

String-Math 2011 (University of Pennsylvania)

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source: GraduatePhysics     2014年9月4日
Talks held at University of Pennsylvania, Jun 06-11, 2011.
Event website: http://www.math.upenn.edu/StringMath2011/

David Ben Zvi - Geometric Character Theory 47:55
Lev Borisov - Recent developments in the vertex algebra approach to toric mirror symmetry 45:29
Andrei Caldararu - Understanding brane intersections from a Lie theoretic viewpoint 51:41
Kevin Costello - Mirror symmetry at higher genus 49:13
Michael Douglas - Foundation of Quantum Field Theory 48:47
Miranda Cheng - M24, K3 String Theory, and Holographic Moonshine 50:31
Dan Freed - Remarks on fully extended 3 dimensional topological field theories 50:21
Davide Gaiotto - BPS states in 4d and 2d 50:33
Sergei Gukov - Branes and Geometric Representation Theory 48:53
Albrecht Klemm - Omega backgrounds and generalized holomorphic anomaly equation 43:02
Andrew Neitzke - A 2d/4d wall crossing formula 49:40
Cumrun Vafa - Complete N=2 Gauge Theories in 4 Dimensions 49:35
Cumrun Vafa - Public Lecture on Strings and Geometry 1:03:32
Ludmil Katzarkov - Degenerations, dimension spectra, and wall crossing 43:32
Martijn Wijnholt - Higgs bundles and String Phenomenology 42:00
Matilde Marcolli - Motives in quantum field theory 48:43
Melissa Liu - Open Gromov-Witten invariants of toric Calabi-Yau 3-folds 46:14
Paul Seidel - Families of objects in Fukaya categories 49:21
Sheldon Katz - (0,2) Quantum Cohomology 45:02
Yuji Tachikawa - On 2d TQFTs whose values are hyperkähler cones 50:42
Yongbin Ruan - Towards a global mirror symmetry 44:13
David Baraglia - Topological T-duality with monodromy 22:41
Chris Brav - Ping-pong and exceptional vector bundles 19:46
Eric Bergshoeff - Dual Doubled Geometry 20:49
Lara Anderson - Geometric Moduli Stabilization in Heterotic Calabi-Yau Vacua 23:38
Jimmy Dillies - Generalized Borcea Voisin Construction 19:42
Nils Carqueville - Topological defects and Khovanov Rozansky homology 22:05
Shyamoli Chaudhuri - Matrix Theory and the Fundamental Symmetry 24:36
David Favero - Graded matrix factorizations and functor categories 19:13
James Fullwood - On generalized Sethi-Vafa-Witten formulas 20:21
Fabio Ferari Ruffino - Freed-Witten anomaly and D-brane gauge theories 24:45
Benjamin Jurke - Cohomology of Toric Varieties and Applications 23:04
Michael Kay - Bulk deformations of open topological string theory 22:04
Louis Kauffman - A Quantum Context for the Jones Polynomial and Khovanov Homology 21:52
Sergey Grigorian - Deformations of structures 20:37
Tyler Jarvis - Moduli of Curves with W-structure and Mirror Symmetry 21:36
El kaïoum Moutuou - Twistings of for Real groupoids 22:37
Andreas Malmendier - Heterotic/F-theory duality and lattice polarized K3 surfaces 21:55
Peggy Kouroumalou - Supergravities in 5 and 6 dimensions and their possible realization in F-theory 23:14
Samuel Monnier - The global gravitational anomaly of the self-dual field theory 19:32
Stefan Mendez Diez - K-theoretic Aspects of String Theory Dualities 19:21
Takashi Kimura - On stringy algebraic operations in equivariant K-theory 22:21
Jihye Seo - Singularity structure and massless dyons of pure N = 2 theories 19:44
Masahito Yamazaki - Hyperbolic Volume from Gauge Theories on Duality Walls 27:28
Nicolo Sibilla - Mirror Symmetry and Ribbon Graphs 20:08
Matt Szczesny - Feynman graphs, Hall algebras, and linear categories 21:10
Anatoly Preygel - Matrix factorizations via group actions on categories 25:28