

Dr. Shivakumar: History of Economic Theory (IIT Madras)

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source: nptelhrd    2012年7月24日
Humanities - History of Economic Theory by Dr. Shivakumar, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences IIT Madras, For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in

Lec-01 The Socio-Economic Role of Scarcity and Uncertainty 51:24
Lec-02 The Process of Construction of Knowledge 50:48
Lec-03 The Roles of Faith and Experience 51:42
Lec-04 From Orphism to the Milesians in ancient Greece 50:27
Lec-05 Pythagoras and Heraclitus 46:33
Lec-06 From Parmenides to the atomists 48:07
Lec-07 From the ancient Greece to the emergence of Feudalism 50:33
Lec-08 Feudalism and the growth of the Church 51:20
Lec-09 The age of Faith: Europe until the crusades 49:30
Lec-10 The beginnings of modernity 50:59
Lec-11 Scholasticism and St.Thomas 50:59
Lec-12 Transformation of Europe towards modernity 49:18
Lec-13 Birth of political economy: mercantilism 53:42
Lec-14 The debate over mercantilism: Hume and Cantillon 51:57
Lec-15 A postscript to mercantilism: Hume and James Stewart 51:42
Lec-16 'Natural Order' and the market: Quesney and Galiani 56:07
Lec-17 Smith: the Invisible Hand 53:06
Lec-18 Smith: Growth theory, long run equilibrium and Institutions 50:36
Lec-19 Ricardo-Malthus debate 50:03
Lec-20 Ricardian economics and more 50:38
Lec-21 Equilibrium of the market: from Say to Walras 50:27
Lec-22 More on Equilibrium: Cournot, Dupuit, Gossen, von Thunen 50:30
Lec-23 Socialists and Marx 50:32
Lec-24 The economics of Marx 50:30
Lec-25 Marx as an ideologue of revolution 50:39
Lec-26 Arrival of modern universals in Economics: Neo classical school 49:35
Lec-27 Economic Theory at the time arrival of Keynes 50:20
Lec-28 The centrality of the idea of efficiency in the study of market 50:04
Lec-29 Keynesian Revolution: Macroeconomics 50:08
Lec-30 Keynesian economics 50:32
Lec-31 Economics of Institutions 47:32
Lec-32 Transaction cost and Economic Anthropology approaches 49:49
Lec-33 Evolutionary Economics: the idea of change as evolution 47:33
Lec-34 From Schumpeter to neo Schumpetarian evolutionism 50:02
Lec-35 The social construction of knowledge: Case of Economics 47:46
Lec-36 The social construction of knowledge: Adaptation and Revolution 49:55

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