

Commutations and Heaps of Pieces by Xavier Viennot

# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon) 

source: matsciencechannel      2017年1月20日
The website for this course is: http://coursimsc2017.xavierviennot.or...
    -introduction to the combinatorial theory of heaps: commutation monoids, basic definitions about heaps, equivalence commutation monoids and heaps monoids, graphs, posets and linear extension of a poset
    -reminding formal power series and generating functions
    -the 3 basic lemma: inversion formula and generating function for heaps, the logarithmic formula, equivalence between paths and heaps of cycles
    -combinatorial proof with heaps of classical theorems in linear algebra, MacMahon master theorem
    -heaps and algebraic graph theory: zeros of matching polynomials, acyclic orientations, chromatic polynomial
    -heaps for a combinatorial theory of formal orthogonal polynomials and continued  fractions
    -interpretation of the reciprocal of the Rogers-Ramanujan identities with heaps of dimers
    -fully commutative elements in Coxeter groups and Temperley-Lieb algebra
    -applications to statistical physics: directed and multidirected animals, parallelogram polyominoes and Bessel functions, SOS models, hard gas models, Baxter hard hexagons model,
    -application to 2D Lorentzian quantum gravity: causal triangulations.
complementary topics
- zeta function on graph and number theory
    -minuscule representations of Lie algebra with operators on heaps
    -basis for free partially commutative Lie algebra
    -Ising model revisited with heaps of pieces
    -interactions with string theory in physics
    -the SAT problem in computer science revisited with heaps (from D. Knuth)
    -heaps in computer science: Petri nets, aynchronous automata and Zielonka theorem

1:02:03 Viennot, Heaps of Pieces, Ch1a Commutations and heaps of pieces: basic definitions
1:11:48 Viennot, Heaps of Pieces, Ch1b Commutations and heaps of pieces: basic definitions
43:33 Viennot, Heaps of Pieces, Ch1c Commutations and heaps of pieces: basic definitions
4  46:21 Viennot, Heaps of Pieces, Ch 2a Generating functions for heaps of pieces
1:01:22 Viennot, Heaps of Pieces, Ch 2b Generating functions for heaps of pieces
1:24:56 Viennot, Heaps of Pieces, Ch2c Generating functions for heaps of pieces
1:24:31 Viennot, Heaps of Pieces, Ch 2d Generating functions for heaps of pieces
1:17:46 Viennot, Heaps of Pieces, Ch 3a Heaps and paths, flows and rearrangements monoids
1:39:43 Viennot, Heaps of Pieces, Ch 3b Heaps and paths, flows and rearrangements monoids
10 1:17:17 Viennot, Heaps of Pieces, Ch 4a Linear algebra revisited with heaps of pieces
11 1:17:43 Chapter 4b: Linear algebra revisited with heaps of pieces
12 1:10:44 Chapter 4c: Linear algebra revisited with heaps of pieces
13 1:18:28 Chapter 5a: Heaps and Graph Theory
14 1:25:04 Chapter 5b: Heaps and Graph Theory
15 1:18:29 Chapter 6a: Heaps and Coxeter groups
16 1:17:21 Chapter 6b: Heaps and Coxeter Groups
17 1:29:11 Chapter 7a: Heaps in Statistical Mechanics
18 1:22:23 Chapter 7b: Heaps and Statistical Mechanics
19 1:22:00 Chapter 7c: Heaps and Statistical Mechanics

School on Frustrated Magnetism 2017

# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon) 

source: matsciencechannel     2017年6月21日

1:37:44 Introduction to Frustrated Magnetism I by Prof John Chalker
1:31:56 Numerical Approaches for Frustrated Magnetism I by Prof Anders Sandvik
1:34:16 Introduction to Frustrated Magnetism II Prof John Chalker
1:36:27 Introduction to Frustrated Magnetism III Prof John Chalker
1:30:49 The Kitaev Model I by Prof Diptiman Sen
1:24:33 Numerical Approaches for Frustrated Magnetism II by Prof Anders Sandvik
1:28:42 Introduction to Frustrated Magnetism IV by Prof John Chalker
1:27:28 The Kitaev Model II by Prof Diptiman Sen
1:36:15 Numerical Approaches for Frustrated Magnetism III Prof Anders Sandvik
10 2:11:55 Special Lecture: Melting of three sublattice order: how does a KT phase pinch off? Prof Kedar Da
11 1:32:33 Spin Liquids I Prof Subhro Bhattacharjee
12 1:35:02 Numerical Approaches for Frustrated Magnetism IV Prof Anders Sandvik
13 1:28:45 Spin Liquids II Prof Subhro Bhattacharjee
14 1:35:11 Spin Liquids III - Prof. Subhro Bhattacharjee
15 1:37:53 Quantum Spin Ice I - Prof. Shigeki Onoda
16 1:15:45 Spin Liquids IV - Prof. Subhro Bhattacharjee
17 1:14:39 Colloquium: Prof. Anders Sandvik
18 1:22:13 Quantum Spin Ice II - Prof. Shigeki Onoda
19 1:25:44 Quantum Spin Ice III - Prof. Shigeki Onoda
20 1:25:34 Novel Phases in Frustrated Magnetism II - Prof. Karlo Penc
21 1:34:48 Novel Phases in Frustrated Magnetism I - Prof. Karlo Penc


# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon) 

source: matsciencechannel         2017年1月5日

1:06:06 Pleating of sheets and slipping of crystals Plastic irreversibility from similar phase transitions?
1:06:35 Mechanics of a model cohesive granular medium
58:28 Crack Healing in Nanocomposites and High Strain-Rate Deformation in Metamaterials
45:29 Wavy Desiccation Cracks formed in an Electric Field
1:06:09 Impact of temperature on fracture propagation
1:08:41 The Yielding Transition in amorphous solids
54:22 Ductility Maximum : Role of Cavitation in Amorphous Solids
48:22 Micromechanical Modeling of Ductile Fracture
1:09:31 Statistics of crackling noise in granular matter
10 53:56 Aggregation and stability of anisotropic charged clay colloids in aqueous medium
11 1:00:56 A simulation approach to creep in polymeric fibres
12 42:12 Concluding Remarks

Workshop on Arithmetic Complexity

# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon) 

source: matsciencechannel          2017年4月28日

1:05:22 Sum of powers of linear forms by Nutan Limaye
1:08:41 Algebraic vs Functional independence over any characteristic by Nitin Saxena
58:27 Separating homogeneous depth-4 and depth-5 arithmetic circuits by Ramprasad Saptharishi
1:08:36 On small hitting-sets for tiny arithmetic circuits by Sumanth Ghosh
1:00:02 Succinct Hitting Sets and Barriers to Proving Algebraic Circuits Lower Bounds by Ben Lee Volk
38:15 Randomized Polynomial Time Identity Testing for Noncommutative Circuits by Partha Mukhopadhyay
26:26 Non-commutative computations: lower bounds and polynomial identity testing by Guillaume Malod
1:32:55 An exponential lower Bound against depth five powering circuits by Raghavendra Rao
1:04:25 Separation of AC^0[\oplus] Formulas and Circuit by Srikanth Srinivasan
10 1:03:11 Invariants, Compression spaces, Brascamp-Lieb inequalities by K V Subrahmanyam
11 56:34 A deterministic PTAS for commutative rank of matrix spaces by Gorav Jindal
12 1:16:59 Tensors of minimal border rank by Markus Blaeser
13 1:02:20 Reconstruction of matrix products by Vineet Nair
14 1:02:25 Noncommutative polynomial factorization by V Arvind

Quantum Disorder Systems (2016)

# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon) 

source: matsciencechannel         2017年3月14日

1:16:41 Lecture 01
14:34 Lecture 02
1:28:07 Lecture 03
1:35:06 Lecture 04
1:31:15 Lecture 05
1:33:00 Lecture 06
1:27:42 Lecture 07
1:29:19 Lecture 08
1:10:06 Lecture 09
10 1:31:09 Lecture 10
11 1:26:43 Lecture 11
12 1:36:01 Lecture 12
13 54:29 Lecture 13
14 1:31:07 Lecture 14
15 1:25:36 Lecture 15
16 1:27:29 Lecture 16
17 1:41:03 Lecture 17
18 1:21:03 Lecture 18
19 1:31:27 Lecture 19
20 1:03:50 Lecture 20
21 59:00 Lecture 21