

Language and Literacy (Fall 2011)--Penelope Collins / UC Irvine

# automatic playing for the 17 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)

source: UCIrvineOCW       上次更新日期:2015年1月26日
Education 151: Language and Literacy
This course is designed to help students understand the aspects of linguistic principles and processes that underlie oral and written language proficiency, and how this knowledge is relevant K-12 instruction. Emphasis is on a thorough, research-based understanding of phonology, morphology, orthography, semantics, syntax, and pragmatics. Students learn ways to use this information to support literacy and oral language development for elementary and secondary school students. Issues of linguistic diversity and second language learning are addressed.
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/education_...
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UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
1 Understanding Language, Literacy, and Thought, Part I 1:16:14
Understanding Language, Literacy, and Thought, Part II 1:14:10
3 Understanding English Phonetics 51:06
4 Language and Literacy: Understanding English Phonology 1:20:21
5 Understanding English Morphology, Part I 1:05:26
6 Understanding English Morphology, Part II 1:17:12
7 Understanding English Orthography, Part I 1:02:08
Understanding English Orthography, Part II 59:53
9 Understanding Semantics, Part I 1:11:07
10 Understanding Semantics, Part II 1:22:26
11 Understanding Syntax, Part I 1:01:35
12 Understanding Syntax, Part II 1:04:40
13 Understanding Spoken Discourse and Stylistics 1:11:49
15 Understanding Language Variation and American Dialects 1:16:41
16 Applying Linguistic Theory to Practice, Part I 25:58
17 Applying Linguistic Theory to Practice, Part II 1:06:23