

1996 Maps of Meaning (Jordan B. Peterson / Harvard University)

# automatic playing for the 14 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)

source: Jordan B Peterson   2013年4月24日/上次更新:2016年1月23日
This is an advanced undergraduate seminar from 1996 from Harvard, taught to psychology majors. It is an early version of my class, Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief, which is based on the book of the same name. Maps of Meaning deals with neuropsychology, personality psychology, mythology and the motivation for social conflict (as well as addressing issues of moral behavior).

Jordan Peterson: Maps of Meaning 1 (Harvard Lectures) 1:51:56
Jordan Peterson: Maps of Meaning 2 (Harvard Lectures) 1:40:06
Jordan Peterson: Maps of Meaning 3 (Harvard Lectures) 1:54:57
Jordan Peterson: Maps of Meaning 4 (Harvard Lectures) 1:50:49
Jordan Peterson: Maps of Meaning 5 (Harvard Lectures) [Edited] 1:20:50
Jordan Peterson: Maps of Meaning 5 (Harvard Lectures) 1:46:32
Jordan Peterson: Maps of Meaning 6 (Harvard Lectures) 1:35:00
Jordan Peterson: Maps of Meaning 7 (Harvard Lectures) 1:50:39
Jordan Peterson: Maps of Meaning 8 (Harvard Lectures) 1:47:11
Jordan Peterson: Maps of Meaning 9 (Harvard Lectures) 1:48:53
Jordan Peterson: Maps of Meaning 10 (Harvard Lectures) 1:45:48
Jordan Peterson: Maps of Meaning 11 (Harvard Lectures) 1:45:06
Jordan Peterson: Maps of Meaning 12 (Harvard Lectures) 1:48:07
Jordan Peterson: Maps of Meaning 13 (Harvard Lectures) 1:53:46

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