

哲學概論 (2015)-王志銘 / 淡江大學

# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)

source: 淡江大學開放式課程     2015年11月11日

1. 什麼是哲學? 1:15:58
2. 何謂(哲學)思想? 1:39:31
3. 推論與反駁 1:33:46
4. 知識成立的要件 1:33:35
5. 自我同一性 1:38:43
6. 人的意志是自由的嗎? 1:41:10
7. 法律上的自由 1:31:04
8. 如何去除部滿足感? 1:36:42
9. 義務論 1:42:28
10. 哲學美學 1:50:02
11. 形而上學 1:36:35

哲學經典導讀 (2015):王志銘 / 淡江大學

# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)

source: 淡江大學開放式課程    2015年11月11日

1(104.02.26) 馬丁·海德格爾的哲學思想1:01:11
2(104.03.05) 什麼叫思想?1:15:43
3(104.03.12) 希臘古典哲學 1:44:38
4(104.03.19) 柏拉圖─觀念論 1:07:51
5(104.03.26) 柏拉圖─巴門尼德斯篇 1:39:37
6(104.04.09) 亞里斯多德 1:34:11
7(104.04.16) 亞里斯多德的倫理學 1:41:36
8(104.04.23) 奧古斯丁 1:37:11
9(104.06.11) 康德的純粹理性批判與思想(一) 1:21:58
10(104.06.18) 康德的純粹理性批判與思想(二) 1:28:31

Michio Kaku - Does the Cosmos have a Reason?

source: Closer To Truth      2013年1月7日
For more videos and information from Michio Kaku click here http://bit.ly/1xZfbxV
For more videos on whether the cosmos has a reason click here http://bit.ly/1BXeTTh
To buy episodes and seasons of Closer To Truth click here http://bit.ly/1LUPlQS
Cosmologists now develop credible theories about the beginning and end of our universe and theory-based speculations about vast numbers of multiple universes. But does the cosmos have a reason?

Michio Kaku (2014) "The Greatest Mystery of Science"

source: Michio Kaku Videos     2014年8月21日
Full Discussion
Date - June 07, 2014
Subscribe For Michio Kaku's Speeches, Interviews, and Debates!

Organic Reactions and Pharmaceuticals--Steven A. Hardinger / UCLA

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: UCLA Courses    上次更新日期:2014年7月1日
Course Description:
Chemistry 14D: Organic Reactions and Pharmaceuticals is a class that provides an in depth analysis of organic reactions, nucleophilic and electrophilic substitutions and additions; electrophilic aromatic substitutions, carbonyl reactions, catalysis, molecular basis of drug action, and organic chemistry of pharmaceuticals.
About the Professor:
Professor Hardinger has been a faculty member in the UCLA Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry since 1997. His professional career began at Drexel University in Philadelphia, which afforded a BS in Chemistry in 1982. He then moved to Purdue University, and earned a PhD in Organic Chemistry in 1988. Two subsequent years as a postdoctoral scholar at Renssalear Polytechnic Institute were followed by appointment in 1990 as assistant professor at California State University. In 1997 he achieved the "forbidden transition" and moved to UCLA as Lecturer followed by promotion to Senior Lecturer in 2004. At UCLA his main teaching interests have been introductory organic chemistry courses in the physical science majors series as well as the life science majors series. His professional interests include development of new teaching tools and methods, both in print and electronic media. An introductory organic chemistry textbook (Organic Chemistry - A Thinking Student's Approach) is currently in development.
Course Webpage: http://www.chem.ucla.edu/harding/
Note: Some clips and images may have been blurred or removed to avoid copyright infringement.
* See all the UCLA Chemistry 14D: Organic Reactions and Pharmaceuticals classes in this series:http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=4BE4AAFBFECDB2F8
* See more courses from UCLA: http://www.youtube.com/uclacourses
* See more from UCLA's main channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/ucla

Lec 1, Chemistry 14D, UCLA 7:19
Lec 2, Chemistry 14D, UCLA 45:19
Lec 3, Chemistry 14D, UCLA 41:55
Lec 4, Chemistry 14D, UCLA 48:50
Lec 5, Chemistry 14D, UCLA 50:10
Lec 6, Chemistry 14D, UCLA 47:50
Lec 7, Chemistry 14D, UCLA 46:23
Lec 8, Chemistry 14D, UCLA 49:50
Lec 9, Chemistry 14D, UCLA 49:47
Lec 10, Chemistry 14D, UCLA 49:40
Lec 11, Chemistry 14D, UCLA 47:15
Lec 12, Chemistry 14D, UCLA 48:34
Lec 13, Chemistry 14D, UCLA 43:34
Lec 14, Chemistry 14D, UCLA 45:36
Lec 15, Chemistry 14D, UCLA 50:23
Lec 16, Chemistry 14D, UCLA 39:09
Lec 17, Chemistry 14D, UCLA 44:47
Lec 18, Chemistry 14D, UCLA 50:25
Lec 19, Chemistry 14D, UCLA 49:47
Lec 20, Chemistry 14D, UCLA 43:43
Lec 21, Chemistry 14D, UCLA 48:59
Lec 22, Chemistry 14D, UCLA 44:30
Lec 23, Chemistry 14D, UCLA 49:28
Lec 24, Chemistry 14D, UCLA 48:38
Lec 25, Chemistry 14D, UCLA 47:48
Lec 26, Chemistry 14D, UCLA 49:17
Lec 27, Chemistry 14D, UCLA [Finished] 46:00

Workshop: "Towards the proof of the geometric Langlands conjecture"

# automatic playing for the 36 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)

source: Hebrew University of Jerusalem   上次更新日期:2014年6月7日
Workshop Website - https://sites.google.com/site/geometriclanglands2014/

Tutorial on infinity-categories (S. Raskin) 53:23
Lecture 1.1: Road Map (D. Gaitsgory) 1:04:52
Lecture 1.2: D-modules and quasi-coherent sheaves on prestacks (N. Rozenblyum) 1:04:02
Tutorial on D-modules 1:34:17
Lecture 1.3: Singular Support - I (D. Arinkin) 1:03:24
Tutorial on singular support 36:27
Discussion and Q&A 36:38
Lecture 2.1: Singular Support - II (D. Arinkin) 1:18:33
Discussion and Q&A 17:39
Lecture 2.2: Factorization - I: factorization spaces and algebras (S. Raskin) 1:00:42
Tutorial on factorization 1:07:35
Lecture 2.3: Spaces of rational maps to the flag variety (D. Beraldo) 50:30
Tutorial on spaces of rational maps 45:26
Discussion and Q&A 36:30
Lecture 3.1: Factorization - II :factorization categories (S. Raskin) 54:23
Tutorial on factorization 54:20
Lecture 3.2: The Hecke action (D. Gaitsgory) 55:20
Tutorial on the Hecke action 1:07:35
Discussion and Q&A 53:25
Lecture 4.1: Factorization - III: local-to-global principle (N. Rozenblyum) 54:26
Discussion and Q&A 1:08:53
Lecture 4.2: Global Whittaker and principal series categories (D. Beraldo) 51:33
Tutorial on Global Whittaker 44:46 37:15
Discussion and Q&A 50:34
Lecture 5.1: Langlands duality for local and global Whittaker categories (D. Beraldo) 52:20
Discussion and Q&A 37:35
Lecture 5.2: Langlands duality for local and global principal series categories (S. Raskin) 58:01
Discussion and Q&A 21:01
Lecture 5.3: Langlands duality for the extended Whittaker category: gluing (D. Arinkin) 1:13:12
Lecture 5.4: Localization of Kac-Moody representations (N. Rozenblyum) 19:35
Discussion and Q&A 1:02:10
Discussion and Q&A 39:58
Lecture 6.1: Opers (D. Gaitsgory) 53:24
Discussion and Q&A 38:15
Lecture 6.2: Fundamental diagram and the proof of the Langlands conjecture (D. Arinkin) 1:01:16

(2013下-商專) 人力資源管理--馮至能 / 空中進修學院 (1-19)

# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)

source: 華視教學頻道     上次更新日期:2014年7月3日
更多人力資源管理請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/educ.php?pid=844

(2014下-商專) 人力資源管理--馮至能 / 空中進修學院 (1-18)

# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)

source: 華視教學頻道      上次更新日期:2015年7月12日
更多人力資源管理(商專)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...