

Greg Ferenstein: "The Age of Optimists: How Silicon Valley will transform Political Power"

source: Talks at Google     2016年6月2日
Gregory Ferenstein will talk about Silicon Valley's unique political and moral values. After leading TechCrunch's political coverage for 2 years, he will argue that Silicon Valley represents an entirely new political category. Ferenstein is TechCrunch's former political writer and also teaches mathematics to journalists.

Ecological visions in Maya and Quechua literature

source: Cambridge University    2016年4月14日
Nature and culture: how do these two heritages collaborate? Indigenous cultures and languages of Latin America, particularly the oral and written literature of the Maya and Quechua have very different ways of engaging with nature to ‘Western’ society. Dr Charles Pigott, Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow in the Centre of Latin American Studies, combines a whole range of disciplines to attain a holistic understanding on the decrease of these languages, including literary studies, anthropology, ecology, geography, psychology and sociology.

This film is one of a series of eight that showcases the extent that conservation-related research is embedded in a wide range of academic fields and involves collaboration with non-academic partners beyond the University. The films are produced by the University of Cambridge Conservation Research Institute (UCCRI), which was established in October 2013 to foster a cross-disciplinary approach within the University of Cambridge.

“Conservation is primarily underpinned by human behaviour and it is therefore vital to understand the social factors, such as cultural drivers or geographical patterns, which shape our environment, as well as developing our biological and scientific knowledge.” Dr Bhaskar Vira, Director of UCCRI.
Creative Director
Alison Harvey
University of Cambridge Conservation Research Institute
Video, Sound and Edit by Toby Smith
UCCRI - Leverhulme Trust Artist in Residence 2015/2016

Jon Hoover: Universal Salvation and Consensus in Medieval Islam

source: University of Nottingham    2014年11月4日
Dr Jon Hoover examines how two great medieval Islamic scholars looked at the issues involved in the question ‘can all human beings be saved by God?’ Is it a case that unbelievers shall spend eternity in Hell? Can there be paths to salvation apart from visible belonging to Islam.Other videos you may wish to look at: Why Study Ibn Taymiyya http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRgm85...Why Study Islamic Studieshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHdp4E...Islam; Final Thingshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMMIWt...

Laurence Ralph | The Contradiction || Radcliffe Institute

source: Harvard University     2016年4月28日
As part of the 2015–2016 Fellows’ Presentation Series at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Laurence Ralph examines a troubling contradiction: that police take an oath of honor—such as “protect and serve”—yet have contributed to an alarming number of violent deaths, inciting an investigation into what can and can’t be known about police violence.
Ralph is the 2015–2016 Joy Foundation Fellow at the Radcliffe Institute.

Daniel Kaufman & Massimo Pigliucci: Explanation & Causality in the Social & Physical Sciences

source: Philosophical Overdose     2016年6月13日
Daniel Kaufman (Missouri State University, The Electric Agora) and Massimo Pigliucci (CUNY Graduate Center, Plato's Footnote, How To Be a Stoic) have an interesting discussion about the difference between the social and physical sciences. Some of the topics discussed include what constitutes an explanation in the natural sciences, whether there's a categorical difference between natural and social sciences, biological and social explanations of human behavior, the difference between the narratives of social and physical sciences, whether social science explains events or their interpretations, whether a science must have “laws”, and whether there are laws in social science.

Daniel Kaufman's article which was mentioned can be found here:https://theelectricagora.com/2016/01/...
Massimo's article can be found here: http://www.philosophersmag.com/index....
The article by Wilfrid Sellars, Philosophy and the Scientific Image of Man, can be found here:http://selfpace.uconn.edu/class/perce...
This is from BloggingHeadsTV and MeaningoLlifeTV. Daniel Kaufman also uploads these discussions on his Youtube channel which can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQzx...

RSA Replay: Emotional Agility

source: The RSA     2016年4月7日
Whilst we strive for stronger personal relationships, to conquer our bad habits or to get ahead in our careers, we often get caught in negative emotional and behavioural patterns that prevent us from moving forward. Meanwhile, the demands of our culture increasingly make us even less able to perform at our best.
But by becoming more aware of our own emotional nature, learning how to face our feelings and unhooking from our negative thoughts, we can begin to evaluate them and to change our actions to match our values.
Drawing on more than twenty years of research in the field of behavioural science, Harvard psychologist Susan David reveals how ‘emotional agility’ is the key to flourishing in work and life.

Jason J. Campbell: Introduction to Ethics

# automatic playing for the 6 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)

source: drjasonjcampbell     2012年9月23日/上次更新:2014年6月7日

How Earth Moves

source: Vsauce      2016年6月13日

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