

Strings 2011 (Uppsala University)

# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist 

source: GraduatePhysics     2014年3月26日
Talks held at the Uppsala University, June 27-July 2, 2011.
Event website: http://www.physics.uu.se/external/strings2011/

Thomas Klose - Recent Results for Holographic Three Point Functions 37:56
Sergio Cecotti - N=2 gauge theories and algebras 38:30
Niklas Beisert - Counterterms and E7 Symmetry in N=8 Supergravity 46:19
Michael Green - Multiloop systematics in pure spinor field theory 44:33
Fabio Zwirner - LHC results and prospects from a theorist's viewpoint 59:47
Henrik Johansson - Lie Algebra Structures in Yang Mills and Gravity Amplitudes 50:35
David Gross - Opening (Strings 2011) 27:01
Tadashi Takayanagi - Holographic Entanglement Entropy and its New Developments 41:46
Miranda Cheng - K3 String Theory, the Largest Mathieu Group, and Holographic Moonshine 43:07
Liam McAllister - String cosmology 57:33
Jeff Harvey - Summary (Strings 2011) 38:53
Erik Verlinde - The Hidden Phase Space of Our Universe 45:52
Brian Greene - Warped tunneling 44:45
Ashoke Sen - What can black holes tell us about microstates? 40:02
Andrei Linde - Chaotic inflation in supergravity 34:37
Yaron Oz - Holography and Hydrodynamics 37:54
Vasily Pestun - Exact Results for 't Hooft Loops in Gauge Theories on S^4 45:02
Subir Sachdev - Quantum matter and gauge-gravity duality 57:11
Shiraz Minwalla - A Theory of Dissipative Superfluid Hydrodynamics 54:27
Sergei Gukov - A polynomial, B model, and S duality 43:38
Rajesh Gopakumar - Holographic Minimal Models 43:41
Mariana Graña - Constructing metastable vacua in Klebanov Strassler 37:15
Greg Moore - The Recent Role of (2,0) Theories in Physical Mathematics 1:03:27
Gary Shiu - Towards Simple de Sitter Vacua 38:21
Frank Wilczek - Three Ways Beyond the Standard Model 1:01:05
Davide Gaiotto - Field theories labeled by three manifolds 35:09
'Gong Show' (14 x 5 minute talks on string theory topics, Strings 2011) 1:13:35
Samson Shatashvili - Integrability in Quantum Theory, and Applications 40:53
Nathan Seiberg - Recent advances in SUSY 1:00:32
Marcos Mariño - Exact results and stringy effects in ABJM theory 31:50
Juan Maldacena - Comments on de Sitter perturbation theory 46:38
Henriette Elvang - Recent progress on amplitudes 58:12
Dimitrios Tsimpis - Uses of 3d toric varieties 28:18
Chris Hull - Double Field Theory and Duality 35:11
Anastasia Volovich - Symblifying Scattering Amplitudes in N=4 Yang Mills 38:13
Alexei Morozov - Challenges of beta deformation 51:40
Edward Witten - Knot Invariants From Maximally Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory 37:45