

Computer Systems Security (Fall 2014) by Nickolai Zeldovich at MIT

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source: MIT OpenCourseWare  Last updated on 2015年7月15日
MIT 6.858 Computer Systems Security, Fall 2014
View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/6-858F14
This is a class on the design and implementation of secure computer systems, focusing on threat models, attacks that compromise security, and techniques for achieving security.
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1. Introduction, Threat Models 1:17:13
2. Control Hijacking Attacks 1:27:39
3. Buffer Overflow Exploits and Defenses 1:21:38
4. Privilege Separation 1:23:29
6. Capabilities 1:21:57
7. Sandboxing Native Code 1:23:21
8. Web Security Model 1:22:49
9. Securing Web Applications 1:22:08
10. Symbolic Execution 1:22:16
11. Ur/Web 1:20:04
12. Network Security 1:18:26
13. Network Protocols 1:21:03
14. SSL and HTTPS 1:18:18
15. Medical Software 1:15:31
16. Side-Channel Attacks 1:22:16
17. User Authentication 50:50
18. Private Browsing 1:20:13
19. Anonymous Communication 1:20:13
20. Mobile Phone Security 1:22:00
21. Data Tracking 1:19:38
22. Guest Lecture by MIT IS&T 1:26:51
23. Security Economics 1:17:25

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