

Daniel Kaufman & Massimo Pigliucci: Explanation & Causality in the Social & Physical Sciences

source: Philosophical Overdose     2016年6月13日
Daniel Kaufman (Missouri State University, The Electric Agora) and Massimo Pigliucci (CUNY Graduate Center, Plato's Footnote, How To Be a Stoic) have an interesting discussion about the difference between the social and physical sciences. Some of the topics discussed include what constitutes an explanation in the natural sciences, whether there's a categorical difference between natural and social sciences, biological and social explanations of human behavior, the difference between the narratives of social and physical sciences, whether social science explains events or their interpretations, whether a science must have “laws”, and whether there are laws in social science.

Daniel Kaufman's article which was mentioned can be found here:https://theelectricagora.com/2016/01/...
Massimo's article can be found here: http://www.philosophersmag.com/index....
The article by Wilfrid Sellars, Philosophy and the Scientific Image of Man, can be found here:http://selfpace.uconn.edu/class/perce...
This is from BloggingHeadsTV and MeaningoLlifeTV. Daniel Kaufman also uploads these discussions on his Youtube channel which can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQzx...

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