

Does feminism discriminate against men? (CATO debate)

source: Forrettindafeminismi    2013年3月1日
Það er bókin Does Feminism Discriminate Against Men? sem leggur upp sviðið fyrir þessa rökræðu milli annarsvegar James P. Sterba, Prófessors í Heimspeki og hinsvegar Carrie L. Lukas frá Independent Women's Forum.

Sterba er annar höfunda bókarinnar en Lukas hleypur hér í skarðið fyrir hinn höfundinn, Dr. Warren Farrell sem átti því miður ekki heimangengt. Það er Cato stofnunin sem hýsir viðburðinn undir stjórn David Boaz og fór rökræðan fram þann 28. Nóvember 2007.

Ljáir femínismi konum rödd í karlaheimi eða er heimurinn alls enginn karlaheimur? Stuðlar femínismi að jafnrétti í menntakerfinu og í hernum eða er fályndi hreyfingarinnar fyrir sífellt lakari árangri drengja í námi til marks um að femínismi mismuni körlum? Hvað með hugmyndir femínista um kynferðisofbeldi?

Það er James sem er femínistinn í þessari rökræðu og forréttindafemínisti er hann svo sannarlega. Það ætti engum að dyljast sem hlustar á hugmyndir hans um að banna frjálsu fólki að stunda kynlíf án smokks í fyrsta sinn sem það hefur samfarir. Hugmynd hans að viðurlögum við slíkum glæp er sekt og þriggja mánaða fangelsisvist sem karlinn á auðvitað einn að sæta.

19th Cent. Philosophy: John Stuart Mill by Gregory B. Sadler

# automatic playing for the 8 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)

source: Gregory B. Sadler 2012年2月27日/上次更新:2015年1月25日
In this lecture/discussion video from my Spring 2012 Ethics classes at Marist College, we continue our discussion of Utilitarianism by moving from Bentham to J.S. Mill, starting his work Utilitarianism. We examine several main objections to that moral theory and Mill's responses, in particular his distinction between qualitatively higher and lower pleasures and pains

Higher and Lower Pleasures (John Stuart Mill, Utilitarianism, ch. 1-2) 1:23:58
Philosophy Core Concepts: J.S. Mill, Utilitarianism as the Basis for Other Moral Theories 15:46
All About Utility (John Stuart Mill, Utilitarianism, ch. 3-5) 1:20:38
Philosophy Core Concepts: J.S. Mill, Responses to Criticisms of Utilitarianism 25:42
Philosophy Core Concepts: John Stuart Mill, Qualitatively Higher and Lower Pleasures 19:50
Philosophy Core Concepts: John Stuart Mill, Utilitarianism, Sanctions, and Duty 19:14
Philosophy Core Concepts: John Stuart Mill, Happiness, Goods, and Virtue 17:01
Mill's Qualitative Utilitarianism, Food, and the Culinary Arts: A Joint Presentation  1:07:01

2015 Maps of Meaning (Jordan B. Peterson / University of Toronto)

# automatic playing for the 22 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)

source: Jordan B Peterson   2015年1月7日/上次更新:2016年1月20日
Become a site patron: http://bit.ly/1VhFPLb

Lecture 01: Introduction (Part 1) 1:56:44
Lecture 01: Introduction (Part 2) 29:21
Lecture 02: Object and Meaning (Part 1) 1:37:07
Lecture 02: Object and Meaning (Part 2) 42:13
Lecture 03: Narrative, Neuropsychology & Mythology I (Part 1) 1:03:03
Lecture 03: Narrative, Neuropsychology & Mythology I (Part 2) 1:32:25
4 Narrative, Neuropsychology & Mythology II / Part 1 (Professor Jordan Peterson) 51:17
4 Narrative, Neuropsychology & Mythology II / Part 2 (Professor Jordan Peterson) 1:04:33
5 Narrative, Neuropsychology & Mythology III / Part 1 (Professor Jordan Peterson) 2:09:06
5 Mythology: Enuma Elish / Part 2 (Professor Jordan Peterson) 20:20
6 Mythology: Introduction / Part 1 (Professor Jordan Peterson) 56:50
6 Mythology: Egyptian Myths / Part 2 (Professor Jordan Peterson) 52:49
7 Mythology: Chaos / Part 1 (Professor Jordan Peterson) 1:49:02
7 Mythology: Chaos / Part 2 (Professor Jordan Peterson) 29:25
8 Mythology: The Great Mother / Part 1 (Professor Jordan Peterson) 2:04:59
8 Mythology: The Great Mother / Part 2 (Professor Jordan Peterson) 19:52
9 Mythology: The Great Father / Part 1 (Professor Jordan Peterson) 1:08:58
9 Mythology: The Great Father / Part 2 (Professor Jordan Peterson) 51:09
10 Culture & Anomaly / Part 1 (Professor Jordan Peterson) 1:33:36
10 Genesis I / Part 2 (Professor Jordan Peterson) 58:12
11 Genesis II / Part 1 (Professor Jordan Peterson) 1:55:19
11 Conclusion - The Hero / Part 2 (Professor Jordan Peterson) 42:55

1996 Maps of Meaning (Jordan B. Peterson / Harvard University)

# automatic playing for the 14 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)

source: Jordan B Peterson   2013年4月24日/上次更新:2016年1月23日
This is an advanced undergraduate seminar from 1996 from Harvard, taught to psychology majors. It is an early version of my class, Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief, which is based on the book of the same name. Maps of Meaning deals with neuropsychology, personality psychology, mythology and the motivation for social conflict (as well as addressing issues of moral behavior).

Jordan Peterson: Maps of Meaning 1 (Harvard Lectures) 1:51:56
Jordan Peterson: Maps of Meaning 2 (Harvard Lectures) 1:40:06
Jordan Peterson: Maps of Meaning 3 (Harvard Lectures) 1:54:57
Jordan Peterson: Maps of Meaning 4 (Harvard Lectures) 1:50:49
Jordan Peterson: Maps of Meaning 5 (Harvard Lectures) [Edited] 1:20:50
Jordan Peterson: Maps of Meaning 5 (Harvard Lectures) 1:46:32
Jordan Peterson: Maps of Meaning 6 (Harvard Lectures) 1:35:00
Jordan Peterson: Maps of Meaning 7 (Harvard Lectures) 1:50:39
Jordan Peterson: Maps of Meaning 8 (Harvard Lectures) 1:47:11
Jordan Peterson: Maps of Meaning 9 (Harvard Lectures) 1:48:53
Jordan Peterson: Maps of Meaning 10 (Harvard Lectures) 1:45:48
Jordan Peterson: Maps of Meaning 11 (Harvard Lectures) 1:45:06
Jordan Peterson: Maps of Meaning 12 (Harvard Lectures) 1:48:07
Jordan Peterson: Maps of Meaning 13 (Harvard Lectures) 1:53:46


source: 臺大科學教育發展中心 影音平台    2015年11月27日
2015/11/21 pm2:00 ,臺灣大學應用力學館國際會議廳

Johannes Freiesleben: "Science of Organisational Happiness" | Talks at G...

source: Talks at Google    2016年3月25日
Dr. Johannes Freiesleben is a business researcher who focuses on Organizational Reviews, Organizational Design and Humanistic Management. Prior to becoming Professor of Business Administration in 2013, he had a varied career in both industry and academia, encompassing different leadership positions in both fields. Between 2006 and 2007 he was Visiting Scholar at Stanford University and has recently been Vice-Rector and General Manager of the first German University in South America. He is currently establishing his own research center devoted to the topic of Organizational Happiness.

Organizational Happiness, a term coined by Dr. Freiesleben, deals with the structural elements of increasing employee well-being in the workplace. The focus of his talk will be on the concept of happiness in the business world and on a new organizational model companies can use to increase their employees´ happiness.

The Scott Brothers: "Dream Home" | Talks at Google

source: Talks at Google    2016年4月7日
Jonathan and Drew Scott have taken the world by storm with their four hit shows, Property Brothers, Property Brothers at Home, Buying & selling, and Brother vs Brother. Their good-natured rivalry, playful banter, and no-nonsense strategies have earned the popular twins dedicated fans around the world who have been anxiously waiting for a Scott Brothers book.

Dream Home is all about the ins and outs of buying, selling, and renovating a house, illustrated with hundreds of photographs.
Moderated by Alan Seales.
Twitter & Vine Jonathan - @MrSilverScott
Twitter &Vine Drew @MrDrewScott
More info here about the book here: https://play.google.com/store/books/d...

Doctoral Program Conference: #decoding, Session 1, Unsettling

source: Harvard GSD 2016年3月23日
Power inscribes order on space through codes. Bureaucratic codes measure and normalize dynamic ecologies and constitute the substrate of any infrastructural system, organization, and praxis. They striate space and punctuate time to increase efficiency, maximize profit, reduce risk, and maintain order in cultural, social, economic, and political spheres. #decoding gauges the agency of spatial practices in relation to the challenges and capacities prompted by codes and protocols. Organized by students in the Doctor of Design Studies program, this conference investigates the impact of codes, concerned with mapping of environments, demarcation of legal territories, operational protocols of logistics and risk management, and codes of building and subtraction. By exposing the spatial and socio-cultural implications of micro-politics embedded in the hidden codes and protocols, we speculate about the potential agency of design practices mediating between processes of normalization, and the live, complex, and unpredictable ecologies of human habitation.

Doctoral Program Conference: #decoding, Session 2, Unbuilding

source: Harvard GSD    2016年3月21日
Power inscribes order on space through codes. Bureaucratic codes measure and normalize dynamic ecologies and constitute the substrate of any infrastructural system, organization, and praxis. They striate space and punctuate time to increase efficiency, maximize profit, reduce risk, and maintain order in cultural, social, economic, and political spheres. #decoding gauges the agency of spatial practices in relation to the challenges and capacities prompted by codes and protocols. Organized by students in the Doctor of Design Studies program, this conference investigates the impact of codes, concerned with mapping of environments, demarcation of legal territories, operational protocols of logistics and risk management, and codes of building and subtraction. By exposing the spatial and socio-cultural implications of micro-politics embedded in the hidden codes and protocols, we speculate about the potential agency of design practices mediating between processes of normalization, and the live, complex, and unpredictable ecologies of human habitation.

Doctoral Program Conference: #decoding, Session 3, Keynote

source: Harvard GSD    2016年3月21日
3/11/16 Power inscribes order on space through codes. Bureaucratic codes measure and normalize dynamic ecologies and constitute the substrate of any infrastructural system, organization, and praxis. They striate space and punctuate time to increase efficiency, maximize profit, reduce risk, and maintain order in cultural, social, economic, and political spheres. #decoding gauges the agency of spatial practices in relation to the challenges and capacities prompted by codes and protocols. Organized by students in the Doctor of Design Studies program, this conference investigates the impact of codes, concerned with mapping of environments, demarcation of legal territories, operational protocols of logistics and risk management, and codes of building and subtraction. By exposing the spatial and socio-cultural implications of micro-politics embedded in the hidden codes and protocols, we speculate about the potential agency of design practices mediating between processes of normalization, and the live, complex, and unpredictable ecologies of human habitation.