

Ancient Philosophy: The Stoic School (by Gregory B. Sadler)

# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist
source:  Gregory B. Sadler  2014年11月24日
Videos on the ancient Stoic school of Philosophy, including Seneca, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, and other authors -- some of them lecture videos from my classes, some from Stoic week, some from invited lectures, and others of them shorter Core Concept videos.

Stoicism Week 2014 - Day 1: The Week, The Class, And Why Stoicism Matters 35:00
Stoicism Week 2014- Day 2: Marcus Tullius Cicero's Stoic Paradoxes 1:00:23
Stoicism Week 2014- Day 3: Lucius Annaeus Seneca, On Anger 42:00
Stoicism Week 2014- Day 4: Epictetus, The Enchiridion 37:53
Stoicism Week 2014- Day 5: Epictetus, Discourses - Rightly Understanding Anger 28:53
Stoicism Week 2014- Day 6: Marcus Aurelius, Meditations - Rightly Understanding Anger 35:06
Stoicism Week 2014- Day 7: End of Week Reflections 22:40
Stoic Week 2015 - Day 1: Starting the Week 8:40
Stoic Week 2015 - Day 2: Cicero's On the Ends (De Finibus) 42:23
Stoic Week 2015 - Day 3: Cicero's On Duties (De Officiis) 46:06
Stoic Week 2015 - Day 4: Cicero's Tusculan Disputations 39:57
Stoic Week 2015 - Day 5: Four Components of a Happy Life 1:17:57
Stoic Week 2015 - Day 6: Cicero's On the Nature of the Gods (De Natura Deorum) 32:37
Stoic Week 2015 - Day 7: Reflections From Stoic Week 53:04
Intro to Philosophy: Cicero, On the Nature of the Gods, book 1 1:02:42
Intro to Philosophy: Cicero, On the Nature of the Gods book 2 58:32
Intro to Philosophy: Cicero, On the Nature of the Gods, book 3 1:06:07
Stoic Ethics (Epictetus' Enchiridion and Discourses) 1:32:05
World Views and Values: Epictetus, Discourses (lecture 1) 26:42
World Views and Values: Epictetus, Discourses (lecture 2) 28:26
World Views and Values: Epictetus, Discourses (lecture 3) 29:33
World Views and Values: Epictetus, Discourses (lecture 4) 33:31
World Views and Values: Epictetus, Discourses (lecture 5) 31:11
Understanding Anger Lecture 5 - Emperors and Slaves Above the Passions: Stoic Philosophers on Anger 1:40:15
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus, What Is and What Isn't in our Control 24:38
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on the Beginning of Philosophy 11:16
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus, Rationality, the Ruling Part 14:34
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on The Faculty of Choice (Prohairesis) 13:43
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus, Knowing the Prices of Things 17:24
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Familial Affection 10:53
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Subjecting Desires to Other People 16:49
Philosophy Core Concepts: The Use of Argument and Logic 10:43
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Understanding and Addressing Anger 20:53
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Preconceptions (Proleipseis) 16:03
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Duties, Roles, and Relationships 13:13
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Confidence, Caution, and Concern 13:15
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Indifference in Things 11:57
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Anxiety (Agonia) 15:37
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Habits and Practice 14:15
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Inconsistency and Moral Failings 15:07
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Conditions for Genuine Friendship 15:39
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Human Relations to the Divine 14:59
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on the Three Fields (Topoi) of Study 12:18
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Authority and Moral Example 11:41
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Personal Appearance and Beauty 16:58
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Processes of Practical Reasoning 18:59
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Training (Askesis) 16:26
Philosophy Core Concepts Epictetus on Solitude or Forlornness 15:29
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus' Criticisms of Academic Skepticism 11:17
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus' Criticisms of Epicureanism 15:10
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus' Evaluation of Cynicism 14:22
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Dealing with Appearances 15:18
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Dealing with Illness 14:39
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Irrational Fears 15:36
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus On The Master Argument 8:42
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Stubbornness or Obstinancy 12:33
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Contentiousness And Its Opposite 9:49
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Cleanliness and Purification 13:18
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on False Peace and Leisure as Ends 12:07
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Not Wanting Pity 15:37
Philosophy Core Concepts: Socrates as a Stoic Sage 11:21
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on the Nature of Freedom 16:30
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on the Profession of a Stoic Philosopher 17:12
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Willing What God Wills 16:35
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus and Stoic Cosmopolitanism 12:43
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Lust and Adultery 16:53
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Social Intercourse 15:06
Philosophy Core Concepts: Attention or Mindfulness 15:36
Philosophy Core Concepts: Epictetus on Divine Providence 17:54