


# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon) 

source: matsciencechannel          2017年7月7日

1:01:05 Do Maps Make the World Go Round? by Prof.Vijaykumar, CMI
Gauss's Theorema Egregium tells us that the sphere and the plane have different curvatures, and as a consequence there can never be a perfect map of the surface of the Earth. However, there are projections which manage to preserve important features of our planet's surface, such as infinitesimal surface area, geodesic curves, and angles of intersection. We will look at some classical examples of maps that perfectly capture the above properties, and discuss some of the underlying geometry. Then we will take a look at a few modern innovations, including a tetrahedron that can be "unfolded" into an infinitely repeating, center-less map of Earth.
45:55 Experiences of a Science journalist by Ms.Subhashree, THE HINDU
57:05 Panel Discussion on Careers Involving Mathematics
1:33:15 Sequences and Information by Prof.S. Viswanath, IMSc
Combinatorics is fundamental to most of mathematics; we often need to count precisely how many objects there are of a certain kind. Algebra is broadly the study of abstract structures and rules for their manipulation. In this talk, we will consider many examples of interesting algebraic functions which arise as solutions to counting problems. Many beautiful algebraic identities turn out to have combinatorial explanations, and the search for such explanations has often led to new insights and discoveries.
1:25:49 Building speech synthesis systems for Indian languages by Prof.Hema Murthy, IITM
1:05:24  Is our leader really our leader ? by Prof.Ramanujam
Modern democracies rely on general elections to form governments. People elect a candidate from a choice of alternatives, and the one declared elected is supposed to "represent" all the voters. This also holds for voting in committees to arrive at a decision.
The world over, there are many ways to conduct elections. Our Presidential election is very different from that of France or the USA. Is there a mathematical way to decide which is the best election procedure ? Are there ways to ensure that nobody can manipulate elections to achieve the results they want ?
Attempts to answer such questions bring together ideas and techniques from not only politics, economics and sociology, but also mathematics and computer science. The talk is meant to introduce the basic ideas of this fast-growing field of research.
(Working on these problems could get you a Nobel Prize in Economics; there have been three such winners, including a famous Indian.)

Renormalization Group (2017) by Balachandran Sathiapalan

# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon) 

source: matsciencechannel                      2017年6月30日

52:26 Lecture 01
2 [private video]
1:05:22 Lecture 03
1:03:13 Lecture 04
1:17:29 Lecture 05
1:04:51 Lecture 06
1:07:31 Lecture 07
1:05:19 Lecture 08
1:04:58 Lecture 09
10 1:04:31 Lecture 10
11 1:25:51 Lecture 11

(2017下-商專) 英文文學欣賞--蔣筱珍 / 空中進修學院 (第1講 -

# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon) 

source: 華視教育體育文化頻道     2018年3月1日
更多英文文學欣賞(商專)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...

(2017下-商專) 新聞英文 (二)--李欣欣 / 空中進修學院 (第1講 -

# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon) 

source: 華視教育體育文化頻道     2018年2月26日
更多新聞英文(二)(商專)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...

(2017下-商專) 英語會話 (二)--史穎君 / 空中進修學院 (第1講 -

# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon) 

source: 華視教育體育文化頻道      2018年3月2日
更多英語會話(二)(商專)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...