

Walter Lewin - Help Sessions for Physics I: Classical Mechanics (Fall 1999)

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source: Lectures by Walter Lewin.    2015年2月15日

8.01x - Module 02.01 - How fast and at what angle should you walk in the rain to get least wet. 18:16
8.01x - Module 03.01 - What is a vector, what is a scalar. 7:58
8.01x - Module 03.02 - Cartesian and Polar coordinates. 11:47
8.01x - Module 03.03 - Vector A and -A. 1:58
8.01x - Module 03.04 - Addition of vectors. 5:42
8.01x - Module 04.01 - Throw two objects at different times with different speeds. Do they collide. 4:57
8.01x - Module 04.02 - Finding acceleration and position using the V vs t diagram. 9:26
8.01x - Module 04.03 - Subtraction of vectors. 4:26
8.01x - Module 05.01 - Instantaneous acceleration 1D and 3D 7:15
8.01x - Module 06.01 - Soccer ball, how high and how far does it go 21:54
8.01x - Module 06.02 - An astronaut on the moon throws a stone. 7:46
8.01x - Module 07.01 - Tension in a rope carrying a mass 6:08
8.01x - Module 07.02 - Weightlessness in free fall 6:21
8.01x - Module 08.01 - Block sliding down an incline zero friction 3:46
8.01x - Module 08.02 - A spring gun is used to accelerate small pucks across a frictionless surface. 2:15
8.01x - Module 08.03 - Resistive Forces Air Drag, Liquids, Spherical Objects. 13:33
8.01x - Module 08.04 - Resistive Forces, Air Drag, Liquids, Spherical Objects. 23:58
8.01x - Module 08.05 - Air Drag on a Small Oil Drop. 7:17
8.01x - Module 08.06 - Resistive force of sphere , r, prop to speed. 19:53
8.01x - Module 09.01 - Centripetal acc using orbital period and radius. 4:11
8.01x - Module 09.02 - Angular Velocity (w) and ang Frequency (w) 11:23
8.01x - Module 10.01 - Circular orbit of satellite around Earth. 5:40
8.01x - Module 10.02 - Twirl a mass attached to a string in a circular path. 11:41
8.01x - Module 11.01 - Pulling a mass up a ramp with constant speed. 6:48
8.01x - Module 11.02 - Average power, Instantaneous Power, Negative and Positive Power. 24:15
8.01x - Module 12.01 - Particle moving with constant velocity as a result of several forces. 10:04
8.01x - Module 12.02 - Multiplication of vectors, 6:58
8.01x - Module 12.03 - Perpendicular vectors; Zero Dot Product. 2:16
8.01x - Module 12.04 - Work is a Dot Product. 1:26
8.01x - Module 12.05 - Dot Product of Vector with Itself. 1:38
8.01x - Module 13.01 - A projectile launched at angle theta 4:57
8.01x - Module 13.02 - A spring obeying Hooke's Law. 4:02
8.01x - Module 13.03 - Gravity and potential energy. 20:03
Tw8.01x - Module 14.01 - Oscillating dumbbell (connected by spring) 23:38
8.01x - Module 14.02 - Car on a looping roller coaster. 14:05
8.01x - Module 14.03 - Eskimo child slides down hemispherical igloo 10:44
8.01x - Module 14.04 - Conservative and Non Conservative Forces. 8:52
8.01x - Module 15.01 - Block a pendulum in its full swing 6:53
8.01x - Module 15.02 - A sliding block attached to a wall with a spring. 20:53
8.01x - Module 15.03 - Two springs with an object (m) between them. 19:22
8.01x - Module 15.04 - What is Simple Harmonic Oscillation SHO. 2:27
8.01x - Module 15.05 - Requirements for a SHM. 1:06
8.01x - Module 15.06 - SHO of a Spring. 8:09
8.01x - Module 15.07 - SHO Initial Conditions. 2:30
8.01x - Module 15.08 - SHO Angular Frequency vs Angular Velocity. 4:06
8.01x - Module 15.09 - Simple harmonic motion of pendulum. 8:26
8.01x - Module 16.01 - Momentum concepts. 4:27
8.01x - Module 16.02 - Fire hydrant delivers water m^3 per sec. 2:35
8.01x - Module 17.01 - Two people passing an ice block back and forth on ice 9:34
8.01x - Module 17.02 - Unusual characteristics of the center of mass 8:51
8.01x - Module 17.03 - Characteristics of center of mass. 7:03
8.01x - Module 18 01 Elastic collision of sliders with unequal masses, one at rest 17:47
8.01x - Module 18.02 - Elastic collision of 2 pucks m1 and m2 9:27
8.01x - Module 19.01 - Heat produced by a bicycle pump. 6:56
8.01x - Module 20.01 - Moments of Inertia of thin rotating disc on and off axis 11:49
8.01x - Module 20.02 - Moment of Inertia of rotating object with angular velocity omega 4:41
8.01x - Module 20.04 - Moment of Inertia of rotating rod. 4:50
8.01x - Module 20.05 - Moment of Inertia of flat rectangle. 3:27
8.01x - Module 20.06 - Moment of Inertia of rotation disc 6:12
8.01x - Module 20.07 - Moments of Inertia of Rod with radius R 3:56
8.01x - Module 20.08 - Moment of Inertia - Parallel Axis Theorem 2:55
8.01x - Module 20.09 - moment of inertia of a rod length l mass m 2:41
8.01x - Module 20.10 - General analysis of moment of inertia. 5:07
8.01x - Module 21.01 - General analysis of torque. 8:38
8.01x - Module 21.02 - Two blocks on rough slopes, connected by a pulley. 14:36
8.01x - Module 21.03 - How to calculate the Cross Product of 2 Vectors, Corkscrew Rule. 19:28
8.01x - Module 21.04 - Cross Product of Vectors with Itself 1:27
8.01x - Module 21.05 - Right Handed Coordinate System 1:55
8.01x - Module 22.01 - Torque and Simple Harmonic Motion. 8:16
8.01x - Module 22.02 - Angular momentum of a conical pendulum. 18:54
8.01x - Module 22.03 -Simple Harmonic Motions. 3:04
8.01x - Module 23.01 - Balancing a mass with rope and 2 pulleys. 9:26
8.01x - Module 23.02 - Static Equilibrium, Forces, Torques. 11:49
8.01x - Module 24.01 - Torque is the Time Derivative of Angular Momentum. 5:04
8.01x - Module 25.01 - General overview of angular momentum and conservation thereof. 4:51
8.01x - Module 25.02 - Figure skater - spin up and spin down 4:18
8.01x - Module 26.01 - An airplane touches down Describe what happens to the wheels. 9:40
8.01x - Module 27.01 - Motion of different yo-yo 12:13
8.01x - Module 27.02 - Motion of yo-yo. 6:44
8.01x - Module 27.03 - Skidding car. 8:47
8.01x - Module 27.04 - Hit Rod on Frictionless Surface. 21:43
8.01x - Module 27.06 - Hit Ball on Frictionless Surface.(NOT EASY) 25:26
8.01x - Module 28.01 - Rocket orbiting the earth, dispose of waste by firing it into the sun. 8:20
Moment of Inertia of Dumbbell . 6:06

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