

Open Day Debate - Good to share? Data, research, privacy and the NHS

source: Oxford BRC    2016年6月22日
A panel-led debate on the existing but often challenging issues around mass sharing of patient data to support research and improve patient care. The audience are encouraged to ask questions in this mediated debate featuring Professor Martin Landray, Deputy Director of the University of Oxford’s Big Data Institute; Carol Moore, Head of Projects, Healthwatch Oxfordshire and Professor Jim Davies, Professor of Software Engineering, University of Oxford, Frederica Lucivero, Marie Curie Research Fellow, King’s College London and Chair Dr Mark Sheehan, is Oxford Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) Ethics Fellow at the Ethox Centre and a James Martin Research Fellow in the Institute for Science and Ethics.

Science on Saturdays at Yale - Richard Lifton - Genetics & Precision Personalized Medicine

source: Yale University     2016年5月4日
Professor Richard Lifton (Genetics) gives his talk, "Genetics & Precision Personalized Medicine," at Yale Science on Saturdays.

Next in Science | Oceans | Part 1 || Radcliffe Institute

source: Harvard University    2016年7月19日
The "Next in Science" program provides an opportunity for early-career scientists whose innovative, cross-disciplinary research is thematically linked to introduce their work to one another, to fellow scientists, and to nonspecialists from Harvard and the greater Boston area. The focus of this year’s program will be on the world’s oceans.
Introduced by John Huth, faculty codirector of the science program, Radcliffe Institute, and Donner Professor of Science, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University
(6:16) "Living Shorelines: Are We Designing Functional, Sustainable, and Resilient Coasts?"
Rachel Gittman, postdoctoral research associate, Marine Science Center, Northeastern University
(44:07) "Sound Approaches to Managing Endangered Marine Species”
Ana Širović, assistant researcher, Marine Bioacoustics Lab, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
(1:19:18) Q&A

Brexit: Legally and constitutionally, what now?

source: Cambridge University    2016年6月24日
In the early hours of 24 June 2016, the result of the UK referendum on EU membership was announced. By a narrow but clear majority the vote was to leave the European Union.
This result has begun a chain of seismic political consequences in the UK and the EU, and will have widespread implications for the law and constitution in the UK.
In this video, Mark Elliott assess the immediate impact of the result.
Professor Elliott has also written a blog post available at: https://publiclawforeveryone.com/2016...
For more information about Professor Elliott, please refer to his profile athttp://www.law.cam.ac.uk/people/acade...
Law in Focus is a collection of short videos featuring academics from the University of Cambridge Faculty of Law, addressing legal issues in current affairs and the news. These issues are examples of the many which challenge researchers and students studying undergraduate and postgraduate law at the Faculty.

Why "Us Against Them" Politics Is More Dangerous Than ISIS | Sebastian Junger

source: Big Think    2016年7月21日
America can learn a lot from tribal dynamics. Sebastian Junger says if we wish to be united, we can start by looking at US platoons serving overseas. Junger's latest book is "Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging" (http://goo.gl/k4hEeN).
Read more at BigThink.com: http://bigthink.com/videos/sebastian-...

Sachiko Nakajima: "Music, Math, Life!" | Talks at Google

source: Talks at Google    2016年7月1日
Sachiko Nakajima - music composer, jazz pianist, mathematician, and the first and only female Math Olympic gold medalist title in Japan, shares her journey on how music and math can further enrich our life.

Phil Jaber and friends : "Philz Coffee" | Talks at Google

source: Talks at Google     2016年7月21日
Phil Jaber (owner and namesake of Philz coffee) along with his leadership team, talks to the NorCal Google community about their journey as a company, fostering a culture of learning, and plans for the future.
Appearing in this video are:
Phil Jaber- Founder/Creator of Philz
Carolyn Frey- Chief People Officer (CPO) at Philz
Faith Songco- Dean of Philz University
Aji Oliyide: Moderator

The value of trustworthy and meaningful work. Francis J. Daly | IECO – RCC

source: Harvard University     2016年6月2日
Francis J. Daly, (Kallman Executive Fellow CBE – Bentley University) pointed out that the meaning of work is not just its result, but more importantly how the worker relates to the work.

Wesley Cecil: Friedrich Nietzsche's Life and Philosophy

source: Wes Cecil    2012年8月29日
A lecture delivered at Peninsula College by Wesley Cecil Ph.D. on the life and philosophy of Nietzsche.
For information on upcoming lectures, essays, and books by Wesley Cecil Ph.D. go tohttp://www.facebook.com/HumaneArts

Dr. Shivakumar: History of Economic Theory (IIT Madras)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: nptelhrd    2012年7月24日
Humanities - History of Economic Theory by Dr. Shivakumar, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences IIT Madras, For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in

Lec-01 The Socio-Economic Role of Scarcity and Uncertainty 51:24
Lec-02 The Process of Construction of Knowledge 50:48
Lec-03 The Roles of Faith and Experience 51:42
Lec-04 From Orphism to the Milesians in ancient Greece 50:27
Lec-05 Pythagoras and Heraclitus 46:33
Lec-06 From Parmenides to the atomists 48:07
Lec-07 From the ancient Greece to the emergence of Feudalism 50:33
Lec-08 Feudalism and the growth of the Church 51:20
Lec-09 The age of Faith: Europe until the crusades 49:30
Lec-10 The beginnings of modernity 50:59
Lec-11 Scholasticism and St.Thomas 50:59
Lec-12 Transformation of Europe towards modernity 49:18
Lec-13 Birth of political economy: mercantilism 53:42
Lec-14 The debate over mercantilism: Hume and Cantillon 51:57
Lec-15 A postscript to mercantilism: Hume and James Stewart 51:42
Lec-16 'Natural Order' and the market: Quesney and Galiani 56:07
Lec-17 Smith: the Invisible Hand 53:06
Lec-18 Smith: Growth theory, long run equilibrium and Institutions 50:36
Lec-19 Ricardo-Malthus debate 50:03
Lec-20 Ricardian economics and more 50:38
Lec-21 Equilibrium of the market: from Say to Walras 50:27
Lec-22 More on Equilibrium: Cournot, Dupuit, Gossen, von Thunen 50:30
Lec-23 Socialists and Marx 50:32
Lec-24 The economics of Marx 50:30
Lec-25 Marx as an ideologue of revolution 50:39
Lec-26 Arrival of modern universals in Economics: Neo classical school 49:35
Lec-27 Economic Theory at the time arrival of Keynes 50:20
Lec-28 The centrality of the idea of efficiency in the study of market 50:04
Lec-29 Keynesian Revolution: Macroeconomics 50:08
Lec-30 Keynesian economics 50:32
Lec-31 Economics of Institutions 47:32
Lec-32 Transaction cost and Economic Anthropology approaches 49:49
Lec-33 Evolutionary Economics: the idea of change as evolution 47:33
Lec-34 From Schumpeter to neo Schumpetarian evolutionism 50:02
Lec-35 The social construction of knowledge: Case of Economics 47:46
Lec-36 The social construction of knowledge: Adaptation and Revolution 49:55

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics by M. S. Ananth (IIT Madra)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: nptelhrd 2015年4月16日
Chemical - Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics by Prof. M.S. Ananth,Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.ac.in

Lec-01 Thermodynamics and the Chemical Industry 38:10
Lec-02 James Prescot Joule and the first law 36:56
Lec-03 Sadi Carnot and the second law 42:48
Lec-04 Equilibrium and Extrema in work 47:02
Lec-05 Illustrative Calculations I 26:40
Lec-06 Properties of pure substances 42:55
Lec-07 The p-h chart 45:51
Lec-08 Work calculation 42:57
Lec-09 Illustrative Calculations II 42:43
Lec-10 Heat-Work Interconversion Devices 42:33
Lec-11 Refrigeration/ Thermodynamics of mixtures 31:27
Lec-12 The Gibbs Duhem equation 47:53
Lec-13 Models for Excess Gibbs Free Energy 45:40
Lec-14 Van Laar model 43:45
Lec-15 Gaseous and liquid mixtures 48:59
Lec-16 Separation Work/ Equations of state 31:05
Lec-17 Chemical potentials in gas and condensed phases 41:40
Lec-18 Vapour Liquid Equilibria I 47:01
Lec-19 Vapour Liquid Equilibria II 45:51
Lec-20 Solvent-Solvent mixtures 42:05
Lec-21 Solvent-solute mixtures 37:08
Lec-22 Liquid-liquid equilibria 34:30
Lec-23 An industrial example32:02
Lec-24 Liquid-liquid equilibria/ Reaction Equilibria 34:13
Lec-25 Reaction Equilibria 44:53
Lec-26 Illustrative Examples I 43:13
Lec-27 Illustrative Examples II 35:02
Lec-28 Illustrative Examples III 49:40
Lec-29 Simultaneous Relations 46:52
Lec-30 Thermodynamic Consistency/ Reverse Osmosis 35:05
Lec-31 Miscellaneous topics in phase equilibria 32:42
Lec-32 Absorption Refrigeration 43:50
Lec-33 Summary of Classical Thermodynamics 17:09
Lec-34 Molecular basis of Thermodynamics I 53:45
Lec-35 Molecular basis of Thermodynamics II 46:28

Advanced Process Control by Sachin C. Patwardhan (IIT Bombay)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: nptelhrd     2014年12月21日
Chemical - Advanced Process Control by Prof. Sachin C. Patwardhan, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Bombay. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.ac.in

Lec-01 Introduction and Motivation 1:06:44
Lec-02 Linearization of Mechanistic Models 1:14:18
Lec-03 Linearization of Mechanistic Models (Contd.) 1:23:29
Lec-04 Introduction to z-transforms and Development of Grey-box models 1:19:29
Lec-05 Introduction to Stability Analysis and Development of Output Error Models 1:15:46
Lec-06 Introduction to Stochastic Processes 1:12:20
Lec-07 Introduction to Stochastic Processes (Contd.) 1:20:34
Lec-08 Development of ARX models 1:17:49
Lec-09 Statistical Properties of ARX models and Development of ARMAX models 1:14:54
Lec-10 Development of ARMAX models (contd.) and Issues in Model Development 1:08:51
Lec-11 Model Structure Selection and Issues in Model Development (contd.) 1:21:22
Lec-12 Issues in Model Development (contd.) and State Realizations of Transfer 1:11:15
Lec-13 Stability Analysis of Discrete Time Systems 1:15:49
Lec-14 Lyapunov Functions and Interaction Analysis and Multi-loop Control 1:16:52
Lec-15 Interaction Analysis and Multi-loop Control (contd.) 1:21:53
Lec-16 Multivariable Decoupling Control and Soft Sensing and State Estimation 1:23:03
Lec-17 Development of Luenberger Observer 1:22:23
Lec-18 Development of Luenberger Observer (contd.) and Introduction to Kalman Filtering 1:23:01
Lec-19 Kalman Filtering 1:16:33
Lec-20 Kalman Filtering (contd.) 1:20:04
Lec-21 Kalman Filtering (contd.) 1:17:45
Lec-22 Pole Placement State Feedback Control Design and Introduction to Linear Quadratic 1:17:17
Lec-23 Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) Regulator Design 1:21:42
Lec-24 Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) Controller Design 1:24:28
Lec-25 Model Predictive Control (MPC) 1:24:55
Lec-26 Model Predictive Control (contd.) 1:24:37