

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (Spring 2014)--Mark J. Madou / UC Irvine

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source: UCIrvineOCW     上次更新日期:2015年1月26日
UCI Engineering 165/265 Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (Spring 2014)
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/mechanical...
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Description: UCI EngrMAE 165/265 In this course, sources of energy considered for machining are mechanically used for cutting and shaping, heating energy such as in laser cutting, photochemical such as photolithography, and chemical energy such as in electro chemical machining and chemical deposition (CVD).

UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Lec 1. Introduction (Spring 2014) 1:01:04
Lec 2. Mechanical Machining I (Spring 2014) 1:03:38
Lec 3. Mechanical Machining II (Spring 2014) 1:01:16
Lec 4. Thermal Machining I (Spring 2014) 1:16:26
Lec 5. Photolithography & Thermal Machining II 1:11:35
Lec 6. Electrical Machining I (Spring 2014) 35:19
Lec 7. Electrical Machining II & TD vs. BU 1:05:53
Lec 8. Top Down vs. Bottom Up Manufacturing II 1:03:59
Lec 9. STM and Atomic Force Microscopy 1:09:43
Lec 10. Micromolding Techniques (Spring 2014) 1:10:27
Lec 11. CD Microfluidics I (Spring 2014) 1:10:27
Lec 12. CD Microfluidics II (Spring 2014)  1:03:37
CNC Machine Practicum 45:32
3D Printing Practicum 51:23
Soft Lithography Practicum 27:55
Clean Room Practicum 23:55