

Workshop: "Towards the proof of the geometric Langlands conjecture"

# automatic playing for the 36 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)

source: Hebrew University of Jerusalem   上次更新日期:2014年6月7日
Workshop Website - https://sites.google.com/site/geometriclanglands2014/

Tutorial on infinity-categories (S. Raskin) 53:23
Lecture 1.1: Road Map (D. Gaitsgory) 1:04:52
Lecture 1.2: D-modules and quasi-coherent sheaves on prestacks (N. Rozenblyum) 1:04:02
Tutorial on D-modules 1:34:17
Lecture 1.3: Singular Support - I (D. Arinkin) 1:03:24
Tutorial on singular support 36:27
Discussion and Q&A 36:38
Lecture 2.1: Singular Support - II (D. Arinkin) 1:18:33
Discussion and Q&A 17:39
Lecture 2.2: Factorization - I: factorization spaces and algebras (S. Raskin) 1:00:42
Tutorial on factorization 1:07:35
Lecture 2.3: Spaces of rational maps to the flag variety (D. Beraldo) 50:30
Tutorial on spaces of rational maps 45:26
Discussion and Q&A 36:30
Lecture 3.1: Factorization - II :factorization categories (S. Raskin) 54:23
Tutorial on factorization 54:20
Lecture 3.2: The Hecke action (D. Gaitsgory) 55:20
Tutorial on the Hecke action 1:07:35
Discussion and Q&A 53:25
Lecture 4.1: Factorization - III: local-to-global principle (N. Rozenblyum) 54:26
Discussion and Q&A 1:08:53
Lecture 4.2: Global Whittaker and principal series categories (D. Beraldo) 51:33
Tutorial on Global Whittaker 44:46 37:15
Discussion and Q&A 50:34
Lecture 5.1: Langlands duality for local and global Whittaker categories (D. Beraldo) 52:20
Discussion and Q&A 37:35
Lecture 5.2: Langlands duality for local and global principal series categories (S. Raskin) 58:01
Discussion and Q&A 21:01
Lecture 5.3: Langlands duality for the extended Whittaker category: gluing (D. Arinkin) 1:13:12
Lecture 5.4: Localization of Kac-Moody representations (N. Rozenblyum) 19:35
Discussion and Q&A 1:02:10
Discussion and Q&A 39:58
Lecture 6.1: Opers (D. Gaitsgory) 53:24
Discussion and Q&A 38:15
Lecture 6.2: Fundamental diagram and the proof of the Langlands conjecture (D. Arinkin) 1:01:16

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