

Walter Lewin - Physics I: Classical Mechanics (Fall 1999)

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source: Lectures by Walter Lewin.     2015年3月13日
--This is an upscaled 240p version of the video. For this introduction, unlike the actual lectures of 8.01x, there is no 480p version available.
--Links to lecture notes, assignments/solutions and exams/solutions are available via links in the descriptions of the individual lecture videos.
--8.01x - Help Sessions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...

Introduction 3:21
1 - Powers of 10, Units, Dimensions, Uncertainties, Scaling Arguments 38:02
2 - 1D Kinematics - Speed, Velocity, Acceleration 50:42
3 - Vectors - Dot Products - Cross Products - 3D Kinematics 49:33
4 - 3D Kinematics, Free Falling Reference Frames 52:03
5 - Circular Motion, Centripetal Forces, Perceived Gravity 50:51
6 - Newton's Laws 49:16
7 - Weight, Weightlessness in Free Fall, Weight in Orbit 50:05
8 - Friction 47:58
9 - First Exam Review 49:16
10 - Hooke's Law, Springs, Pendulums, Simple Harmonic Motion 47:42
11 - Work, Kinetic & Potential Energy, Gravitation, Conservative Forces 49:07
12 - Air Drag, Resistive Forces, Conservative Forces, Terminal Velocity 49:43
13 - Potential Energy, Derive Simple Harmonic Motion using Energy 51:30
14 - Escape Velocities, Circular Orbits, Bound and Unbound Orbits, Power 48:54
15 - Momentum, Conservation of Momentum, Center of Mass 52:18
16 - Elastic & Inelastic Collisions, Center of Mass Frame of Reference 48:35
17 - Impulse, Rockets 48:39
18 - 2nd Exam Review 49:56
19 - Rotating Objects, Moment of Inertia, Rotational KE, Neutron Stars 41:00
20 - Angular Momentum, Torques, Conservation of Angular Momentum 51:15
21 - Torques, Oscillating Bodies, Physical Pendulums 47:50
22 - Kepler's Laws, Elliptical Orbits, Satellites, Orbital Changes 49:09
23 - Doppler Effect, Binary Stars, Neutron Stars & Black Holes 50:00
24 - Rolling Motion, Gyroscopes, VERY NON-INTUITIVE 49:14
25 - Static Equilibrium, Stability, Rope Warker 48:14
26 - Elasticity, Young's Modulus 50:12
27 - Fluid Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Pascal's Principle, Atmosph. Pressure 49:49
28 - Hydrostatics, Archimedes' Principle, Bernoulli's Equation 48:22
29 - Third Exam Review 49:01
30 - Simple Harmonic Motion, Energy Considerations, Torsional Pendulum 49:31
31 - Forced Oscillations, Normal Modes, Resonances, Musical Instruments 48:07
32 - Heat, Thermal Expansion 49:04
33 - Kinetic Gas Theory, Ideal Gas Law, Phase Transitions 52:51
34 - The Wonderful Quantum World, Breakdown of Classical Mechanics 46:45
35 - Farewell Special, My Early Days in Astrophysics, Huge Balloons 43:18

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