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GSD Talks | Technologies of Design: Eric Höweler
source: Harvard GSD 2015年10月22日
Eric Höweler, assistant professor of architecture and organizer of the conference Adaptive Architectures and Smart Materials, will give a brief overview of the event, held earlier this month in Chicago. This was the first iteration of the Merck Harvard GSD conference series, which brings together academics, historians, industry leaders, and building scientists to explore the potentials and opportunities for architecture and industry.
The integration of new communication, interactivity and display technologies in architecture fundamentally transforms spaces and places into networked, responsive and communicative environments. Within this context, architecture has become "smart" through the introduction of technologies at the scale of devices and equipment. A building envelope is currently the site of intense architectural speculation, with the introduction of CNC fabrication techniques that allow for increased formal complexity, as well as new material properties in glass, polymers and fabrics that create building envelopes with new spatial, visual and thermal properties. These new materials, which have the capacity to transform architecture, its ability to regulate its appearance, its optical properties, its configuration, and its thermal qualities, demand a radical rethinking of interiority, exteriority, privacy, publicness, exposure, and visibility within architecture.
Technologies of Design
This series of lectures, conversations, and events offers occasions to discuss material, structural, and building technologies and their connection, consequence, and impacts on design.
Symposium on Architecture: Organization or Design?
source: Harvard GSD 2015年10月20日
10/15/2015From cybernetics to systems theory to present-day parametricism, organization has haunted the architectural imagination. Today, many debates about design practice center on data. Given the pervasiveness of information in the material, spatial, formal, and programmatic forms of organization that today’s designer must confront—in objects, networks, and genealogies—the obsession with data is hardly surprising. But data has no intrinsic bearing on the architectural process or its products. It is; how data is organized—acquired, quantified, represented, processed, and manipulated—is what differentiates design outcomes.
Energy Revolution
source: Harvard University 2015年10月21日
We can launch an energy revolution that drastically decreases CO2 emission and other deleterious consequences associated with fossil fuel burning. Energy extraction can be cut by more than 50% by converting fossil fuel burning engines to electric motors and replacing fossil fuel burning power plants with renewable sources. In addition, energy efficient systems and improvements in computation and connectivity can significantly reduce energy consumption and lower energy costs. These goals can be achieved using commercially available technologies. New technologies may offer even greater opportunities.
Alain Badiou & Judith Balso. Contemporary art: considered philosophicall... (2014)
source: European Graduate School 2014年9月30日
http://www.egs.edu/ Alain Badiou and Judith Balso, French philosopher and poet discussing the nature of contemporary art, contemporaneity and the dual tenets of modern art, subtraction and formalization. Other topics include modernity, music, painting, rupture, event, poetry. In relation to the authors Hegel, Osip Mandelstam, Robin Blaser, Jack Spicer and Dante. Public open lecture for the students and faculty of the European Graduate School EGS Media and Communication Studies department program Saas-Fee Switzerland Europe 2014 Alain Badiou and Judith Balso.
Alain Badiou. Introduction To The Philosophical Concept of Change. 2012
source: European Graduate School 2013年1月18日
http://www.egs.edu Alain Badiou, French philosopher, mathematician and author, talking about the philosophical concept of change. In this lecture, Alain Badiou discusses the relationship between repetition and tradition, the mathematical concept of generic sets, the relationship between the idea of truth and the generic, the impossibility of the transmission of the thought of change and the structure of desire in relationship to Plato, Saint Paul, Kurt Gödel, P.J. Cohen and Georg Cantor focusing on difference, identity, love, life, exceptionality, positive and negative forms of change, generic audiences and the relationship between desire and law. Public open lecture for the students and faculty of the European Graduate School EGS Media and Communication Studies department program Saas-Fee Switzerland Europe. 2012. Alain Badiou.
Alain Badiou. From Logic to Anthropology, or Affirmative Dialectics. 2012
source: European Graduate School 2012年9月3日
http://www.egs.edu/ Alain Badiou, contemporary philosopher, discusses logic, anthropology, philosophy, Karl Marx, politics, negativity, negative dialectics, affirmative dialectics, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Theodor Adorno, Louis Althusser, capitalism, the future, negation, affirmation, event, subject, Saint Paul, Paris 1968, subjectivity, democracy, Jacques Rancière Ranciere, revolution, human and animal, humanity, the capitalist market of finitude, human rights, the right of the infinite, truth, and dialectical materialism, with a response by Slavoj Žižek Zizek . Public open lecture for the students and faculty of the European Graduate School EGS Media and Communication Studies department program Saas-Fee Switzerland. 2012 Alain Badiou.
Alain Badiou. The Philosophical Question of Change Within Greek Antiquit... (2012)
source: European Graduate School 2013年1月23日
http://www.egs.edu Alain Badiou, French philosopher, mathematician and author, talking about the philosophical concept of change within Greek antiquity. In this lecture, Alain Badiou discusses the relationship between change and negation, the empirical and universal experience of change, the identity of being and thinking, the relationship between being and becoming and Aristotle's question concerning a prime mover and causality in relationship to Parmenides, Baruch Spinoza, Gilles Deleuze, Friedrich Nietzsche, Heraclitus, Aristotle and Immanuel Kant
focusing on poetry, being qua being, negativity, the One, pure affirmation, the inexistence of negation, dialectics, double negation, the proof of God's existence, perfection, contradiction and subjectivity. Public open lecture for the students and faculty of the European Graduate School EGS Media and Communication Studies department program Saas-Fee Switzerland Europe. 2012. Alain Badiou.
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (Spring 2014)--Mark J. Madou / UC Irvine
# Click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: UCIrvineOCW 上次更新日期:2015年1月26日
UCI Engineering 165/265 Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (Spring 2014)
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/mechanical...
License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Terms of Use: http://ocw.uci.edu/info.
More courses at http://ocw.uci.edu
Description: UCI EngrMAE 165/265 In this course, sources of energy considered for machining are mechanically used for cutting and shaping, heating energy such as in laser cutting, photochemical such as photolithography, and chemical energy such as in electro chemical machining and chemical deposition (CVD).
UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Lec 1. Introduction (Spring 2014) 1:01:04
Lec 2. Mechanical Machining I (Spring 2014) 1:03:38
Lec 3. Mechanical Machining II (Spring 2014) 1:01:16
Lec 4. Thermal Machining I (Spring 2014) 1:16:26
Lec 5. Photolithography & Thermal Machining II 1:11:35
Lec 6. Electrical Machining I (Spring 2014) 35:19
Lec 7. Electrical Machining II & TD vs. BU 1:05:53
Lec 8. Top Down vs. Bottom Up Manufacturing II 1:03:59
Lec 9. STM and Atomic Force Microscopy 1:09:43
Lec 10. Micromolding Techniques (Spring 2014) 1:10:27
Lec 11. CD Microfluidics I (Spring 2014) 1:10:27
Lec 12. CD Microfluidics II (Spring 2014) 1:03:37
CNC Machine Practicum 45:32
3D Printing Practicum 51:23
Soft Lithography Practicum 27:55
Clean Room Practicum 23:55
source: UCIrvineOCW 上次更新日期:2015年1月26日
UCI Engineering 165/265 Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (Spring 2014)
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/mechanical...
License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Terms of Use: http://ocw.uci.edu/info.
More courses at http://ocw.uci.edu
Description: UCI EngrMAE 165/265 In this course, sources of energy considered for machining are mechanically used for cutting and shaping, heating energy such as in laser cutting, photochemical such as photolithography, and chemical energy such as in electro chemical machining and chemical deposition (CVD).
UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Lec 1. Introduction (Spring 2014) 1:01:04
Lec 2. Mechanical Machining I (Spring 2014) 1:03:38
Lec 3. Mechanical Machining II (Spring 2014) 1:01:16
Lec 4. Thermal Machining I (Spring 2014) 1:16:26
Lec 5. Photolithography & Thermal Machining II 1:11:35
Lec 6. Electrical Machining I (Spring 2014) 35:19
Lec 7. Electrical Machining II & TD vs. BU 1:05:53
Lec 8. Top Down vs. Bottom Up Manufacturing II 1:03:59
Lec 9. STM and Atomic Force Microscopy 1:09:43
Lec 10. Micromolding Techniques (Spring 2014) 1:10:27
Lec 11. CD Microfluidics I (Spring 2014) 1:10:27
Lec 12. CD Microfluidics II (Spring 2014) 1:03:37
CNC Machine Practicum 45:32
3D Printing Practicum 51:23
Soft Lithography Practicum 27:55
Clean Room Practicum 23:55
Advanced Manufacturing Choices (Spring 2013)--Marc J. Madou / UC Irvine
# automatic playing for the 23 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)
source: UCIrvineOCW 上次更新日期:2015年1月26日
Engineering MAE 165/265: Advanced Manufacturing Choices
License: Creative Commons CC-BY-SA
For more information and to access the complete course, please visit http://ocw.uci.edu
UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Lecture 1. Introduction to the Course 48:25
Lecture 2: Manufacturing Types, Part I 1:16:26
Lecture 3: Manufacturing Types, Part II 1:04:18
Lecture 4. Future Manufacturing in the U.S. 49:00
Lecture 5 : Mechanical Machining Methods 58:25
Lecture 6: Electrical Machining Methods 1:07:17
Lecture 7: Photolithography 46:32
Lecture 8: Soft lithography 46:01
Lecture 9: C-MEMS: Suspended Carbon Nanowires 48:24
Lecture 10: C-MEMS:Suspended Carbon Nanowires 2 42:12
Lecture 11: Intro to Additive Manufacturing 1:07:59
Lecture 12: CNC Machining 31:14
Practicum 1: RapidTech 1:15:11
Practicum 2: Soft Lithography 34:33
Lecture 13: Thermal Energy Removal Techniques 43:11
Lecture 14: Laser Beam Machining + Review 1:17:06
Lecture 15: Electrochemistry, Part I. 44:59
Practicum 3: CNC Machining 56:13
Practicum 4: Photolithography 38:35
Lecture 16: Electrochemistry, Part II. 42:36
Lecture 17: Micro-Molding Techniques 1:05:06
Lecture 18: Top-Down VS Bottom-Up Manufacturing 1:25:35
source: UCIrvineOCW 上次更新日期:2015年1月26日
Engineering MAE 165/265: Advanced Manufacturing Choices
License: Creative Commons CC-BY-SA
For more information and to access the complete course, please visit http://ocw.uci.edu
UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Lecture 1. Introduction to the Course 48:25
Lecture 2: Manufacturing Types, Part I 1:16:26
Lecture 3: Manufacturing Types, Part II 1:04:18
Lecture 4. Future Manufacturing in the U.S. 49:00
Lecture 5 : Mechanical Machining Methods 58:25
Lecture 6: Electrical Machining Methods 1:07:17
Lecture 7: Photolithography 46:32
Lecture 8: Soft lithography 46:01
Lecture 9: C-MEMS: Suspended Carbon Nanowires 48:24
Lecture 10: C-MEMS:Suspended Carbon Nanowires 2 42:12
Lecture 11: Intro to Additive Manufacturing 1:07:59
Lecture 12: CNC Machining 31:14
Practicum 1: RapidTech 1:15:11
Practicum 2: Soft Lithography 34:33
Lecture 13: Thermal Energy Removal Techniques 43:11
Lecture 14: Laser Beam Machining + Review 1:17:06
Lecture 15: Electrochemistry, Part I. 44:59
Practicum 3: CNC Machining 56:13
Practicum 4: Photolithography 38:35
Lecture 16: Electrochemistry, Part II. 42:36
Lecture 17: Micro-Molding Techniques 1:05:06
Lecture 18: Top-Down VS Bottom-Up Manufacturing 1:25:35