

Parallel Computer Architecture (Fall 2012) by Onur Mutlu at Carnegie Mellon U

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source: Carnegie Mellon Computer Architecture 2013年9月21日
Lecture videos from CMU 18-742 Parallel Computer Architecture Course taught in Fall 2012 by Professor Onur Mutlu  (http://users.ece.cmu.edu/~omutlu/)
Course website: http://www.ece.cmu.edu/~ece742/doku.php
Course webpage: http://www.ece.cmu.edu/~ece742/doku.p...
Lecture materials: http://www.ece.cmu.edu/~ece742/doku.p...

Lecture 1 - Introduction 1:39:44
Lecture 2 -- Parallelism Basics 1:26:02
Lecture 3 - Programming Models 1:18:11
Lec. 4 - Multi-Core Processors  1:40:45
Lec. 5 - Multi-Core Processors II 1:42:51
Lecture 6 -- Asymmetry 1:45:23
Lecture 7 - Emerging Memory 1:27:58
Lec 8 - More Asymmetry 1:34:07
Lec 9 - Multithreading 1:15:56
Lecture 10 - Multithreading II 1:33:10
Lec 11 - Caches in Multicores 1:33:54
Vivek Sheshadri-Lec. 12 - Caching in Multi-Core 1:19:31
Lec 13-Multi-threading II 1:37:14
Lec 15 - Speculation 1 1:38:31
Chris Fallin-Lec 17- Interconnection Networks I 1:48:39
Chris Fallin-Lec. 18-Interconnection Networks II 1:50:43
Lec 20-Speculation+Interconnect III 1:39:07
Lecture 21 - Interconnects IV 1:40:36
Lec 22 - Dataflow I 1:25:01
Lec. 23-Dataflow II 54:59
Lec 24-Main Memory I 1:40:58
Lec 25 - Main Memory II 51:44
Lavanya Subramanian-Lec 26-Memory Interference 1:11:22
Lec. 27 Main Memory III 46:49

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