# playlist of the 24 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: MIT OpenCourseWare Last updated on 2014年6月28日
MIT 6.172 Performance Engineering of Software Systems
Instructors: Saman Amarasinghe, Charles Leiserson
This class is a hands-on, project-based introduction to building scalable and high-performance software systems. Topics include performance analysis, algorithmic techniques for high performance, instruction-level optimizations, cache and memory hierarchy optimization, parallel programming, and building scalable distributed systems.
View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/6-172F10
License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
More information at http://ocw.mit.edu/terms
More courses at http://ocw.mit.edu
Lec 1 1:10:12
Lec 2 1:09:47
Lec 3 1:17:44
Lec 4 1:04:02
Industry mentor overview 1:42:30
Lec 5 45:54
Lec 6 1:21:59
Lec 7 1:16:04
Lec 8 1:11:14
Lec 9 1:22:54
Lec 10 1:18:21
Lec 11 1:12:55
Lec 12 1:25:21
Lec 13 1:21:49
Lec 14 1:26:31
Lec 15 1:23:47
Lec 16 1:28:59
Lec 17 1:04:48
Lec 18 26:26
Lec 19 1:20:15
Lec 20 1:12:24
Lec 21 1:02:06
Lec 22 1:05:56
Lec 23 1:10:45
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Tina Seelig: "Insight Out: Get Ideas Out of Your Head and Into the World"
source: Talks at Google 2015年7月30日
In this revolutionary guide, Stanford University Professor and international bestselling author of inGenius adopts her popular course material to teach everyone how to make imaginative ideas a reality.
As a leading expert on creativity, Tina Seelig has continually explored what we can each do to unleash our entrepreneurial spirit. In Insight Out, she offers us the tools to make our ideas a reality. She clearly defines the concepts of imagination, creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurism, showing how they affect each other and how we can unlock the pathway from imagination to implementation, where our ideas then gain the power to inspire the imaginations of others.
Drawing on more than a decade of experience as a professor at the Stanford University School of Engineering, Seelig shows readers how to work through the steps of imagination, ideation, innovation, and implementation, using each step to build upon the last, to ultimately create something complex, interesting, and powerful. Coping with today’s constant change, everyone needs these skills to conquer challenges and seize the opportunities that arise. Seelig irrefutably demonstrates that these skills can be taught, and shows us how to mobilize our own energy and bring new ideas to life.
Frank Wilczek: "A Beautiful Question"
source: Talks at Google 2015年7月23日
Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek visited Google's office in Cambridge, MA to discuss his book, "A Beautiful Question: Finding Nature's Deep Design".
Frank Wilczek’s groundbreaking work in quantum physics was inspired by his intuition to look for a deeper order of beauty in nature. Every major advance in his career has come from this intuition: to assume that the universe embodies beautiful forms, forms whose hallmarks are symmetry—harmony, balance, proportion—and economy. In this gorgeously illustrated book, he explores just how intertwined our ideas about beauty and art are with our scientific understanding of the cosmos.
Frank Wilczek is the Herman Feshbach Professor of Physics at MIT. He was one of three recipients of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2004 for the discovery of asymptotic freedom in the theory of the strong interaction.His research spans condensed matter physics, astrophysics, and particle physics. In 2012 he proposed the idea of a space-time crystal.
The benefits of good posture - Murat Dalkiniç
source: TED-Ed 2015年7月30日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-benefit...
Has anyone ever told you, “Stand up straight!” or scolded you for slouching at a family dinner? Comments like that might be annoying—but they’re not wrong. Your posture is the foundation for every movement your body makes and can determine how well your body adapts to the stresses on it. Murat Dalkilinç gives the pros of good posture.
Lesson by Murat Dalkiniç, animation by Nadav Arbel.
Should You Watch Leaks? | Idea Channel | PBS Digital Studios
source: PBS Idea Channel 2015年7月29日
To Leak Or Not To Leak?
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Leaked material hit an all time high this past year with four episodes from HBO's season 5 premiere of Game of Thrones leaking, as well as major leaks in private photos from celebrities, most notably: Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton. But what are the consequences of watching a leaked episode? On this week's episode of Idea Channel, Mike looks to answer why there seems to be a division between those that watch, and those that don't. Does it create a competition of status? Check it out!
Geekycon Schedule:
Systems Biology (Fall 2014) by Jeff Gore at MIT
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: MIT OpenCourseWare
MIT 8.591J Systems Biology, Fall 2014
View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/8-591JF14
Introduction to cellular and population-level systems biology with an emphasis on synthetic biology, modeling of genetic networks, cell-cell interactions, and evolutionary dynamics. Cellular systems include genetic switches and oscillators, network motifs, genetic network evolution, and cellular decision-making. Population-level systems include models of pattern formation, cell-cell communication, and evolutionary systems biology.
More information at http://ocw.mit.edu/terms
More courses at http://ocw.mit.edu
Introduction to the class and overview of topics 1:07:20
Input function, Michaelis-Menten kinetics, and cooperativity 1:17:45
Autoregulation, feedback and bistability 1:18:41
Synthetic biology and stability analysis in the toggle switch 1:19:57
Oscillatory genetic networks 1:21:11
Graph properties of transcription networks 1:21:29
Feed-forward loop network motif 1:21:29
Introduction to stochastic gene expression 1:20:35
Causes and consequences of stochastic gene expression 1:20:42
Stochastic modeling 1:21:51
Life at low Reynold’s number 1:19:12
Robustness and bacterial chemotaxis 1:18:42
Robustness in development and pattern formation 1:21:18
Microbial evolution experiments and optimal gene circuit design 1:19:40
Evolution in finite populations 1:20:56
Clonal interference and the distribution of beneficial mutations 1:21:05
Fitness landscapes and sequence spaces 1:18:46
Evolutionary games 1:20:41
Survival in fluctuating environments 1:18:27
Parasites, the evolution of virulence and sex 1:18:44
Interspecies interactions 1:21:03
Ecosystem stability, critical transitions, and biodiversity 1:20:04
Dynamics of populations in space 1:20:47
The neutral theory of ecology 1:17:45
source: MIT OpenCourseWare
MIT 8.591J Systems Biology, Fall 2014
View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/8-591JF14
Introduction to cellular and population-level systems biology with an emphasis on synthetic biology, modeling of genetic networks, cell-cell interactions, and evolutionary dynamics. Cellular systems include genetic switches and oscillators, network motifs, genetic network evolution, and cellular decision-making. Population-level systems include models of pattern formation, cell-cell communication, and evolutionary systems biology.
More information at http://ocw.mit.edu/terms
More courses at http://ocw.mit.edu
Introduction to the class and overview of topics 1:07:20
Input function, Michaelis-Menten kinetics, and cooperativity 1:17:45
Autoregulation, feedback and bistability 1:18:41
Synthetic biology and stability analysis in the toggle switch 1:19:57
Oscillatory genetic networks 1:21:11
Graph properties of transcription networks 1:21:29
Feed-forward loop network motif 1:21:29
Introduction to stochastic gene expression 1:20:35
Causes and consequences of stochastic gene expression 1:20:42
Stochastic modeling 1:21:51
Life at low Reynold’s number 1:19:12
Robustness and bacterial chemotaxis 1:18:42
Robustness in development and pattern formation 1:21:18
Microbial evolution experiments and optimal gene circuit design 1:19:40
Evolution in finite populations 1:20:56
Clonal interference and the distribution of beneficial mutations 1:21:05
Fitness landscapes and sequence spaces 1:18:46
Evolutionary games 1:20:41
Survival in fluctuating environments 1:18:27
Parasites, the evolution of virulence and sex 1:18:44
Interspecies interactions 1:21:03
Ecosystem stability, critical transitions, and biodiversity 1:20:04
Dynamics of populations in space 1:20:47
The neutral theory of ecology 1:17:45
Computer Systems Security (Fall 2014) by Nickolai Zeldovich at MIT
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: MIT OpenCourseWare Last updated on 2015年7月15日
MIT 6.858 Computer Systems Security, Fall 2014
View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/6-858F14
This is a class on the design and implementation of secure computer systems, focusing on threat models, attacks that compromise security, and techniques for achieving security.
License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
More information at http://ocw.mit.edu/terms
More courses at http://ocw.mit.edu
1. Introduction, Threat Models 1:17:13
2. Control Hijacking Attacks 1:27:39
3. Buffer Overflow Exploits and Defenses 1:21:38
4. Privilege Separation 1:23:29
6. Capabilities 1:21:57
7. Sandboxing Native Code 1:23:21
8. Web Security Model 1:22:49
9. Securing Web Applications 1:22:08
10. Symbolic Execution 1:22:16
11. Ur/Web 1:20:04
12. Network Security 1:18:26
13. Network Protocols 1:21:03
14. SSL and HTTPS 1:18:18
15. Medical Software 1:15:31
16. Side-Channel Attacks 1:22:16
17. User Authentication 50:50
18. Private Browsing 1:20:13
19. Anonymous Communication 1:20:13
20. Mobile Phone Security 1:22:00
21. Data Tracking 1:19:38
22. Guest Lecture by MIT IS&T 1:26:51
23. Security Economics 1:17:25
source: MIT OpenCourseWare Last updated on 2015年7月15日
MIT 6.858 Computer Systems Security, Fall 2014
View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/6-858F14
This is a class on the design and implementation of secure computer systems, focusing on threat models, attacks that compromise security, and techniques for achieving security.
License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
More information at http://ocw.mit.edu/terms
More courses at http://ocw.mit.edu
1. Introduction, Threat Models 1:17:13
2. Control Hijacking Attacks 1:27:39
3. Buffer Overflow Exploits and Defenses 1:21:38
4. Privilege Separation 1:23:29
6. Capabilities 1:21:57
7. Sandboxing Native Code 1:23:21
8. Web Security Model 1:22:49
9. Securing Web Applications 1:22:08
10. Symbolic Execution 1:22:16
11. Ur/Web 1:20:04
12. Network Security 1:18:26
13. Network Protocols 1:21:03
14. SSL and HTTPS 1:18:18
15. Medical Software 1:15:31
16. Side-Channel Attacks 1:22:16
17. User Authentication 50:50
18. Private Browsing 1:20:13
19. Anonymous Communication 1:20:13
20. Mobile Phone Security 1:22:00
21. Data Tracking 1:19:38
22. Guest Lecture by MIT IS&T 1:26:51
23. Security Economics 1:17:25
Algorithmic Lower Bounds, Fall 2014 (Erik Demaine / MIT)
# automatic playing for the 23 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)
source: MIT OpenCourseWare Last updated on 2015年7月14日
View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/6-890F14
MIT 6.890 Algorithmic Lower Bounds, Fall 2014
In this lecture, Professor Demaine gives a brief overview of the class, summarizing the prerequisite complexity theory and featuring two examples of hardness proofs in games.
License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
More information at http://ocw.mit.edu/terms
More courses at http://ocw.mit.edu
1. Overview 1:17:31
2. 3-Partition I 1:23:35
3. 3-Partition II 1:20:58
4. SAT I 1:20:32
5. SAT Reductions 1:21:39
6. Circuit SAT 1:18:40
7. Planar SAT 1:23:03
8. Hamiltonicity 1:21:08
9. Graph Problems 1:20:26
10. Inapproximability Overview 1:18:35
11. Inapproximability Examples 1:20:08
12. Gaps and PCP 1:22:54
13. W Hierarchy 1:21:13
14. ETH and Planar FPT 1:22:49
15. #P and ASP 1:22:36
16. NP and PSPACE Video Games 1:18:17
17. Nondeterministic Constraint Logic 1:20:01
18. 0- and 2-Player Games 1:20:38
19. Unbounded Games 1:22:38
20. Undecidable and P-Complete 1:23:22
21. 3SUM and APSP Hardness 1:19:23
22. PPAD 1:20:48
23. PPAD Reductions 1:23:00
source: MIT OpenCourseWare Last updated on 2015年7月14日
View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/6-890F14
MIT 6.890 Algorithmic Lower Bounds, Fall 2014
In this lecture, Professor Demaine gives a brief overview of the class, summarizing the prerequisite complexity theory and featuring two examples of hardness proofs in games.
License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
More information at http://ocw.mit.edu/terms
More courses at http://ocw.mit.edu
1. Overview 1:17:31
2. 3-Partition I 1:23:35
3. 3-Partition II 1:20:58
4. SAT I 1:20:32
5. SAT Reductions 1:21:39
6. Circuit SAT 1:18:40
7. Planar SAT 1:23:03
8. Hamiltonicity 1:21:08
9. Graph Problems 1:20:26
10. Inapproximability Overview 1:18:35
11. Inapproximability Examples 1:20:08
12. Gaps and PCP 1:22:54
13. W Hierarchy 1:21:13
14. ETH and Planar FPT 1:22:49
15. #P and ASP 1:22:36
16. NP and PSPACE Video Games 1:18:17
17. Nondeterministic Constraint Logic 1:20:01
18. 0- and 2-Player Games 1:20:38
19. Unbounded Games 1:22:38
20. Undecidable and P-Complete 1:23:22
21. 3SUM and APSP Hardness 1:19:23
22. PPAD 1:20:48
23. PPAD Reductions 1:23:00
Poker Theory and Analysis, IAP 2015 (Kevin Desmond / MIT)
# automatic playing for the 8 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)
source: MIT OpenCourseWare Last updated on 2015年6月9日
MIT 15.S50 Poker Theory and Analysis, IAP 2015
View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/15-S50IAP15
Instructor: Kevin Desmond
This course takes a broad-based look at poker theory and applications of poker analytics to investment management and trading.
License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
More information at http://ocw.mit.edu/terms
More courses at http://ocw.mit.edu
1. Introduction to Poker Theory 30:49
2. Analytical Techniques 1:08:29
3. Basic Strategy 1:11:45
4. Preflop Analysis 43:40
5. Tournament Play 46:26
6. Poker Economics 1:20:09
7. Game Theory 1:04:14
8. Decision Making 1:04:47
source: MIT OpenCourseWare Last updated on 2015年6月9日
MIT 15.S50 Poker Theory and Analysis, IAP 2015
View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/15-S50IAP15
Instructor: Kevin Desmond
This course takes a broad-based look at poker theory and applications of poker analytics to investment management and trading.
License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
More information at http://ocw.mit.edu/terms
More courses at http://ocw.mit.edu
1. Introduction to Poker Theory 30:49
2. Analytical Techniques 1:08:29
3. Basic Strategy 1:11:45
4. Preflop Analysis 43:40
5. Tournament Play 46:26
6. Poker Economics 1:20:09
7. Game Theory 1:04:14
8. Decision Making 1:04:47
Topics in Mathematics with Applications in Finance (Fall 2013 at MIT)
# playlist of the 24 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: MIT OpenCourseWare Last updated on 2015年4月23日
MIT 18.S096 Topics in Mathematics with Applications in Finance, Fall 2013
The purpose of the class is to expose undergraduate and graduate students to the mathematical concepts and techniques used in the financial industry. Mathematics lectures are mixed with lectures illustrating the corresponding application in the financial industry. MIT mathematicians teach the mathematics part while industry professionals give the lectures on applications in finance.
View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/18-S096F13
Instructor: Peter Kempthorne, Choongbum Lee, Vasily Strela, Jake Xia
License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
More information at http://ocw.mit.edu/terms
More courses at http://ocw.mit.edu
1. Introduction, Financial Terms and Concepts 1:00:30
2. Linear Algebra 1:12:37
3. Probability Theory 1:18:25
5. Stochastic Processes I 1:17:41
6. Regression Analysis 1:22:13
7. Value At Risk (VAR) Models 1:21:15
8. Time Series Analysis I 1:16:19
9. Volatility Modeling 1:21:16
10. Regularized Pricing and Risk Models 1:29:57
11. Time Series Analysis II 1:23:48
12. Time Series Analysis III 1:17:39
13. Commodity Models 1:20:45
14. Portfolio Theory 1:24:55
15. Factor Modeling 1:25:49
16. Portfolio Management 1:28:38
17. Stochastic Processes II 1:15:59
18. Itō Calculus 1:18:03
19. Black-Scholes Formula, Risk-neutral Valuation 49:52
20. Option Price and Probability Duality 1:20:29
21. Stochastic Differential Equations 56:06
23. Quanto Credit Hedging 1:37:37
24. HJM Model for Interest Rates and Credit 1:47:16
25. Ross Recovery Theorem 1:27:46
26. Introduction to Counterparty Credit Risk 1:21:35
source: MIT OpenCourseWare Last updated on 2015年4月23日
MIT 18.S096 Topics in Mathematics with Applications in Finance, Fall 2013
The purpose of the class is to expose undergraduate and graduate students to the mathematical concepts and techniques used in the financial industry. Mathematics lectures are mixed with lectures illustrating the corresponding application in the financial industry. MIT mathematicians teach the mathematics part while industry professionals give the lectures on applications in finance.
View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/18-S096F13
Instructor: Peter Kempthorne, Choongbum Lee, Vasily Strela, Jake Xia
License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
More information at http://ocw.mit.edu/terms
More courses at http://ocw.mit.edu
1. Introduction, Financial Terms and Concepts 1:00:30
2. Linear Algebra 1:12:37
3. Probability Theory 1:18:25
5. Stochastic Processes I 1:17:41
6. Regression Analysis 1:22:13
7. Value At Risk (VAR) Models 1:21:15
8. Time Series Analysis I 1:16:19
9. Volatility Modeling 1:21:16
10. Regularized Pricing and Risk Models 1:29:57
11. Time Series Analysis II 1:23:48
12. Time Series Analysis III 1:17:39
13. Commodity Models 1:20:45
14. Portfolio Theory 1:24:55
15. Factor Modeling 1:25:49
16. Portfolio Management 1:28:38
17. Stochastic Processes II 1:15:59
18. Itō Calculus 1:18:03
19. Black-Scholes Formula, Risk-neutral Valuation 49:52
20. Option Price and Probability Duality 1:20:29
21. Stochastic Differential Equations 56:06
23. Quanto Credit Hedging 1:37:37
24. HJM Model for Interest Rates and Credit 1:47:16
25. Ross Recovery Theorem 1:27:46
26. Introduction to Counterparty Credit Risk 1:21:35
Statistical Mechanics II: Statistical Physics of Fields (Spring 2014) by Mehran Karda at MIT
# automatic playing for the 26 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)
source: MIT OpenCourseWare Last updated on 2015年5月14日
MIT 8.334 Statistical Mechanics II: Statistical Physics of Fields, Spring 2014
View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/8-334S14
Instructor: Mehran Kardar
This is the second term in a two-semester course on statistical mechanics. Basic principles are examined in this class, such as the laws of thermodynamics and the concepts of temperature, work, heat, and entropy. Topics from modern statistical mechanics are also explored, including the hydrodynamic limit and classical field theories.
License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
More information at http://ocw.mit.edu/terms
More courses at http://ocw.mit.edu
1. Collective Behavior, from Particles to Fields Part 1 1:16:04
2. Lec 1 (continued); The Landau-Ginzburg Approach Part 1 1:24:13
3. The Landau-Ginzburg Approach Part 2 1:25:11
4. The Landau-Ginzburg Approach Part 3 1:18:43
5. The Landau-Ginzburg Approach Part 4 1:18:47
6. The Scaling Hypothesis Part 1 1:21:33
7. The Scaling Hypothesis Part 2 1:16:41
8. The Scaling Hypothesis Part 3 1:21:29
9. Perturbative Renormalization Group Part 1 1:21:38
10. Perturbative Renormalization Group Part 2 1:22:46
11. Perturbative Renormalization Group Part 3 1:28:00
12. Perturbative Renormalization Group Part 4 1:23:10
13. Position Space Renormalization Group, Part 1 1:22:58
14. Position Space Renormalization Group, Part 2 1:19:44
15. Series Expansions Part 1 1:18:15
16. Series Expansions Part 2 1:21:49
17. Series Expansions Part 3 50:26
18. Series Expansions Part 4 1:19:53
19. Series Expansions Part 5 1:19:53
20. Continuous Spins at Low Temperatures Part 1 1:22:47
21. Continuous Spins at Low Temperatures Part 2 1:21:19
22. Continuous Spins at Low Temperatures Part 3 1:22:01
23. Continuous Spins at Low Temperatures Part 4 1:20:41
24. Dissipative Dynamics 1:25:17
25. Continuous Spins at Low Temperatures Part 5 1:21:16
26. Continuous Spins at Low Temperatures Part 6 1:23:56
source: MIT OpenCourseWare Last updated on 2015年5月14日
MIT 8.334 Statistical Mechanics II: Statistical Physics of Fields, Spring 2014
View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/8-334S14
Instructor: Mehran Kardar
This is the second term in a two-semester course on statistical mechanics. Basic principles are examined in this class, such as the laws of thermodynamics and the concepts of temperature, work, heat, and entropy. Topics from modern statistical mechanics are also explored, including the hydrodynamic limit and classical field theories.
License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
More information at http://ocw.mit.edu/terms
More courses at http://ocw.mit.edu
1. Collective Behavior, from Particles to Fields Part 1 1:16:04
2. Lec 1 (continued); The Landau-Ginzburg Approach Part 1 1:24:13
3. The Landau-Ginzburg Approach Part 2 1:25:11
4. The Landau-Ginzburg Approach Part 3 1:18:43
5. The Landau-Ginzburg Approach Part 4 1:18:47
6. The Scaling Hypothesis Part 1 1:21:33
7. The Scaling Hypothesis Part 2 1:16:41
8. The Scaling Hypothesis Part 3 1:21:29
9. Perturbative Renormalization Group Part 1 1:21:38
10. Perturbative Renormalization Group Part 2 1:22:46
11. Perturbative Renormalization Group Part 3 1:28:00
12. Perturbative Renormalization Group Part 4 1:23:10
13. Position Space Renormalization Group, Part 1 1:22:58
14. Position Space Renormalization Group, Part 2 1:19:44
15. Series Expansions Part 1 1:18:15
16. Series Expansions Part 2 1:21:49
17. Series Expansions Part 3 50:26
18. Series Expansions Part 4 1:19:53
19. Series Expansions Part 5 1:19:53
20. Continuous Spins at Low Temperatures Part 1 1:22:47
21. Continuous Spins at Low Temperatures Part 2 1:21:19
22. Continuous Spins at Low Temperatures Part 3 1:22:01
23. Continuous Spins at Low Temperatures Part 4 1:20:41
24. Dissipative Dynamics 1:25:17
25. Continuous Spins at Low Temperatures Part 5 1:21:16
26. Continuous Spins at Low Temperatures Part 6 1:23:56
Solid, liquid, gas and … plasma? - Michael Murillo
source: TED-Ed 2015年7月28日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/solid-liqui...
Have you ever seen static electricity cause a spark of light? What is that spark? What about lightning, the Northern Lights, or the tail of a comet? All of those things and many others – in fact, 99.9% of the universe -- are made of plasma. Michael Murillo gives the full picture on plasma.
Lesson by Michael Murillo, animation by Tomás Pichardo Espaillat.
When to use apostrophes - Laura McClure
source: TED-Ed 2015年7月27日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/when-to-use...
It’s possessive. It’s often followed by S’s. And it’s sometimes tricky when it comes to its usage. It’s the apostrophe. Laura McClure gives a refresher on when to use apostrophes in writing.
Lesson by Laura McClure, animation by Karrot Animation.
100% Organic Idea Channel Episode | Idea Channel | PBS Digital Studios
source: PBS Idea Channel 2015年7月22日
The Organic Feels!
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The "Organic Movement" has become nothing short of MASSIVE in recent years, from whole foods to "raw diets", its popularity is endless. But how good is organic for you? Or a better question: how BAD is NON-organic food for you? On this week's episode of Idea Channel, Mike looks to answer just why are we so obsessed with "organic"!?
Why tragedies are alluring - David E. Rivas
source:TED-Ed 2015年7月9日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/why-tragedi...
The story goes something like this: A royal, rich, or righteous individual — who is otherwise a lot like us — makes a mistake that sends his or her life spiraling into ruin. It's the classic story arc for a Greek tragedy, and we love it so much that we continue to use it today. David E. Rivas shares three critical story components, influenced by Aristotle’s “Poetics,” to help illustrate the allure.
Lesson by David E. Rivas, animation by Globizco.
How do pregnancy tests work? - Tien Nguyen
source:TED-Ed 2015年7月7日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-do-preg...
Over-the-counter pregnancy tests give potentially life-changing results with a pretty high rate of accuracy. But how do they work? Tien Nguyen explains how each test performs a scientifically rigorous, multi-stage experiment that goes from start to finish in the time that it’ll take you to watch this video.
Lesson by Tien Nguyen, animation by Andrew Foerster.
What is a calorie? - Emma Bryce
source: TED-Ed 2015年7月13日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/what-is-a-c...
We hear about calories all the time: How many calories are in this cookie? How many are burned by doing 100 jumping jacks, or long-distance running, or fidgeting? But what is a calorie, really? And how many of them do we actually need? Emma Bryce explains how a few different factors should go into determining the recommended amount for each person.
Lesson by Emma Bryce, animation by Qa'ed Mai.
普通物理學 - 張寶棣/台大
# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)
source: NTU CAStudio Last updated on 2015年5月14日
1-1: Motion (1) 53:06
1-2: Motion (2) 52:50
1-3: Motion (3) 55:40
1-4: Motion (4) 54:59
2-1: Force and Motion (1) 45:08
2-2: Force and Motion (2) 54:26
2-3: Force and Motion (3) 37:45
2-4: Force and Motion (4) 1:03:33
2-5: Force and Motion (5) 38:51
3-1: Kinetic Energy and Work (1) 57:48
3-2: Kinetic Energy and Work (2) 47:44
4-1: Potential Energy and Energy Conservation (1) 52:53
4-2: Potential Energy and Energy Conservation (2) 49:58
4-3: Potential Energy and Energy Conservation (3) 55:05
4-4: Potential Energy and Energy Conservation (4) 51:19
5-1: Linear Momentum and Collisions (1) 47:36
5-2: Linear Momentum and Collisions (2) 55:24
5-3: Linear Momentum and Collisions (3) 48:51
5-4: Linear Momentum and Collisions (4) 47:23
6-1: Rotations (1) 49:16
6-2: Rotations (2) 53:32
6-3: Rotations (3) 49:07
6-4: Rotations (4) 55:02
6-5: Rotations (5) 51:24
6-6: Rotations (6) 59:22
7-1: Angular Momentum and Torque (1) 53:01
7-2: Angular Momentum and Torque (2) 55:28
7-3: Angular Momentum and Torque (3) 51:16
7-4: Angular Momentum and Torque (4) 56:26
8-1: More on Rotation;Equilibrium (1) 46:23
8-2: More on Rotation;Equilibrium (2) 56:15
9-1: Gravitation and Fluids (1) 50:44
9-2: Gravitation and Fluids (2) 57:49
9-3: Gravitation and Fluids (3) 51:21
9-4: Gravitation and Fluids (4) 54:08
9-5: Gravitation and Fluids (5) 49:56
9-6: Gravitation and Fluids (6) 49:44
10-1: Oscillations (1) 50:29
10-2: Oscillations (2) 52:43
10-3: Oscillations (3) 57:55
11-1: Special Relativity (1) 49:53
11-2: Special Relativity (2) 49:32
11-3: Special Relativity (3) 58:18
11-4: Special Relativity (4) 57:22
11-5: Special Relativity (5) 54:53
11-6: Special Relativity (6) 39:35
11-7: Special Relativity (7) 55:33
11-8: Special Relativity (8) 57:38
11-9: Special Relativity (9) 45:27
11-10: Special Relativity (10) 49:40
12-1: Waves (1) 26:17
12-2: Waves (2) 50:57
12-3: Waves (3) 49:34
12-4: Waves (4) 1:10:43
12-5: Waves (5) 31:54
12-6: Waves (6) 53:46
12-7: Waves (7) 47:33
12-8: Waves (8) 55:30
12-9: Waves (9) 53:14
13-1: First Law of Thermodynamics (1) 45:18
13-2: First Law of Thermodynamics (2) 50:05
13-3: First Law of Thermodynamics (3) 55:03
13-4: First Law of Thermodynamics (4) 54:13
13-5: First Law of Thermodynamics (5) 49:00
14-1: The Kinetic Theory of Gases (1) 1:00:48
14-2: The Kinetic Theory of Gases (2) 53:00
14-3: The Kinetic Theory of Gases (3) 55:44
14-4: The Kinetic Theory of Gases (4) 1:09:55
15-1: The Second Law of Thermodynamics (1) 38:25
15-2: The Second Law of Thermodynamics (2) 53:11
15-3: The Second Law of Thermodynamics (3) 59:38
15-4: The Second Law of Thermodynamics (4) 52:45
15-5: The Second Law of Thermodynamics (5) 1:00:20
16: Entropy 49:45
17: Coulomb's Law 48:11
18-1: Electric Field and Gauss's Law (1) 45:58
18-2: Electric Field and Gauss's Law (2) 58:13
19-1: Electric Potential and Capacity (1) 51:39
source: NTU CAStudio Last updated on 2015年5月14日
1-1: Motion (1) 53:06
1-2: Motion (2) 52:50
1-3: Motion (3) 55:40
1-4: Motion (4) 54:59
2-1: Force and Motion (1) 45:08
2-2: Force and Motion (2) 54:26
2-3: Force and Motion (3) 37:45
2-4: Force and Motion (4) 1:03:33
2-5: Force and Motion (5) 38:51
3-1: Kinetic Energy and Work (1) 57:48
3-2: Kinetic Energy and Work (2) 47:44
4-1: Potential Energy and Energy Conservation (1) 52:53
4-2: Potential Energy and Energy Conservation (2) 49:58
4-3: Potential Energy and Energy Conservation (3) 55:05
4-4: Potential Energy and Energy Conservation (4) 51:19
5-1: Linear Momentum and Collisions (1) 47:36
5-2: Linear Momentum and Collisions (2) 55:24
5-3: Linear Momentum and Collisions (3) 48:51
5-4: Linear Momentum and Collisions (4) 47:23
6-1: Rotations (1) 49:16
6-2: Rotations (2) 53:32
6-3: Rotations (3) 49:07
6-4: Rotations (4) 55:02
6-5: Rotations (5) 51:24
6-6: Rotations (6) 59:22
7-1: Angular Momentum and Torque (1) 53:01
7-2: Angular Momentum and Torque (2) 55:28
7-3: Angular Momentum and Torque (3) 51:16
7-4: Angular Momentum and Torque (4) 56:26
8-1: More on Rotation;Equilibrium (1) 46:23
8-2: More on Rotation;Equilibrium (2) 56:15
9-1: Gravitation and Fluids (1) 50:44
9-2: Gravitation and Fluids (2) 57:49
9-3: Gravitation and Fluids (3) 51:21
9-4: Gravitation and Fluids (4) 54:08
9-5: Gravitation and Fluids (5) 49:56
9-6: Gravitation and Fluids (6) 49:44
10-1: Oscillations (1) 50:29
10-2: Oscillations (2) 52:43
10-3: Oscillations (3) 57:55
11-1: Special Relativity (1) 49:53
11-2: Special Relativity (2) 49:32
11-3: Special Relativity (3) 58:18
11-4: Special Relativity (4) 57:22
11-5: Special Relativity (5) 54:53
11-6: Special Relativity (6) 39:35
11-7: Special Relativity (7) 55:33
11-8: Special Relativity (8) 57:38
11-9: Special Relativity (9) 45:27
11-10: Special Relativity (10) 49:40
12-1: Waves (1) 26:17
12-2: Waves (2) 50:57
12-3: Waves (3) 49:34
12-4: Waves (4) 1:10:43
12-5: Waves (5) 31:54
12-6: Waves (6) 53:46
12-7: Waves (7) 47:33
12-8: Waves (8) 55:30
12-9: Waves (9) 53:14
13-1: First Law of Thermodynamics (1) 45:18
13-2: First Law of Thermodynamics (2) 50:05
13-3: First Law of Thermodynamics (3) 55:03
13-4: First Law of Thermodynamics (4) 54:13
13-5: First Law of Thermodynamics (5) 49:00
14-1: The Kinetic Theory of Gases (1) 1:00:48
14-2: The Kinetic Theory of Gases (2) 53:00
14-3: The Kinetic Theory of Gases (3) 55:44
14-4: The Kinetic Theory of Gases (4) 1:09:55
15-1: The Second Law of Thermodynamics (1) 38:25
15-2: The Second Law of Thermodynamics (2) 53:11
15-3: The Second Law of Thermodynamics (3) 59:38
15-4: The Second Law of Thermodynamics (4) 52:45
15-5: The Second Law of Thermodynamics (5) 1:00:20
16: Entropy 49:45
17: Coulomb's Law 48:11
18-1: Electric Field and Gauss's Law (1) 45:58
18-2: Electric Field and Gauss's Law (2) 58:13
19-1: Electric Potential and Capacity (1) 51:39
普通化學甲 - 蔡蘊明/台大
# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)
source: NTU CAStudio Last updated on 2015年6月30日
課程共兩學期,上學期的焦點之一是能量的問題,包括:energy (E), enthalpy (H), entropy (S), 以及 free energy(G)。而下學期的動力學與反應機構的關係也是很重要的,在動力學的部分會加入一些與enzyme相關的資料。另外,下學期也將著重在結構性的問題上,架構一個好的分子軌域理念將是我們的重點之一。
教材: Chemical Principles by Steven S. Zumdahl and Donald J. DeCoste, 7th ed., 2013
1、Ch.1 簡介化學,有效數字 1/2 1:19:36
2、Ch.1 簡介化學,有效數字 2/2 43:26
3、Ch.2 從化學知識的演進史來認識原子分子與離子 1/3 1:56:21
4、Ch.2 從化學知識的演進史來認識原子分子與離子;無機化合物命名 2/3 1:07:32
5、Ch.2 從化學知識的演進史來認識原子分子與離子;無機化合物命名 3/3 1:27:19
6、Ch.3 計量與反應型態 1/4 1:10:22
7、Ch.3 計量與反應型態 2/4 52:40
8、Ch.4 計量與反應型態 3/4 50:08
9、Ch.4 計量與反應型態 4/4 1:45:49
10、Ch.5 氣體 1/3 1:04:10
11、Ch.5 氣體 2/3 1:21:45
12、Ch.5 氣體 3/3 1:23:12
13、Ch.6 化學平衡 1:12:22
14、Ch.7 酸與鹼 1/4 1:27:42
15、Ch.7 酸與鹼 2/4 1:53:13
16、Ch.7 酸與鹼 3/4 1:00:22
17、Ch.7 酸與鹼 4/4 58:22
18、Ch.8 溶液相的平衡 1/4 1:08:10
19、Ch.8 溶液相的平衡 2/4 1:19:51
20、Ch.8 溶液相的平衡 3/4 1:30:37
21、Ch.8 溶液相的平衡 4/4 1:11:46
22、Ch.9 熱力學初論:內能(E)與焓(H)的引薦 1/4 1:06:50
23、Ch.9 熱力學初論:內能(E)與焓(H)的引薦 2/4 1:13:39
24、Ch.9 熱力學初論:內能(E)與焓(H)的引薦 3/4 1:05:03
25、Ch.9 熱力學初論:內能(E)與焓(H)的引薦 4/4 1:38:25
26、Ch.9 能量的自然資源與機會 49:40
27、Ch.10 自發反應, 亂度, 與自由能 1/10 1:25:39
28、Ch.10 自發反應, 亂度, 與自由能 2/10 42:03
29、Ch.10 自發反應, 亂度, 與自由能 3/10 1:08:03
30、Ch.10 自發反應, 亂度, 與自由能 4/10 53:11
31、Ch.10 自發反應, 亂度, 與自由能 5/10 1:30:51
32、Ch.10 自發反應, 亂度, 與自由能 6/10 54:24
33、Ch.10 自發反應, 亂度, 與自由能 7/10 1:12:26
34、Ch.10 自發反應, 亂度, 與自由能 8/10 1:35:16
35、Ch.10 自發反應, 亂度, 與自由能 9/10 1:06:35
36、Ch.10 自發反應, 亂度, 與自由能 10/10 1:12:24
37、Ch.11 電化學 1/4 1:09:18
38、Ch.11 電化學 2/4 1:33:54
39、Ch.11 電化學 3/4 1:11:02
40、Ch.11 電化學 4/4 45:57
41、Ch.12 原子結構與週期性 1 1:34:24
42、Ch.12 原子結構與週期性 2 1:30:28
43、Ch.12 原子結構與週期性 3 1:41:34
44、Ch.12 原子結構與週期性 4 54:13
45、Ch.12 原子結構與週期性 5 1:04:46
46、Ch.12 原子結構與週期性 6 1:17:43
47、Ch.12 原子結構與週期性 7 1:17:28
48、Ch.13 鍵結的基本觀念 1 1:07:22
49、Ch.13 鍵結的基本觀念 2 1:04:13
50、Ch.13 鍵結的基本觀念 3 1:09:16
51、Ch.13 鍵結的基本觀念 4 1:28:13
52、Ch.13 鍵結的基本觀念 5 1:19:38
53、Ch.14 共價鍵與軌域 1 1:04:08
54、Ch.14 共價鍵與軌域 2 1:19:49
55、Ch.14 共價鍵與軌域 3 1:20:35
56、Ch.14 共價鍵與軌域 4 1:02:10
57、Ch.14 共價鍵與軌域 5 1:10:40
58、Ch.14 共價鍵與軌域 6 51:43
59、Ch.15 動力學 1 1:11:57
60、Ch.15 動力學 2 1:08:10
61、Ch.15 動力學 3 1:14:18
62、Ch.15 動力學 4 49:40
63、Ch.15 動力學 5 1:24:00
64、Ch.16 液體與固體 1 1:04:46
65、Ch.16 液體與固體 2 1:23:08
66、Ch.16 液體與固體 3 1:01:12
67、Ch.16 液體與固體 4 1:23:11
68、Ch.16 液體與固體 5 1:16:12
69、Ch.16 液體與固體 6 1:08:42
70、Ch.17 溶液的性質 1 1:01:08
71、Ch.17 溶液的性質 2 1:13:55
72、Ch.17 溶液的性質 3 1:10:45
73、Ch.17 溶液的性質 4 1:12:41
74、Ch.19 過渡金屬與配位化學 1 1:12:33
75、Ch.19 過渡金屬與配位化學 2 59:14
76、Ch.19 過渡金屬與配位化學 3 1:04:43
77、Ch.19 過渡金屬與配位化學 4 59:51
78、Ch.19 過渡金屬與配位化學 5 16:49
79、Ch.20 核化學 1 1:03:26
80、Ch.20 核化學 2 57:50
81、Ch.20 核化學 3 36:27
source: NTU CAStudio Last updated on 2015年6月30日
課程共兩學期,上學期的焦點之一是能量的問題,包括:energy (E), enthalpy (H), entropy (S), 以及 free energy(G)。而下學期的動力學與反應機構的關係也是很重要的,在動力學的部分會加入一些與enzyme相關的資料。另外,下學期也將著重在結構性的問題上,架構一個好的分子軌域理念將是我們的重點之一。
教材: Chemical Principles by Steven S. Zumdahl and Donald J. DeCoste, 7th ed., 2013
1、Ch.1 簡介化學,有效數字 1/2 1:19:36
2、Ch.1 簡介化學,有效數字 2/2 43:26
3、Ch.2 從化學知識的演進史來認識原子分子與離子 1/3 1:56:21
4、Ch.2 從化學知識的演進史來認識原子分子與離子;無機化合物命名 2/3 1:07:32
5、Ch.2 從化學知識的演進史來認識原子分子與離子;無機化合物命名 3/3 1:27:19
6、Ch.3 計量與反應型態 1/4 1:10:22
7、Ch.3 計量與反應型態 2/4 52:40
8、Ch.4 計量與反應型態 3/4 50:08
9、Ch.4 計量與反應型態 4/4 1:45:49
10、Ch.5 氣體 1/3 1:04:10
11、Ch.5 氣體 2/3 1:21:45
12、Ch.5 氣體 3/3 1:23:12
13、Ch.6 化學平衡 1:12:22
14、Ch.7 酸與鹼 1/4 1:27:42
15、Ch.7 酸與鹼 2/4 1:53:13
16、Ch.7 酸與鹼 3/4 1:00:22
17、Ch.7 酸與鹼 4/4 58:22
18、Ch.8 溶液相的平衡 1/4 1:08:10
19、Ch.8 溶液相的平衡 2/4 1:19:51
20、Ch.8 溶液相的平衡 3/4 1:30:37
21、Ch.8 溶液相的平衡 4/4 1:11:46
22、Ch.9 熱力學初論:內能(E)與焓(H)的引薦 1/4 1:06:50
23、Ch.9 熱力學初論:內能(E)與焓(H)的引薦 2/4 1:13:39
24、Ch.9 熱力學初論:內能(E)與焓(H)的引薦 3/4 1:05:03
25、Ch.9 熱力學初論:內能(E)與焓(H)的引薦 4/4 1:38:25
26、Ch.9 能量的自然資源與機會 49:40
27、Ch.10 自發反應, 亂度, 與自由能 1/10 1:25:39
28、Ch.10 自發反應, 亂度, 與自由能 2/10 42:03
29、Ch.10 自發反應, 亂度, 與自由能 3/10 1:08:03
30、Ch.10 自發反應, 亂度, 與自由能 4/10 53:11
31、Ch.10 自發反應, 亂度, 與自由能 5/10 1:30:51
32、Ch.10 自發反應, 亂度, 與自由能 6/10 54:24
33、Ch.10 自發反應, 亂度, 與自由能 7/10 1:12:26
34、Ch.10 自發反應, 亂度, 與自由能 8/10 1:35:16
35、Ch.10 自發反應, 亂度, 與自由能 9/10 1:06:35
36、Ch.10 自發反應, 亂度, 與自由能 10/10 1:12:24
37、Ch.11 電化學 1/4 1:09:18
38、Ch.11 電化學 2/4 1:33:54
39、Ch.11 電化學 3/4 1:11:02
40、Ch.11 電化學 4/4 45:57
41、Ch.12 原子結構與週期性 1 1:34:24
42、Ch.12 原子結構與週期性 2 1:30:28
43、Ch.12 原子結構與週期性 3 1:41:34
44、Ch.12 原子結構與週期性 4 54:13
45、Ch.12 原子結構與週期性 5 1:04:46
46、Ch.12 原子結構與週期性 6 1:17:43
47、Ch.12 原子結構與週期性 7 1:17:28
48、Ch.13 鍵結的基本觀念 1 1:07:22
49、Ch.13 鍵結的基本觀念 2 1:04:13
50、Ch.13 鍵結的基本觀念 3 1:09:16
51、Ch.13 鍵結的基本觀念 4 1:28:13
52、Ch.13 鍵結的基本觀念 5 1:19:38
53、Ch.14 共價鍵與軌域 1 1:04:08
54、Ch.14 共價鍵與軌域 2 1:19:49
55、Ch.14 共價鍵與軌域 3 1:20:35
56、Ch.14 共價鍵與軌域 4 1:02:10
57、Ch.14 共價鍵與軌域 5 1:10:40
58、Ch.14 共價鍵與軌域 6 51:43
59、Ch.15 動力學 1 1:11:57
60、Ch.15 動力學 2 1:08:10
61、Ch.15 動力學 3 1:14:18
62、Ch.15 動力學 4 49:40
63、Ch.15 動力學 5 1:24:00
64、Ch.16 液體與固體 1 1:04:46
65、Ch.16 液體與固體 2 1:23:08
66、Ch.16 液體與固體 3 1:01:12
67、Ch.16 液體與固體 4 1:23:11
68、Ch.16 液體與固體 5 1:16:12
69、Ch.16 液體與固體 6 1:08:42
70、Ch.17 溶液的性質 1 1:01:08
71、Ch.17 溶液的性質 2 1:13:55
72、Ch.17 溶液的性質 3 1:10:45
73、Ch.17 溶液的性質 4 1:12:41
74、Ch.19 過渡金屬與配位化學 1 1:12:33
75、Ch.19 過渡金屬與配位化學 2 59:14
76、Ch.19 過渡金屬與配位化學 3 1:04:43
77、Ch.19 過渡金屬與配位化學 4 59:51
78、Ch.19 過渡金屬與配位化學 5 16:49
79、Ch.20 核化學 1 1:03:26
80、Ch.20 核化學 2 57:50
81、Ch.20 核化學 3 36:27
Dr. Richard Geldard: Emerson & Universal Mind
source: University of Philosophical Research 2013年3月7日
Throughout his long and well-documented career, Ralph Waldo Emerson kept a personal journal, begun at age sixteen and concluding when he was seventy-four. The sixteen volumes of the journals plus his enormous published work leave a fascinating and comprehensive record of his vision of a universal mind within which all matter and life participates. This lecture will present Emerson's exploration of this core principle of Idealism: its source, its nature and its availability to us as seekers after the true ground of our being.
Lecture given at the University of Philosophical Research, Dec 1, 2012
How blood pressure works - Wilfred Manzano
source: TED-Ed 2015年7月23日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-blood-p...
If you lined up all the blood vessels in your body, they’d be 60 thousand miles long. And every day, they carry the equivalent of over two thousand gallons of blood to the body’s tissues. What effect does this pressure have on the walls of the blood vessels? Wilfred Manzano gives the facts on blood pressure.
Lesson by Wilfred Manzano, animation by Fox Animation Domination High-Def.
Inside the minds of animals - Bryan B Rasmussen
source:TED-Ed 2015年7月14日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/inside-the-...
Do animals think? It’s a question that has intrigued scientists for thousands of years, inspiring them to come up with different methods and criteria to measure the intelligence of animals. Bryan B Rasmussen navigates through this controversial question, showing how determining intelligence often says more about how humans think than about anything else.
Lesson by Bryan B Rasmussen, animation by Mike Schell.
The Akune brothers: Siblings on opposite sides of war - Wendell Oshiro
source: TED-Ed 2015年7月21日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-akune-b...
There are many stories that can be told about World War II, from the tragic to the inspiring. But perhaps one of the most heart-rending experiences was that of the Akune family, divided by the war against each other, and against their own identities. Wendell Oshiro tells the surprising story of this family split apart by war.
Lesson by Wendell Oshiro, animation by Brandon Denmark.
Ken Robinson on Creativity at University
source: The RSA 2015年7月21日
Internationally influential thinker on education and creativity, Sir Ken Robinson considers how higher education institutions might play a greater role in developing the creative capacities of their students. His RSA Animate ‘Changing Educational Paradigms’ galvanised thinking about the role that creativity plays in schools: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDZFc...
In this excerpt from the event 'What's the Point of Creativity at University', Sir Ken Robinson discusses the global imperative for creativity and creative thinking.
Watch the full replay: https://youtu.be/iwlhZmVXHww
Listen to the full podcast: https://www.thersa.org/discover/audio...
Filmmaker IQ Courses
# playlist (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: Filmmaker IQ
The Science of Rendering Photorealistic CGI 17:23
How a Director Stages and Blocks a Scene 26:05
Focusing on Depth of Field and Lens Equivalents 17:50
The Properties of Camera Lenses 20:51
The History and Science of Lenses 25:28
The Science of Camera Sensors 13:06
A Bit of History on Data 19:36
How Do We Measure an Audience? 21:09
The Origins of Acting and "The Method" 28:37
The Origins of Auteur Theory 17:38
The History of Frame Rate for Film 15:21
The Curious Copyright Case of "It's A Wonderful Life" 21:38
Introduction to Foley and Sound Effects for Film 15:40
Introduction to Automated Dialogue Replacement (ADR) 12:25
The Basics of Recording Audio for Digital Video 21:05
The Fundamentals of Sound in Post Production 15:26
The Science and Engineering of Sound 17:31
The History of Sound at the Movies 33:20
The History of Horror 28:47
The History of the Movie Trailer 15:00
The History of Cutting - The Soviet Theory of Montage 14:07
The History of Cutting - The Birth of Cinema and Continuity Editing 14:08
The History of Hollywood Censorship and the Ratings System 15:15
The Science & History of Popcorn - The Snack that Saved the Movies 12:44
The Psychology of Scary Movies 14:05
The Evolution of Home Theater - Big Tech of the Small Screen 16:46
Introduction to Color in Digital Filmmaking 19:49
The History and Science of Color Film: From Isaac Newton to the Coen Brothers 21:13
The History and Science of the Slit Scan Effect used in Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey 15:27
How To Create Bizarre Slit Scan Video using After Effects 6:34
5 Elements of Great Chromakey 10:10
Hollywoods History of Faking It | The Evolution of Greenscreen Compositing 17:31
Composition Techniques for Widescreen Aspect Ratios 10:09
The Changing Shape of Cinema: The History of Aspect Ratio 18:16
The Origins and Formatting of Modern Screenplays 14:41
Origins of Film Noir 17:40
The History and Science of Color Temperature 11:30
The Journey to Non-Linear Editing (Part 2) 20:54
The Journey to Modern Non-Linear Editing (Part 1) 19:02
The Basics of Lighting for Film Noir 6:26
Mastering the Art of The Dolly Zoom 6:52
source: Filmmaker IQ
The Science of Rendering Photorealistic CGI 17:23
How a Director Stages and Blocks a Scene 26:05
Focusing on Depth of Field and Lens Equivalents 17:50
The Properties of Camera Lenses 20:51
The History and Science of Lenses 25:28
The Science of Camera Sensors 13:06
A Bit of History on Data 19:36
How Do We Measure an Audience? 21:09
The Origins of Acting and "The Method" 28:37
The Origins of Auteur Theory 17:38
The History of Frame Rate for Film 15:21
The Curious Copyright Case of "It's A Wonderful Life" 21:38
Introduction to Foley and Sound Effects for Film 15:40
Introduction to Automated Dialogue Replacement (ADR) 12:25
The Basics of Recording Audio for Digital Video 21:05
The Fundamentals of Sound in Post Production 15:26
The Science and Engineering of Sound 17:31
The History of Sound at the Movies 33:20
The History of Horror 28:47
The History of the Movie Trailer 15:00
The History of Cutting - The Soviet Theory of Montage 14:07
The History of Cutting - The Birth of Cinema and Continuity Editing 14:08
The History of Hollywood Censorship and the Ratings System 15:15
The Science & History of Popcorn - The Snack that Saved the Movies 12:44
The Psychology of Scary Movies 14:05
The Evolution of Home Theater - Big Tech of the Small Screen 16:46
Introduction to Color in Digital Filmmaking 19:49
The History and Science of Color Film: From Isaac Newton to the Coen Brothers 21:13
The History and Science of the Slit Scan Effect used in Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey 15:27
How To Create Bizarre Slit Scan Video using After Effects 6:34
5 Elements of Great Chromakey 10:10
Hollywoods History of Faking It | The Evolution of Greenscreen Compositing 17:31
Composition Techniques for Widescreen Aspect Ratios 10:09
The Changing Shape of Cinema: The History of Aspect Ratio 18:16
The Origins and Formatting of Modern Screenplays 14:41
Origins of Film Noir 17:40
The History and Science of Color Temperature 11:30
The Journey to Non-Linear Editing (Part 2) 20:54
The Journey to Modern Non-Linear Editing (Part 1) 19:02
The Basics of Lighting for Film Noir 6:26
Mastering the Art of The Dolly Zoom 6:52
The scientific origins of the Minotaur - Matt Kaplan
source: TED-Ed 2015年7月20日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-scienti...
The myth of the Minotaur tells the story of an enraged beast forever wandering the corridors of a damp labyrinth, filled with a rage so intense that its deafening roar shakes the earth. But is this story just fiction, or an attempt of our early ancestors to make sense of the natural world? Matt Kaplan examines the myth for its scientific roots.
Lesson by Matt Kaplan, animation by Artrake Studio.
Who Owns The Moon?
source: Vsauce 2015年7月3日
music by http://www.youtube.com/JakeChudnow
bossa nova music from: http://www.audionetwork.com/
"Mars Bar" by Mat Andasun
"Girl on the Beach" by Alexander L'Estrange
"Bossa Continua" by Tim Garland
世界歷史 world history (中國大陸製作)
# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)
source: 由媯古紫建立清單 Last updated on 2015年2月9日
001 人類歷史的開端 石器時代的人們 29:56
002 文明的起源 29:35
003 古代文字的起源 29:51
004 古代两河流域文明1.wmv 30:01
005 古代两河流域文明2 29:58
006 古代埃及文明1 29:52
007 古代埃及文明2 29:50
008 古印度河流域文明之謎 29:59
009 克里特 邁錫尼文明 29:49
010 古希臘文明的迴聲 29:48
011 古希臘的文化 30:01
012 古希臘化時代 30:01
013 羅馬共和國 29:56
014 羅馬帝國 29:59
015古代羅馬文化.wmv 30:00
016 歐亞民族大遷移及中世紀的開端 29:53
017 西歐封建國家 30:10
018 拜占庭帝國 29:57
019 基輔羅斯和俄羅斯統一國家的建立 30:00
020 歷史上的伊斯蘭世界 29:56
021 中世紀西歐的社會生活 29:59
022 十字軍東侵 29:32
023 文藝復興1 28:21
024 文藝復興2 27:36
023 文藝復興1 28:21
024 文藝復興2 27:36
025 古代印度 30:00
026 古代日本 30:00
027 古代非洲黑人文明 29:59
028 美洲古代文明上 30:14
029 美洲古代文明下 29:59
030 古代中外文化交流 29:53
031 古代中外文化交流 29:41
032 歐洲人新航路的開闢與早期殖民 30:00
033 英國資本主義的起源 29:53
034 尼德蘭革命 28:32
035 三十年戰爭 30:00
036 英國資產階級革命 29:57
037 奧地利王位繼承戰爭 29:59
038 七年戰爭 29:42
039 英國工業革命 29:59
040 西歐北美工業革命 29:50
041 美國獨立運動 29:12
042 法國啟蒙運動 29:57
043 法國大革命 29:59
044 拿破崙時代 29:59
045 神聖同盟 30:00
046 非洲奴隸貿易 28:23
047 十九世紀初拉丁美洲獨立運動 30:00
048 俄國彼得一世改革 29:47
049 俄國十二月黨人起義 30:01
050 英國議會改革 29:58
051 英國文官制度改革 30:00
052 歐洲1848年革命 29:59
053 德意志統一 30:02
054 俄國農奴制改革 30:01
055 美國西進運動 30:04
056 美国内战 30:01
057 日本明治維新 30:01
058 英國對印度的侵略 30:01
059 列強對亞洲的殖民侵略 30:00
060 列強瓜分非洲 29:45
061 奧斯曼帝國的興衰 29:55
062 資本主義向壟斷過渡 29:59
063 三次早期帝國主義戰爭 29:41
064 墨西哥資產階級民主革命 29:31
065 馬克思主義的誕生 29:47
067 巴黎公社 29:59
068 英帝國的興衰 29:53
069 美國的崛起 29:58
070 歐洲近代生活的變遷 29:59
071 近代文化與藝術1 29:55
072 近代文化與藝術2 29:56
073 俄國資產階級民主革命 29:57
074 從維斯特法利亞體系到維也納體系 29:32
075 第一次世界大戰1 29:58
076 第一次世界大戰2 30:00
077 俄國十月社會主義革命 30:00
078 凡爾賽 華盛頓體系 19:08
079 蘇聯的成立 29:58
080 蘇聯社會主義工業化和農業集體化 30:00
081 印度的非暴力不合作運動 29:57
082 土耳其凱末爾革命 15:48
083 資本主義經濟大危機 30:00
084 羅斯福新政 29:45
085 德意志法西斯主義 30:00
086 日本法西斯主義 29:59
087 西班牙內戰 29:59
088 第二次世界大戰1 29:52
089 第二次世界大戰2 30:00
090 第二次世界大戰3 30:00
091 第二次世界大戰4 30:00
092 紐倫堡審判和東京審判 30:00
093 聯合國的誕生 29:59
094 埃塞俄比亞抗意戰爭 30:00
095 冷戰的形成 29:21
096 猶太復國主義及以色列建國 30:03
097 古巴革命 28:35
098 蘇伊士運河的開通 30:02
099 埃及七月革命 29:55
100 萬隆會議
source: 由媯古紫建立清單 Last updated on 2015年2月9日
001 人類歷史的開端 石器時代的人們 29:56
002 文明的起源 29:35
003 古代文字的起源 29:51
004 古代两河流域文明1.wmv 30:01
005 古代两河流域文明2 29:58
006 古代埃及文明1 29:52
007 古代埃及文明2 29:50
008 古印度河流域文明之謎 29:59
009 克里特 邁錫尼文明 29:49
010 古希臘文明的迴聲 29:48
011 古希臘的文化 30:01
012 古希臘化時代 30:01
013 羅馬共和國 29:56
014 羅馬帝國 29:59
015古代羅馬文化.wmv 30:00
016 歐亞民族大遷移及中世紀的開端 29:53
017 西歐封建國家 30:10
018 拜占庭帝國 29:57
019 基輔羅斯和俄羅斯統一國家的建立 30:00
020 歷史上的伊斯蘭世界 29:56
021 中世紀西歐的社會生活 29:59
022 十字軍東侵 29:32
023 文藝復興1 28:21
024 文藝復興2 27:36
023 文藝復興1 28:21
024 文藝復興2 27:36
025 古代印度 30:00
026 古代日本 30:00
027 古代非洲黑人文明 29:59
028 美洲古代文明上 30:14
029 美洲古代文明下 29:59
030 古代中外文化交流 29:53
031 古代中外文化交流 29:41
032 歐洲人新航路的開闢與早期殖民 30:00
033 英國資本主義的起源 29:53
034 尼德蘭革命 28:32
035 三十年戰爭 30:00
036 英國資產階級革命 29:57
037 奧地利王位繼承戰爭 29:59
038 七年戰爭 29:42
039 英國工業革命 29:59
040 西歐北美工業革命 29:50
041 美國獨立運動 29:12
042 法國啟蒙運動 29:57
043 法國大革命 29:59
044 拿破崙時代 29:59
045 神聖同盟 30:00
046 非洲奴隸貿易 28:23
047 十九世紀初拉丁美洲獨立運動 30:00
048 俄國彼得一世改革 29:47
049 俄國十二月黨人起義 30:01
050 英國議會改革 29:58
051 英國文官制度改革 30:00
052 歐洲1848年革命 29:59
053 德意志統一 30:02
054 俄國農奴制改革 30:01
055 美國西進運動 30:04
056 美国内战 30:01
057 日本明治維新 30:01
058 英國對印度的侵略 30:01
059 列強對亞洲的殖民侵略 30:00
060 列強瓜分非洲 29:45
061 奧斯曼帝國的興衰 29:55
062 資本主義向壟斷過渡 29:59
063 三次早期帝國主義戰爭 29:41
064 墨西哥資產階級民主革命 29:31
065 馬克思主義的誕生 29:47
067 巴黎公社 29:59
068 英帝國的興衰 29:53
069 美國的崛起 29:58
070 歐洲近代生活的變遷 29:59
071 近代文化與藝術1 29:55
072 近代文化與藝術2 29:56
073 俄國資產階級民主革命 29:57
074 從維斯特法利亞體系到維也納體系 29:32
075 第一次世界大戰1 29:58
076 第一次世界大戰2 30:00
077 俄國十月社會主義革命 30:00
078 凡爾賽 華盛頓體系 19:08
079 蘇聯的成立 29:58
080 蘇聯社會主義工業化和農業集體化 30:00
081 印度的非暴力不合作運動 29:57
082 土耳其凱末爾革命 15:48
083 資本主義經濟大危機 30:00
084 羅斯福新政 29:45
085 德意志法西斯主義 30:00
086 日本法西斯主義 29:59
087 西班牙內戰 29:59
088 第二次世界大戰1 29:52
089 第二次世界大戰2 30:00
090 第二次世界大戰3 30:00
091 第二次世界大戰4 30:00
092 紐倫堡審判和東京審判 30:00
093 聯合國的誕生 29:59
094 埃塞俄比亞抗意戰爭 30:00
095 冷戰的形成 29:21
096 猶太復國主義及以色列建國 30:03
097 古巴革命 28:35
098 蘇伊士運河的開通 30:02
099 埃及七月革命 29:55
100 萬隆會議
European Civilization from the Renaissance to the Present (Fall 2014) - Thomas W. Laqueur / UCBerkeley
# automatic playing for the 23 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)
source: UCBerkeley Last updated on 2014年12月11日
History 5, 001 - Fall 2014
Creative Commons 3.0: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs
History 5 - 2014-09-02 1:15:37
History 5 - 2014-09-04 1:18:14
History 5 - 2014-09-11 | No audio for first 10 minutes 1:19:47
History 5 - 2014-09-16 1:17:38
History 5 - 2014-09-18 1:01:24
History 5 - 2014-09-09 15:59
History 5 - 2014-09-23 1:19:33
History 5 - 2014-09-25 1:16:30
History 5 - 2014-09-30 1:21:32
History 5 - 2014-10-02 1:21:15
History 5 - 2014-10-07 | Audio issues first 5 minutes 1:03:00
History 5 - 2014-10-09 1:18:16
History 5 - 2014-10-14 1:17:31
History 5 - 2014-10-16 1:21:36
History 5 - 2014-10-23 1:16:11
History 5 - 2014-10-30 1:18:43
History 5 - 2014-10-28 1:17:35
History 5 - 2014-11-04 1:20:38
History 5 - 2014-11-06 1:06:55
History 5 - 2014-11-13 1:18:06
History 5 - 2014-11-20 1:06:23
History 5 - 2014-11-25 1:21:48
History 5 - 2014-12-02 1:03:37
History 5 - 2014-12-04 1:17:18
History 5 - 2014-12-11 1:02:26
source: UCBerkeley Last updated on 2014年12月11日
History 5, 001 - Fall 2014
Creative Commons 3.0: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs
History 5 - 2014-09-02 1:15:37
History 5 - 2014-09-04 1:18:14
History 5 - 2014-09-11 | No audio for first 10 minutes 1:19:47
History 5 - 2014-09-16 1:17:38
History 5 - 2014-09-18 1:01:24
History 5 - 2014-09-09 15:59
History 5 - 2014-09-23 1:19:33
History 5 - 2014-09-25 1:16:30
History 5 - 2014-09-30 1:21:32
History 5 - 2014-10-02 1:21:15
History 5 - 2014-10-07 | Audio issues first 5 minutes 1:03:00
History 5 - 2014-10-09 1:18:16
History 5 - 2014-10-14 1:17:31
History 5 - 2014-10-16 1:21:36
History 5 - 2014-10-23 1:16:11
History 5 - 2014-10-30 1:18:43
History 5 - 2014-10-28 1:17:35
History 5 - 2014-11-04 1:20:38
History 5 - 2014-11-06 1:06:55
History 5 - 2014-11-13 1:18:06
History 5 - 2014-11-20 1:06:23
History 5 - 2014-11-25 1:21:48
History 5 - 2014-12-02 1:03:37
History 5 - 2014-12-04 1:17:18
History 5 - 2014-12-11 1:02:26