (Part 2) 9:56
11.09. The V-Form and D-Form 20:55
11.09ct. 1. Coding Assignment 4 - I 11:11
11.09ct. 2. Coding Assignment 4 - II 13:54
11.10. Integration Algorithms for First-Order, Parabolic, Equations-Modal Decomposition (Part 1) 17:25
11.11. Integration Algorithms for First-Order, Parabolic, Equations-Modal Decomposition (Part 2) 12:56
11.12. Modal Decomposition and Modal Equations (Part 1) 16:01
11.13. Modal Decomposition and Modal Equations (Part 2) 16:02
11.14. Modal Equations and Stability of the Time Exact Single Degree of Freedom Systems (Part 1) 10:50
11.15. Modal Equations and Stability of the Time-Exact Single Degree of Freedom Systems (Part 2) 17:39
11.16. Stability of the Time-Discrete Single Degree of Freedom Systems 23:26
11.17. Behavior of Higher-Order Modes; Consistency (Part 1) 18:58
11.18. Behavior of Higher-Order Modes; consistency (Part 2) 19:52
11.19. Convergence (Part 1) 20:50
11.20. Convergence (Part 2) 16:39
12.01. The Strong and Weak Forms 16:38
12.02. The Finite-Dimensional and Matrix-Vector Weak Forms (Part 1) 10:38
12.03. The Finite-Dimensional and Matri-Vector Weak Forms (Part 2) 16:01
12.04. The Time-Discretized Equations 23:16
12.05. Stability (Part 1) 12:58
12.06. Stability (Part 2) 14:36
12.07. Behavior of High-Order Modes 19:33
12.08. Convergence 20:55
13.01. Conclusion, and the Road Ahead 9:26


source: 臺大科學教育發展中心    2016年11月8日
講座時間:2016年10月22日(六) 14:00

大腦與認知科學--黃植懋 / 交大

# 播放清單 (請按影片左上角選取影片觀看)

source: NCTU OCW     2016年11月3日

Lec 01 Chapter 1 Introduction (大腦與認知科學介紹)(1/2) 31:58
Lec 02 Chapter 1 Introduction (大腦與認知科學介紹) (2/2) 32:56
Lec 03 Chapter 2 Introducing the Brain (腦的基本結構)(1/2) 40:24
Lec 04 Chapter 2 Introducing the Brain (腦的基本結構) (2/2) 26:51
Lec 05 Chapter 3 The Electrophysiological Brain (腦神經電生理) (1/4) 23:57
Lec 06 Chapter 3 The Electrophysiological Brain (腦神經電生理) (2/4) 30:15
Lec 07 Chapter 3 The Electrophysiological Brain (腦神經電生理) (3/4) 33:41
Lec 08 Chapter 3 The Electrophysiological Brain (腦神經電生理) (4/4) 35:00
Lec 09 Chapter 4 The Imaged Brain (腦神經影像) (1/6) 15:33
Lec 10 Chapter 4 The Imaged Brain (腦神經影像) (2/6) 23:08
Lec 11 Chapter 4 The Imaged Brain (腦神經影像) (3/6) 21:31
Lec 12 Chapter 4 The Imaged Brain (腦神經影像) (4/6) 15:39
Lec 13 Chapter 4 The Imaged Brain (腦神經影像) (5/6) 39:41
Lec 14 Chapter 4 The Imaged Brain (腦神經影像) (6/6) 25:07
Lec 15 Chapter 5 The Lesioned Brain (腦傷與病理變化) (1/3) 30:21
Lec 16 Chapter 5 The Lesioned Brain (腦傷與病理變化) (2/3) 21:08
Lec 17 Chapter 5 The Lesioned Brain (腦傷與病理變化) (3/3) 32:37
Lec 18 Chapter 6 The Seeing Brain (腦與視覺科學) (1/3) 23:08
Lec 19 Chapter 6 The Seeing Brain (腦與視覺科學) (2/3) 28:38
Lec 20 Chapter 6 The Seeing Brain (腦與視覺科學) (3/3) 36:45
Lec 21 Chapter 7 The Attending Brain (腦與注意知覺) (1/4) 25:52
Lec 22 Chapter 7 The Attending Brain (腦與注意知覺) (2/4) 20:59
Lec 23 Chapter 7 The Attending Brain (腦與注意知覺) (3/4) 28:06
Lec 24 Chapter 7 The Attending Brain (腦與注意知覺) (4/4) 19:57
Lec 25 Chapter 8 The Acting Brain (腦與動作控制) (1/4) 25:47
Lec 26 Chapter 8 The Acting Brain (腦與動作控制) (2/4) 23:52
Lec 27 Chapter 8 The Acting Brain (腦與動作控制) (3/4) 46:11
Lec 28 Chapter 8 The Acting Brain (腦與動作控制) (4/4) 11:32
Lec 29 Chapter 9 The Remembering Brain (腦與記憶系統) (1/4) 23:23
Lec 30 Chapter 9 The Remembering Brain (腦與記憶系統) (2/4) 29:13
Lec 31 Chapter 9 The Remembering Brain (腦與記憶系統) (3/4) 25:31
Lec 32 Chapter 9 The Remembering Brain (腦與記憶系統) (4/4) 21:12
Lec 33 Chapter 10 The Hearing Brain (腦與聽覺系統) (1/4) 21:54
Lec 34 Chapter 10 The Hearing Brain (腦與聽覺系統) (2/4) 22:40
Lec 35 Chapter 10 The Hearing Brain (腦與聽覺系統) (3/4) 16:22
Lec 36 Chapter 10 The Hearing Brain (腦與聽覺系統) (4/4) 34:28
Lec 37 Chapter 11 The Speaking Brain (腦與與語言科學) (1/4) 26:18
Lec 38 Chapter 11 The Speaking Brain (腦與與語言科學) (2/4) 16:01
Lec 39 Chapter 11 The Speaking Brain (腦與與語言科學) (3/4) 27:04
Lec 40 Chapter 11 The Speaking Brain (腦與與語言科學) (4/4) 31:10
Lec 41 Chapter 12 The Literate Brain (腦與文字閱讀) (1/5) 19:12
Lec 42 Chapter 12 The Literate Brain (腦與文字閱讀) (2/5) 27:22
Lec 43 Chapter 12 The Literate Brain (腦與文字閱讀) (3/5) 19:33
Lec 44 Chapter 12 The Literate Brain (腦與文字閱讀) (4/5) 30:04
Lec 45 Chapter 12 The Literate Brain (腦與文字閱讀) (5/5) 10:44
Lec 46 Chapter 13 The Numerate Brain (腦與數量表徵) (1/4) 29:05
Lec 47 Chapter 13 The Numerate Brain (腦與數量表徵) (2/4) 25:00
Lec 48 Chapter 13 The Numerate Brain (腦與數量表徵) (3/4) 21:20
Lec 49 Chapter 13 The Numerate Brain (腦與數量表徵) (4/4) 25:27
Lec 50 Chapter 14 The Executive Brain (腦與執行功能) (1/5) 20:56
Lec 51 Chapter 14 The Executive Brain (腦與執行功能) (2/5) 24:25
Lec 52 Chapter 14 The Executive Brain (腦與執行功能) (3/5) 14:19
Lec 53 Chapter 14 The Executive Brain (腦與執行功能) (4/5) 40:37
Lec 54 Chapter 14 The Executive Brain (腦與執行功能) (5/5) 26:10

Stephen Hawking: The best or worst thing to happen to humanity

source: Cambridge University    2016年10月19日
Stephen Hawking helps to launch Centre for the Future of Intelligence
Artificial intelligence has the power to eradicate poverty and disease or hasten the end of human civilisation as we know it – according to a speech delivered by Professor Stephen Hawking this evening.
For more information and a transcript of Professor Hawking's speech, click here:

Hubert Dreyfus - On Consciousness, Existence, Metaphysics and Science (Closer to Truth)

# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist

source: Closer To Truth    2016年10月19日
Metaphysics asks the most profound questions, seeks the deepest truths, examines the most general features of existence. What really exists? What's fundamental? What's the essence of the cosmos?
Click here to watch more interviews with Hubert Dreyfus http://bit.ly/1KSBYMt
Click here to watch more interviews about metaphysics http://bit.ly/2dnX0gl
Click here to buy episodes or complete seasons of Closer To Truth http://bit.ly/1LUPlQS
For all of our video interviews please visit us at www.closertotruth.com

Hubert Dreyfus - Can Metaphysics Discover Surprises 6:51
Hubert Dreyfus - How Does Philosophy Illuminate the Physical World? 9:38
Hubert Dreyfus - Why is Consciousness so Baffling? 8:25
Hubert Dreyfus - The Mystery of Existence 3:25

Brian Cox presents Science Matters - Climate Change

source: The Royal Society   2016年10月8日
Climate change is an issue that will affect all of us, and will require global solutions brought about by the collaboration of scientists, the public and governments across the world to face the challenges it presents.
Join Professor Brian Cox, the Royal Society Professor of Public Engagement, as he brings together experts on climate change to discuss key issues for the future of our planet.
Find out more about climate change in our Q&A: https://royalsociety.org/topics-polic...

“The Periodical Literature”

source: Harvard GSD   2016年10月17日
With reportage and historical description, speculation and documentation, the architectural literature is not easy to define as a genre: one journal might document the latest research, while another suggests a poetic literature. Yet, since the advent of modernism, from movement to movement—and even among very different examples—the journal has been a mainstay of avant-garde practice and an index of its temperaments. If that is still the case today, what can one discern about the present moment through its journals? This event will consist of a discussion among the following editors, after brief presentations by each of them: Kersten Geers, design critic in architecture (San Rocco); James Graham (Avery Review); Ashley Schafer (Praxis); Jennifer Sigler, editor-in-chief of GSD publications (Harvard Design Magazine); Thomas Weaver (AA Files); and Andrea Zanderigo (San Rocco).

What We Know (and Think We Know) about Teaching and Learning: The Myths and the Evidence

source: Yale University    2016年10月14日
In the proliferation of information related to learning, it is imperative that we rely on credible sources to inform us as to how best to teach. The more degrees of separation from the source, the more easily information becomes misunderstood or misinterpreted. As a result, in the application of new educational trends, many of us have developed strategies that are inconsistent with sound educational principles. In this presentation by Dr. Todd Zakrajsek, Associate Professor in the School of Medicine & Department of Family Medicine at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and author of The New Science of Learning, the focus will NOT be on merely challenging commonly held positions, but rather identifying a few fundamental learning principles that consistently demonstrate a better way to teach and for students to learn.
This seminar is part of the Helmsley STEM Education Seminar & Journal Club series hosted by the Yale Center for Teaching and Learning and generously supported by the Helmsley Charitable Trust. For more information, please contact Helmsley Program Director Elizabeth Morse Luoma (elizabeth.morse@yale.edu).

The New Digital Learning Age | Simon Nelson | RSA Replay

source: The RSA    2016年10月4日
The New Digital Learning Age with Chief Executive at FutureLearn, Simon Nelson. The rapid pace of technological innovation has an enormous impact on the economy and society. Spreading the gains of technological progress calls for significant system change in education, work and wider learning, to ensure that everyone has access to the power, resources and opportunities to work, create, connect and learn.
In his President’s Lecture for 2016, Simon Nelson explore's how increasing access to education, delivered online in a flexible way, can help towards addressing some of the world’s future needs. He suggests the transformation that needs to take place to make the education system fit for purpose, and outlines new approaches to emerging societal challenges that will ensure generations of learners are inspired, engaged and empowered.
Subscribe to our channel!

Benny Lewis: "Language Hacking" | Talks at Google

source: Talks at Google    2016年10月13日
Best-selling author, entrepreneur and polygot Benny Lewis speaks 11 languages - all self-taught.
In 2003 at the age of 21, he spoke only one language: English.
After becoming frustrated with traditional language learning approaches he developed his own method - and everything changed.
Today Benny is known as The Irish Polyglot and speaks Esperanto, Mandarin Chinese, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Irish, Dutch and knows American Sign Language.
His YouTube videos have been viewed more than 6.5 million times, and he runs the largest language learning blog in the world, www.fluentin3months.com, where he breaks down the language learning process for almost one million unique visitors every month.
A full-time 'language hacker', he devotes his time to finding better, faster, and more efficient ways to learn languages. Unlike most traditional language courses that try to teach you the rules, #LanguageHackingshows you how to learn and speak specific languages through proven memory techniques, unconventional shortcuts and conversation strategies.
He is an Irish Language Ambassador for the EU and in 2013 was named National Geographic Traveller of the Year. His first book, Fluent in 3 Months, was published in 2014, and was an instant bestseller in the US, Canada and the UK.
Get the book at http://www.teachyourself.com/language...
More from Benny: https://www.youtube.com/user/irishpol...

NASA Was about to Eat Itself — Then Private Enterprise Stepped In | Juli...

source: Big Think    2016年10月12日
Are you a maverick or are you a mouse? Author Julian Guthrie brings us one of the great entrepreneurial adventure stories of our time in 'How to Make a Spaceship'. Guthrie's book is "How to Make a Spaceship: A Band of Renegades, an Epic Race, and The Birth of Private Spaceflight" (https://goo.gl/AKhQxa).
Read more at BigThink.com: http://bigthink.com/videos/julian-gut...

Transcript - I came to the story, this book, originally through an interview that I did with Peter Diamandis for the San Francisco Chronicle. And I asked him this seemingly simple question of how did this whole XPrize thing start. And he said, "Well, how much do you know about the private space flight prize?" And I said, "Not so much." So he started telling me and I'm like oh my god that is an amazing story.
So Peter, when he was reading The Spirit of St. Louis in late 1993, he's reading this book and he lands on this passage where he realizes that Lindbergh didn't fly as a stunt in 1927 but he indeed flew to win this $25,000 prize. And it was an ah-ha moment for him or for sure to take a page from the golden age of aviation when after Lindbergh flew it really sparked this commercial airline industry. All of a sudden every day folks thought that commercial air travel was safe so Peter thought he could use that model, that incentive prize model to spur innovation and spur breakthroughs in spaceflight. So that was really it. And the incentive prize model also has a habit of attracting kind of these off the grid think different types who wouldn't necessarily do anything that is affiliated with the government, who work in small teams, who like to innovate or tinker or they're kind of the hackers or the makers or the tinkers of today. So it seems to attract those types and it has throughout history. People didn't think Lindbergh, who was 25 years old when he made this flight, and no one thought that he would be able to make that momentous flight, which after he landed in Paris made him the most famous man on earth. Read Full Transcript Here:https://goo.gl/6E1eZ4.

Myths of the American Mind: Scientism by Wesley Cecil

source: Wes Cecil    2014年10月21日
This lecture, presented by Wesley Cecil PhD. at Peninsula College, explores the way science has shaped our thinking and led to the peculiar and peculiarly misleading take on the world called "scientism".

Altered States of Consciousness in Medicine with Laurin Bellg

source: New Thinking Allowed     2015年12月15日
Laurin Bellg, MD, is chair of the Department of Medicine for ThedaCare in Appleton, Wisconsin. She is also director of two intensive care units. She is author of Near Death in the ICU.
Here she describes the range of ostensibly paranormal experiences that her patients have experienced either during medical crises or during surgery. These include out-of-body experiences, classical near-death experiences, and visitations deceased relatives. Sometimes these experiences are very positive for the patients. Sometimes they are frightening. She notes that if family members and friends or medical professionals invalidate these experiences when patients report them, this may have a damaging effect. Even when such reports are clearly hallucinatory, such as when a patient who is not ambulatory describes walking around through the hospital, those who hear such reports would do well to keep an open mind.

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). His master's degree is in criminology. He serves as dean of transformational psychology at the University of Philosophical Research. He teaches parapsychology for ministers in training with the Centers for Spiritual Living through the Holmes Institute. He has served as vice-president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, and is the recipient of its Pathfinder Award for outstanding contributions to the field of human consciousness. He is also past-president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people are encouraged to cultivate and apply their inner, intuitive abilities. His American Indian name, chosen at age eight, is Soaring Eagle.
(Recorded on October 10, 2015)

Ernst Cassirer - Kant, Hegel, & Heidegger

source: Philosophical Overdose    2015年5月16日
Michael Inwood gives a talk on Ernst Cassirer in connection with Immanuel Kant, G.W.F. Hegel, and Martin Heidegger. Ernst Cassirer was a German philosopher heavily influenced by the work of Kant. As a Neo-Kantian idealist, Cassirer took concepts and the mind to be fundamental and primary over material bodies, and understood truth in terms of internal coherence rather than as correspondence to an independent external reality. His focus was on epistemology and science, as well as culture. Cassirer is perhaps most famous for his philosophy of symbolic forms.
This talk was given at a conference called "After Kant".

Inderdeep Singh: Processing of non metals (IIT Roorkee)

# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist

source: nptelhrd    2013年1月7日
Mechanical - Processing of non metals by Dr. Inderdeep Singh, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Roorkee. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in

Mod-01 Lec-01 Engineering Materials and Processing Techniques: Introduction 46:20
Mod-01 Lec-02 Properties of Non-Metals 43:15
Mod-02 Lec-01 Glass Structure and Properties 50:13
Mod-02 Lec-02 Glass Processing - I 51:02
Mod-02 Lec-03 Glass Processing - II 49:12
Mod-03 Lec-01 Ceramics: I 43:58
Mod-03 Lec-02 Ceramics: II 49:49
Mod-03 Lec-03 Ceramic Powder Preparation 53:37
Mod-03 Lec-04 Ceramic Powder Preparation -- I 46:40
Mod-03 Lec-05 Processing of Ceramic Parts - Pressing 49:37
Mod-03 Lec-06 Processing of Ceramic Parts -- II 53:50
Mod-03 Lec-07 Ceramics: Secondary Processing 54:10
Mod-04 Lec-01 Thermoplastics and Thermosets 43:08
Mod-04 Lec-02 Processing of Plastics 46:08
Mod-04 Lec-03 Extrusion of Plastics 50:40
Mod-04 Lec-04 Transfer Molding and Compression Molding 47:06
Mod-04 Lec-05 Injection Molding 46:43
Mod-04 Lec-06 Thermoforming 53:14
Mod-04 Lec-07 Rotational Molding and Blow Molding 47:41
Mod-05 Lec-01 Composite Materials 55:02
Mod-05 Lec-02 Composite Materials: Classification and Applications 53:37
Mod-05 Lec-03 Processing of Polymer Matrix Composites 49:35
Mod-05 Lec-04 Hand Lay-up and Spray Lay-up 52:12
Mod-05 Lec-05 Pultrusion 50:38
Mod-05 Lec-06 Compression Molding 50:50
Mod-05 Lec-07 Filament Winding 57:31
Mod-05 Lec-08 Injection Molding-1 47:46
Mod-05 Lec-09 Pre-pregging and Sheet Molding Compounds 55:15
Mod-05 Lec-10 Resin Transfer Molding and Autoclave Molding 50:59
Mod-06 Lec-01 Ceramic Matrix Composites 54:18
Mod-06 Lec-02 Ceramic Matrix Composites: Fundamentals and Properties 50:07
Mod-06 Lec-03 Powder Processing: Ceramic Matrix Composites 46:35
Mod-06 Lec-04 Chemical Vapour Infiltration 58:14
Mod-06 Lec-05 Ceramic Matrix Composites: Processing-1 49:53
Mod-06 Lec-06 Ceramic Matrix Composites: Post Processing 48:29
Mod-07 Lec-01 Drilling of Polymer Matrix Composites 48:01
Mod-07 Lec-02 Hole Making Techniques for Polymer Matrix Composites 44:15
Mod-07 Lec-03 Joining of Polymer Matrix Composites 46:09
Mod-07 Lec-04 Microwave Joining of Polymer Matrix Composites 42:12
Mod-07 Lec-05 Research Tools for Secondary Processing 51:06

Srinivasan Chandrasekaran: Health, Safety and Environmental Management in Petroleum and Offshore Engineering

# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist

source: nptelhrd       2012年12月27日
Ocean - Health,Safety and Environmental Management in Petroleum and Offshore Engineering by Dr. Srinivasan Chandrasekaran, Department of Ocean Engineering, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in

Mod-01 Lec-01 Introduction and Terminologies 13:30
Mod-01 Lec-02 Introduction to HSE 8:18
Mod-01 Lec-03 Safety assurance and assessment(Contd) 26:20
Mod-01 Lec-04 Safety assurance and assessment 40:15
Mod-01 Lec-05 Safety in design and operations 27:12
Mod-01 Lec-06 Organizing for safety 19:41
Mod-01 Lec-07 Hazard classification and assessment, Hazard evaluation and hazard control 37:17
Mod-01 Lec-08 HaZOP 35:16
Mod-01 Lec-09 HaZOP (contd.) 44:18
Mod-01 Lec-10 Hazard evaluation and hazard control 28:28
Mod-01 Lec-11 Hazard Identification and Management in Oil & Gas Industry using HAZOP 37:03
Mod-01 Lec-12 FMEA 37:50
Mod-01 Lec-13 FMEA (contd.) 27:15
Mod-02 Lec-01 Environmental Issues and Management 26:18
Mod-02 Lec-02 Impact of Oil and Gas Industry on Marine Environment 21:49
Mod-02 Lec-03 Oil Hydrocarbon in Marine Environment 15:12
Mod-02 Lec-04 Chemicals and Wastes from Offshore and Oil Industry 25:16
Mod-02 Lec-05 Dispersion Models -- Atmospheric Pollution 18:50
Mod-02 Lec-06 Dispersion Models (Contd.) 28:08
Mod-02 Lec-07 Hazard Assessment and Accident Scenario 9:18
Mod-03 Lec-01 Dose Assessment, Safety Regulation 32:58
Mod-03 Lec-02 Toxic Release and Dispersion Modeling 41:41
Mod-03 Lec-03 Chemical Exposure Index (CEI) 28:28
Mod-03 Lec-04 Chemical Exposure Index (contd.) 30:24
Mod-03 Lec-05 Quantitative Risk Assessment 32:40
Mod-03 Lec-06 Quantitative Risk Assessment (Liquid Release Models Case Study - Continued) 40:07
Mod-03 Lec-07 Fire and Explosion Modeling 30:16
Mod-03 Lec-08 Fire and Explosion Modeling Flammability Diagrams 18:23
Mod-03 Lec-09 Explosion Modeling 36:26
Mod-03 Lec-10 Fire and Explosion Preventive Measures 28:43
Mod-03 Lec-11 Probabilistic Risk Analysis 18:50
Mod-04 Lec-01 Safety Measures in Design and Process Operations 34:06
Mod-04 Lec-02 Case Studies 32:43
Mod-04 Lec-03 Case Studies (contd.) 18:11
Mod-04 Lec-04 Software Used in HSE -- an Over View 6:48