

Teaching PE & Health, Elementary Education (Fall 2010)--Jeff M. Johnston / UC Irvine

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source: UCIrvineOCW        上次更新日期:2015年1月26日
UCI Education 320: Teaching PE & Health, Elementary Education (Fall 2010).
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/education_...
License: Creative Commons CC-BY-SA
Terms of Use: http://ocw.uci.edu/info.
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Description: This course is developed to satisfy the California Commission of Teaching Credentialing requirements for teacher candidates. The class provides opportunities for candidates to learn how to teach the basic and essential fundamentals of physical education for K-6th grade students. The central knowledge is about children’s motor skill development, along with the emotional and social aspects as they relate to physical activity. Teachers will learn the key aspects to a physical education lesson, which includes a warm-up activity, the lesson plan (skill development and game applications), and closure. As a total lesson, at least half the time should be spent in moderate to vigorous activity.

UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Fitness activities and Cooperative activities 2:29:57
Lead-in Sport Skills, via Basketball; Throw/catch 2:02:26
Dance! 2:40:59
Group Presentations 2:45:12
Group Presentations cont. 2:40:09
Stress Management (Health Class) 2:27:06
Rainy Day Activities; Reflections and Lessons from Teaching PE 2:37:33
Purpose of PE; Warm-up activities 2:31:01