

計算機程式設計 Computer Programming--鄭士康

source: 臺灣通識網General Education TW         2018年10月16日
課程播放清單: 講義下載:http://get.aca.ntu.edu.tw/getcdb/hand...

17:41 Week 1-1. 課程目標與概要
12:28 Week 1-2. 程式語言的演進 
18:29 Week 1-3. C#程式語言特點 
16:43 Week 1-4. 整合發展環境初步
22:18 Week1-5. 第一、二支C#程式與錯誤訊息
19:10 Week 1-6. 程式解說 
15:40 Week1-7. 偵錯器與基本輸入輸出
34:02 Week 2-1. 變數宣告與設值 示範程式UsingVariable重要片段
17:35 Week 2-2. 變數宣告與設值 示範程式UsingNumeric重要片段
10 28:47 Week 2-3. 變數宣告與設值 示範程式UsingChar重要片段
11 18:51 Week 2-4. 基本算術運算式 示範程式UsingMathOperator重要片段
12 33:48 Week 2-5. 常數宣告 示範程式UsingConstant重要片段
13 15:51 Week 3-1. 關連算子, 簡單if敘述, 三元運算子
14 20:13 Week 3-2. bool型別及邏輯運算式
15 15:03 Week 3-3. 運算優先順序、練習
16 37:20 Week 3-4. 巢狀if與if else if敘述/
17 24:26 Week 3-5. switch 敘述
18 32:57 Week 3-6. for迴圈
19 33:05 Week 4-1. for迴圈
20 33:07 Week 4-2. continue與break
21 33:55 Week 4-3. 結構化程式設計
22 24:48 Week 4-4. 一維陣列
23 25:52 Week 4-5. 亂數產生器
24 33:49 Week 5-1. 猜數字遊戲概念回顧與虛擬碼介紹
25 27:23 Week 5-3. 矩形二維陣列
26 28:05 Week 5-4. 井字遊戲Tic tac toe
27 22:13 Week 5-5. 函式簡介
28 31:48 Week 5-2. 一維陣列的排序、倒排、搜尋
29 37:54 Week 6-1. 傳值函式
30 23:45 Week 6-2. 傳址函式
31 32:33 Week 6-3. Out參數
32 24:25 Week 6-4. 井字遊戲Tic tac toe函式版
33 25:07 Week 6-5. 單元測試

(русский / in Russian) SBERDAYS [2017]

# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon)

source: Лекториум            2017年5月11日
SBERDAYS — образовательные события для digital-специалистов от Сбербанка. Цель проекта — формирование сообщества активных участников IT-индустрии, популяризация и распространение актуальных знаний и опыта лучших экспертов. Важной задачей проекта является тестирование новых цифровых сервисов и продуктов Сбербанка, а также поиск свежих идей и решений.

1:01:14 SBERDAYS #5 | Автоматизируй это. Как и зачем применять методологию BDD | И. Варивода, А. Соковец
55:44 SBERDAYS #5 | Мобильные приложения и Интернет вещей. Мифы и возможные сценарии | Сергей Денисюк
1:25:56 SBERDAYS #4 | Мастер-класс "Как самостоятельно освоить Мachine Learning и Big Data" | Станислав Ким
1:55:30 SBERDAYS #4 | Дебаты о влиянии технологий на человечество
1:34:21 SBERDAYS #4 | Актуальное состояние искусственного интеллекта | Григорий Бакунов
1:26:51 SBERDAYS #3 | Дебаты о проблемах разработки в крупных компаниях и маленьких командах
1:31:54 SBERDAYS #3 | Массовость. Оригинальность. Норма | Илья Михайлов

Sir Geoffrey Nice QC--Law - From Human Rights to Srebenica (2014-15)

# playlist: click the video's upper-left icon

source: GreshamCollege      2014年10月23日
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lectures are available from the Gresham College Website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
Website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/GreshamCollege
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greshamcollege

 Human Rights: Philosophy and History  
One of the most dynamic aspects of law is that of Human Rights. Sir Geoffrey Nice has spent his career in this area and discusses its origns:http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
The philosophical and historical development of what may be regarded as essential human rights will be traced. It is essential to understand this development before criticising – or complaining about – modern Human Rights law.
52:35 Human Rights: The Law
An exploration of Human Rights law as it developed and which draws criticism from the general public: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
The audience will be invited to consider what, if anything, they complain of in what is nowadays referred to as Human Rights law.  The lecture will deal with topics raised and those which are more generally the subject of criticism.  Time will be allowed for (structured and time limited) contributions from the audience.
 Human Rights: Developments 
Human Rights law as it developed and which draws praise from the general public. The audience will be invited to consider what they have found positive in Human Rights law development. Time will be allowed for (structured and time limited) contributions from the audience.
56:58 'Cases I Have Known'  
A review of particular cases Sir Geoffrey Nice has been involved in, to provide a picture of the life of the 20th/21st century barrister. This lecture is aimed - to an appropriate extent - to amuse as well as to inform.
56:33 Srebrenica: Genocide and Trials - Professor Sir Geoffrey Nice & Nena Tromp  
A unique, insiders view of the largest genocide in Europe since World War II, and the machinations of the international legal system that struggled to deal with it: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
The results of the last twenty years of trials about Srebrenica in the year of the 20th anniversary (July 1995) of that massacre. This lecture will trace - through court evidence - what happened. It will also point out what is missing about the involvement of the warring parties and the international community.
 Srebrenica: Justice and Legacy - Professor Geoffrey Nice & Nena Tromp
A lecture marking the 20th Anniversary of the largest genocide in Europe since the Holocaust; the Srebrenica Massacre: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
The results of the last twenty years of trails about Srebrenica in the year of the 20th anniversary (July 1995) of that massacre. This lecture will investigate the state of the trial and where it leaves those affected by the massacre and their search for justice and truth. It is hoped that there may be live - or video - contribution from victim or perpetrator witnesses to events.

Carolyn Roberts--Environment - Green Complexity: Science, Innovation and Society (2014-15)

# playlist: click the video's upper-left icon

source: GreshamCollege          2014年10月27日
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lectures are available from the Gresham College Website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
Website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/GreshamCollege
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greshamcollege

 Greenness and UK Environmental Challenges
An introduction to the wicked mix of environmental problems that the is faced in the UK, and a hint as to where their solutions might lie. http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
The world faces environmental challenges from global to local levels. Well-rehearsed but impenetrable issues, include the increased likelihood of damage to life and infrastructure from climate change; carbon management policies for governments; increasing levels of poverty and hunger associated with growing populations; and, potentially, mass movement of environmental migrants.
58:14 Greenness in Business and the City 
 Educationally 'Green' 
55:51 Professionally 'Green'  
 Locally 'Green': Does it Make a Difference?  
 A Green and Pleasant Land?

History - The First World War: 100th Anniversary Lectures

# playlist: click the video's upper-left icon

source: GreshamCollege       2014年10月2日
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lectures are available from the Gresham College Website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
Website: gresham.ac.uk
Twitter: twitter.com/GreshamCollege
Facebook: facebook.com/greshamcollege

 Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914 - Christopher Clark
This lecture explores new ways of understanding the crisis that brought war to Europe in the summer of 1914; reflects on some of the problems of interpretation that have dogged the debate over the war's origins; and considers the contemporary resonance of a catastrophe that is now nearly a century old.
57:34 The Military History of the First World War: An Overview and Analysis - Professor David Stevenson
42:31 The Long Shadow: The Great War and International Memory, 1914-2014 - Professor David Reynolds 
 Politics and the First World War - Professor Sir Richard Evans 
50:38 War, Health and Medicine: The medical lessons of World War I - Professor Mark Harrison

CDM 2016 t Harvard University

# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon)

source: Harvard Math           2016年12月16日

52:27 June Huh: Hard Lefschetz Properties and Hodge-Riemann relations (I)
54:05 June Huh: Hard Lefschetz Properties and Hodge-Riemann Relations II
56:56 Xinwen Zhu: Geometric Satake for p-adic groups
53:54 Xinwen Zhu: Geometric Satake for p-adic groups II
52:38 Laszlo Babai: Symmetry versus Regularity II
47:57 Adam Marcus: The solution of the Kadison-Singer problem
55:21 Kurt Johansson: Edge fluctuations of limit shapes (I)
47:23 NIkhil Srivastava: Around the Kadison-Singer Problem
51:41 Laszlo Babai: Symmetry versus Regularity I
10 35:34 Kurt Johansson: Edge fluctuations of Limit Shapes (II)

CDM 2017 at Harvard University

# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon)

source: Harvard Math               2017年12月19日
53:00 Nicolai Makarov: Random Matrices, Laplacian Growth and Conformal Dynamics I
49:05 Nicolai Makarov: Random matrices, Laplacian Growth and Conformal Dynamics II
49:30 Santosh Vempala: The KLS conjecture I
52:48 Santosh Vempala: The KLS conjecture II
48:53 Nick Sheridan: Mirror Symmetry and Versality I
54:12 Nick Sheridan: Versality at the boundary of the moduli space (II)
59:39 Neshan Wickramasekera: Variational theory of minimal hypersurfaces in Riemannian manifolds
52:04 Neshan Wickramaskera: Regularity of minimal and constant - mean -curvature hypersurfaces
46:11 Maryna Viazovska: Sphere packings, Fourier Interpoaltion and Modular Forms I
10 28:04 Maryna Viazovska: Sphere packings, Fourier Interpoaltion and Modular Forms II