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Agriculture and elephants: wiriting in rural Babylonia (Eleanor Robson - 1 Dec 2015)
source: UCL Lunch Hour Lectures 2015年12月11日
Speaker: Professor Eleanor Robson
Archaeological excavations at Tell Khaiber in southern Iraq are revealing exciting new insights into Babylonian life in the mid-second millennium BC. Join Professor Eleanor Robson as she shares her latest findings and explains why there is still so much to learn about the ancient past.
The Turing test: Can a computer pass for a human? - Alex Gendler
source: TED-Ed 2016年4月25日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-turing-...
What is consciousness? Can an artificial machine really think? For many, these have been vital considerations for the future of artificial intelligence. But British computer scientist Alan Turing decided to disregard all these questions in favor of a much simpler one: Can a computer talk like a human? Alex Gendler describes the Turing test and details some of its surprising results.
Lesson by Alex Gendler, animation by Patrick Smith.
Paul Horowitz: "The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence" | Talks at...
source: Talks at Google 2016年3月21日
Paul Horowitz visited Google's office in Cambridge, MA to discuss the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) project at Harvard University.
Establishing an electromagnetic communications link across a thousand light-years presents unique technological challenges. In his talk, Prof. Horowitz visits some highlights of the science and technology of SETI -- Do THEY exist? Is communication possible? What is the best way? Is this just completely insane? -- and describes interesting searches his project and others have been doing.
Paul Horowitz is a Research Professor of Physics and of Electrical Engineering at Harvard, and is co-author of The Art of Electronics.
SETI at Harvard was supported in part by grants from NASA, The Planetary Society, and the Bosack/Kruger Charitable Foundation.
Sidney Harris cartoon © ScienceCartoonsPlus.com, used with permission.
Kira Asatryan: "Stop Being Lonely" | Talks at Google
source: Talks at Google 2016年3月29日
Author and relationship expert Kira Asatryan visits Google to discuss her new book, "Stop Being Lonely".
Loneliness isn’t something that only happens when we are physically alone. Many of us feel lonely when we are with other people, too. Relationships and friendships that feel hollow - not to mention numerous online friends or followers - don’t add up to much when you crave fulfilling human interaction.
Stop Being Lonely proposes that satisfying, long-term relationships and friendships are not a mystery to be left up to chance (or technology). There is help for loneliness. Loneliness has a reliable antidote: the feeling of closeness. If we actively cultivate closeness in our lives we will indeed stop being lonely.
This talk was moderated by Dave Marx.
Paul Scheer, David Wain, Jonathan Stern | Talks at Google
source: Talks at Google 2016年3月14日
Comedy superstars Paul Scheer, David Wain, and Jonathan Stern stop by Google to discuss the influence of the internet on comedy, the development of 360 degree fart VR, and their various upcoming projects.
Paul Scheer is known for Fresh Off the Boat, The League, Human Giant, NTSF:SD:SUV and the upcoming Party Over Here.
David Wain is known for Wet Hot American Summer, Children's Hospital, Stella, and The State. Jonathan Stern is known for producing Wet Hot American Summer, Children's Hospital, and NTSF:SD:SUV.
Moderated by Dana Han-Klein
Ancient Philosophy: The Stoic School (by Gregory B. Sadler)
# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist
source: Gregory B. Sadler 2014年11月24日
Videos on the ancient Stoic school of Philosophy, including Seneca, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, and other authors -- some of them lecture videos from my classes, some from Stoic week, some from invited lectures, and others of them shorter Core Concept videos.
Stoicism Week 2014 - Day 1: The Week, The Class, And Why Stoicism Matters 35:00
Stoicism Week 2014- Day 2: Marcus Tullius Cicero's Stoic Paradoxes 1:00:23
Stoicism Week 2014- Day 3: Lucius Annaeus Seneca, On Anger 42:00
Stoicism Week 2014- Day 4: Epictetus, The Enchiridion 37:53
Stoicism Week 2014- Day 5: Epictetus, Discourses - Rightly Understanding Anger 28:53
Stoicism Week 2014- Day 6: Marcus Aurelius, Meditations - Rightly Understanding Anger 35:06
Stoicism Week 2014- Day 7: End of Week Reflections 22:40
Stoic Week 2015 - Day 1: Starting the Week 8:40
Stoic Week 2015 - Day 2: Cicero's On the Ends (De Finibus) 42:23
Stoic Week 2015 - Day 3: Cicero's On Duties (De Officiis) 46:06
Stoic Week 2015 - Day 4: Cicero's Tusculan Disputations 39:57
Stoic Week 2015 - Day 5: Four Components of a Happy Life 1:17:57
Stoic Week 2015 - Day 6: Cicero's On the Nature of the Gods (De Natura Deorum) 32:37
Stoic Week 2015 - Day 7: Reflections From Stoic Week 53:04
Intro to Philosophy: Cicero, On the Nature of the Gods, book 1 1:02:42
Intro to Philosophy: Cicero, On the Nature of the Gods book 2 58:32
Intro to Philosophy: Cicero, On the Nature of the Gods, book 3 1:06:07
Stoic Ethics (Epictetus' Enchiridion and Discourses) 1:32:05
World Views and Values: Epictetus, Discourses (lecture 1) 26:42
World Views and Values: Epictetus, Discourses (lecture 2) 28:26
World Views and Values: Epictetus, Discourses (lecture 3) 29:33
World Views and Values: Epictetus, Discourses (lecture 4) 33:31
World Views and Values: Epictetus, Discourses (lecture 5) 31:11
Understanding Anger Lecture 5 - Emperors and Slaves Above the Passions: Stoic Philosophers on Anger 1:40:15
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus, What Is and What Isn't in our Control 24:38
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on the Beginning of Philosophy 11:16
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus, Rationality, the Ruling Part 14:34
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on The Faculty of Choice (Prohairesis) 13:43
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus, Knowing the Prices of Things 17:24
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Familial Affection 10:53
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Subjecting Desires to Other People 16:49
Philosophy Core Concepts: The Use of Argument and Logic 10:43
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Understanding and Addressing Anger 20:53
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Preconceptions (Proleipseis) 16:03
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Duties, Roles, and Relationships 13:13
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Confidence, Caution, and Concern 13:15
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Indifference in Things 11:57
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Anxiety (Agonia) 15:37
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Habits and Practice 14:15
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Inconsistency and Moral Failings 15:07
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Conditions for Genuine Friendship 15:39
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Human Relations to the Divine 14:59
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on the Three Fields (Topoi) of Study 12:18
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Authority and Moral Example 11:41
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Personal Appearance and Beauty 16:58
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Processes of Practical Reasoning 18:59
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Training (Askesis) 16:26
Philosophy Core Concepts Epictetus on Solitude or Forlornness 15:29
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus' Criticisms of Academic Skepticism 11:17
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus' Criticisms of Epicureanism 15:10
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus' Evaluation of Cynicism 14:22
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Dealing with Appearances 15:18
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Dealing with Illness 14:39
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Irrational Fears 15:36
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus On The Master Argument 8:42
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Stubbornness or Obstinancy 12:33
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Contentiousness And Its Opposite 9:49
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Cleanliness and Purification 13:18
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on False Peace and Leisure as Ends 12:07
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Not Wanting Pity 15:37
Philosophy Core Concepts: Socrates as a Stoic Sage 11:21
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on the Nature of Freedom 16:30
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on the Profession of a Stoic Philosopher 17:12
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Willing What God Wills 16:35
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus and Stoic Cosmopolitanism 12:43
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Lust and Adultery 16:53
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Social Intercourse 15:06
Philosophy Core Concepts: Attention or Mindfulness 15:36
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Divine Providence 17:54
source: Gregory B. Sadler 2014年11月24日
Videos on the ancient Stoic school of Philosophy, including Seneca, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, and other authors -- some of them lecture videos from my classes, some from Stoic week, some from invited lectures, and others of them shorter Core Concept videos.
Stoicism Week 2014 - Day 1: The Week, The Class, And Why Stoicism Matters 35:00
Stoicism Week 2014- Day 2: Marcus Tullius Cicero's Stoic Paradoxes 1:00:23
Stoicism Week 2014- Day 3: Lucius Annaeus Seneca, On Anger 42:00
Stoicism Week 2014- Day 4: Epictetus, The Enchiridion 37:53
Stoicism Week 2014- Day 5: Epictetus, Discourses - Rightly Understanding Anger 28:53
Stoicism Week 2014- Day 6: Marcus Aurelius, Meditations - Rightly Understanding Anger 35:06
Stoicism Week 2014- Day 7: End of Week Reflections 22:40
Stoic Week 2015 - Day 1: Starting the Week 8:40
Stoic Week 2015 - Day 2: Cicero's On the Ends (De Finibus) 42:23
Stoic Week 2015 - Day 3: Cicero's On Duties (De Officiis) 46:06
Stoic Week 2015 - Day 4: Cicero's Tusculan Disputations 39:57
Stoic Week 2015 - Day 5: Four Components of a Happy Life 1:17:57
Stoic Week 2015 - Day 6: Cicero's On the Nature of the Gods (De Natura Deorum) 32:37
Stoic Week 2015 - Day 7: Reflections From Stoic Week 53:04
Intro to Philosophy: Cicero, On the Nature of the Gods, book 1 1:02:42
Intro to Philosophy: Cicero, On the Nature of the Gods book 2 58:32
Intro to Philosophy: Cicero, On the Nature of the Gods, book 3 1:06:07
Stoic Ethics (Epictetus' Enchiridion and Discourses) 1:32:05
World Views and Values: Epictetus, Discourses (lecture 1) 26:42
World Views and Values: Epictetus, Discourses (lecture 2) 28:26
World Views and Values: Epictetus, Discourses (lecture 3) 29:33
World Views and Values: Epictetus, Discourses (lecture 4) 33:31
World Views and Values: Epictetus, Discourses (lecture 5) 31:11
Understanding Anger Lecture 5 - Emperors and Slaves Above the Passions: Stoic Philosophers on Anger 1:40:15
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus, What Is and What Isn't in our Control 24:38
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on the Beginning of Philosophy 11:16
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus, Rationality, the Ruling Part 14:34
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on The Faculty of Choice (Prohairesis) 13:43
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus, Knowing the Prices of Things 17:24
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Familial Affection 10:53
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Subjecting Desires to Other People 16:49
Philosophy Core Concepts: The Use of Argument and Logic 10:43
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Understanding and Addressing Anger 20:53
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Preconceptions (Proleipseis) 16:03
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Duties, Roles, and Relationships 13:13
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Confidence, Caution, and Concern 13:15
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Indifference in Things 11:57
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Anxiety (Agonia) 15:37
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Habits and Practice 14:15
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Inconsistency and Moral Failings 15:07
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Conditions for Genuine Friendship 15:39
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Human Relations to the Divine 14:59
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on the Three Fields (Topoi) of Study 12:18
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Authority and Moral Example 11:41
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Personal Appearance and Beauty 16:58
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Processes of Practical Reasoning 18:59
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Training (Askesis) 16:26
Philosophy Core Concepts Epictetus on Solitude or Forlornness 15:29
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus' Criticisms of Academic Skepticism 11:17
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus' Criticisms of Epicureanism 15:10
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus' Evaluation of Cynicism 14:22
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Dealing with Appearances 15:18
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Dealing with Illness 14:39
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Irrational Fears 15:36
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus On The Master Argument 8:42
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Stubbornness or Obstinancy 12:33
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Contentiousness And Its Opposite 9:49
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Cleanliness and Purification 13:18
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on False Peace and Leisure as Ends 12:07
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Not Wanting Pity 15:37
Philosophy Core Concepts: Socrates as a Stoic Sage 11:21
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on the Nature of Freedom 16:30
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on the Profession of a Stoic Philosopher 17:12
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Willing What God Wills 16:35
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus and Stoic Cosmopolitanism 12:43
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Lust and Adultery 16:53
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Social Intercourse 15:06
Philosophy Core Concepts: Attention or Mindfulness 15:36
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Divine Providence 17:54
Sustainable Development Goals
source: The RSA 2016年3月24日
In 2015, Ban Ki-moon announced the new sustainable development goals as a ‘to-do list for people and planet’. What role should the UK play to help achieve these vital global goals?
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