

Applications of Solid Mechanics (Spring 2018) by İlker Temizer at Bilkent University

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source: BilkentUniversitesi          2018年2月25日
ME 446 Applications of Solid Mechanics
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Bilkent University
Introduction to elasticity theory; tension-compression, continuity equations. Advanced strength of materials: torsion of axisymmetric cross sections, curved beams, thick-walled cylinders. Mechanics of composite materials. Introduction to layered materials and applications.

Lecture 01: Mathematical Preliminaries I
Lecture 02: Mathematical Preliminaries II
Lecture 03: Strain & Compatibility I
Lecture 04: Strain & Compatibility II
Lecture 05: Strain & Compatibility III
Lecture 06: Stress & Equilibrium I
Lecture 07: Stress & Equilibrium II
Lecture 08: Tension/Torsion of a Cylinder I
Lecture 09: Tension/Torsion of a Cylinder II
Lecture 10: Pressurized Thick - Walled Sphere
Lecture 11: Pressurized Thick - Walled Cylinder
Lecture 12: Thin Spinning Disk
Lecture 13: Airy Stress Function I
Lecture 14: Airy Stress Function II
Lecture 15: Spinning / Cantilevered Beam I
Lecture 16: Spinning / Cantilevered Beam II
Lecture 17: Spinning / Cantilevered Beam III
Lecture 18: Timoshenko Beam Theory I
Lecture 19: Timoshenko Beam Theory II

Game Theory I (Spring 2018) by Tarık Kara at Bilkent University

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source: BilkentUniversitesi     2018年2月9日
ECON 439 Game Theory I
Department of Economics
Bilkent University
This course is an introduction to the theory of games. Games theory provides a set of analytical tools that can be used to model the interactions of decision-makers (consumers, firms, politicians, government, etc). The course introduces the basic theory of noncooperative game theory. A variety of applications will be discussed.

Lecture 01: Introduction
Lecture 02: Introduction to Strategic Form Games
Lecture 03: Modeling Games in Strategic Form
Lecture 04: Modeling Games in Strategic Form (cont'd)
Lecture 05: Strictly Dominant & Dominant Strategy Solution Concept
Lecture 06: Pareto Efficiency
Lecture 07: Best Response Correspondence & (strictly) Dominant Strategies
Lecture 08: Best Response Correspondence & (strictly) Dominant Strategies (cont'd)
Lecture 09: Best Response Correspondence
Lecture 10: Iterated Elimination of Dominated Strategies & Cournot's Oligopoly
Lecture 11: Iterated Elimination of Strictly Dominated Strategies in Cournot's Duopoly
Lecture 12: Nash Solution Concept
Lecture 13: Pareto Efficiency in Cournot's Duopoly
Lecture 14: Bertrand's Duopoly
Lecture 15: Nash Existence Theorem
Lecture 16: Nash Existence Theorem - Provision of a Public Good
Lecture 17: Contributing to a Public Good
Lecture 18: Mixed Strategy Extension of Games
Lecture 19: Mixed Strategy Nash Solutions
Lecture 20: Review I
Lecture 21: Review II
Lecture 22: Best Response Correspondences in Mixed Extension Game
Lecture 23: Finding Nash Solutions of Mixed Extension Games
Lecture 24: Mixed Strategy Nash Solution I
Lecture 25: Mixed Strategy Nash Solution II
Lecture 26: Correlated Solution Concept I
Lecture 27: Correlated Solution Concept II
Lecture 28: Correlated Solution Concept III
Lecture 29: Correlated Solution Concept IV

(русский / in Russian) Машинное обучение (Machine learning)

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source:Лекториум           2017年12月29日
Другие лекции конференции «Машинное обучение и анализ алгоритмов» доступны для просмотра по ссылке: https://www.lektorium.tv/Zg9
Подписывайтесь на канал: https://www.lektorium.tv/ZJA
Следите за новостями: https://vk.com/openlektorium

1:10:14 Задачи на графах в теории кодирования | Василий Усатюк
30:15 SAT-солверы | Александр Куликов
1:03:51 Тензоры и глубокое обучение | Иван Оселедец
1:26:24 Математические методы на примерах рекламных технологий и задач | Виктор Лобачев
1:22:44 Почти асинхронные вычисления | Александр Тискин
1:25:12 Мультимодальная кластеризация для анализа данных | Дмитрий Игнатов
1:41:21 Что же делает AlphaGo? Глубокое обучение с подкреплением | Сергей Николенко
1:27:18 Порождение и обработка изображений | Виктор Лемпицкий
1:28:13 Открытые проблемы в глубинном обучении: байесовское решение | Дмитрий Ветров
10 1:43:46 Внедрение программно определяемых сетей (SDN) | Кирилл Коган
11 1:09:09 Комбинаторные задачи оптимизации для классификации сетевых пакетов | Павел Чуприков
12 1:30:41 Соответствия Галуа | Сергей Кузнецов
13 1:44:59 Современные подходы к построению диалоговых систем | Михаил Бурцев

(русский / in Russian) Fine-grained complexity | Иван Михайлин (Ivan Mihailin)

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source: Лекториум      2017年12月26日
Подписывайтесь на канал: https://www.lektorium.tv/ZJA
Следите за новостями: https://vk.com/openlektorium

(русский / in Russian) Низкоуровневый взгляд на динамические библиотеки и модели кода | Игорь Жирков (Low-level view of dynamic libraries and code models)

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source: Лекториум      2017年12月29日
Другие лекции курса «Низкоуровневый взгляд на динамические библиотеки и модели кода» доступны для просмотра по ссылке: https://www.lektorium.tv/ZMi
Подписывайтесь на канал: https://www.lektorium.tv/ZJA
Следите за новостями: https://vk.com/openlektorium

(русский / in Russian) Функциональный анализ | Сергей Кисляков (Functional Analysis | Sergey Kislyakov)

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source: Лекториум        2017年2月15日
Другие лекции по курсу "Функциональный анализ" доступны для просмотра по ссылке: https://www.lektorium.tv/ZSV
Подписывайтесь на канал: https://www.lektorium.tv/ZJA
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Jagjit Chadha--Economics - Money, Monetary Policy and Central Banks

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source: GreshamCollege      2014年9月23日
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lectures are available from the Gresham College Website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
Website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/GreshamCollege
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greshamcollege

57:59 From Gold to Paper and Back Again
Starting his series on the history and science of monetary policy, Jagjit Chadha examines the gold standard: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
Money was linked historically to the value of commodities such as gold in order to help preserve its value and encourage its wide and ongoing use. There are many examples of countries temporarily delinking from commodity standards. This lecture will explore the consequences of tying monetary value to commodities and why there are better choices for a government than a commodity standard.
54:42 The Great Depression and its Legacy
53:16 Economics: Fine Tuning Out of Control 
52:47 The Science of Monetary Policy
1:00:09 Economics: Where the Great Experiment went Wrong
1:03:00 The New Art of Central Banking

Jagjit Chadha--Economics - Some Macroeconomics Puzzles: Conjectural Refutations

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source: GreshamCollege       2015年10月9日
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lectures are available from the Gresham College website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
Website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/GreshamCollege
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greshamcollege

55:19 The Costs of Business Cycles
Can we insure ourselves against future recessions and crashes?: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
How much would you pay to avoid a recession? In other words, can we place a price on the economic costs of business cycle fluctuations? Standard economic models give some clues but they bring difficulties. Can we account for the known difficulties with these models, or is it yet more complicated? In the real world, might government policy have already acted to reduce the costs of fluctuations?
53:19 The Equity Premium and Low Interest Rates 
49:48 The Carry Trade and Uncovered Interest Rate Parity
55:09 Why Doesn't Capital Flow From High to Low?
56:44 The Efficient Market Hypothesis 
55:47 Assessing the Economic Risks from Brexit

Jo Delahunty - Transparency in the Family Justice System

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source: GreshamCollege       2017年10月19日
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lectures are available from the Gresham College website: https://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-an...
Website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/GreshamCollege
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greshamcollege
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/greshamcollege

59:33 Women Lawyers: Equals at the Bar? 
The times they are a-changing - or are they? Do female lawyers need to be Superwoman to survive? Is motherhood welcomed, tolerated or rejected at the Bar? What makes for a successful advocate? Is gender relevant? What about career progression? Are women fairly represented on the Bench and in its most senior courts? Is there practice or appointment discrimination and if so what is being done about it? This lecture will explore the reality of life at the Bar and why vocation matters.
57:49 What Do Judges Do In The Family Court? 
54:16 Vulnerable Clients and the Family Justice System 
53:10 Dealing with Sex Abuse: How Does the Family Court Assess Risk?
55:16 The Child in the Family Court Room