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Quadratic Voting and the Public Good
source: BFIVideos 2016年4月28日
1 58:19 Quadratic Voting as an Application of the Normalized Gradient Addition Mechanism
2 58:14 The Robustness of Quadratic Voting
3 50:40 Cardinal Preferences, Representation, and Polarization
4 27:19 Ethical Considerations on Quadratic Voting
5 57:38 Interests/Preferences, Equality/Efficiency: Historical Notes on QV
6 32:09 The Rise and Fragmentation of Collective Decision in American Economics, 1940–1990
7 59:07 Quadratic Election Law
8 58:46 Quadratic Patent Policy
9 53:55 One Man, One Bid
10 46:00 Towards Secure Quadratic Voting
11 58:26 Quadratic Voting in the Wild: Real People, Real Votes
Discussion Section with Kevin Murphy
source: BFIVideos 2016年9月16日
1 5:31 Labor, Jobs, and the Modern Economy: Discussion Section with Kevin Murphy and Casey Mulligan
2 8:12 Unpacking Policy Consequences: Discussion Section with Kevin Murphy and Ed Lazear Part 1
3 6:25 Unpacking Policy Consequences: Discussion Section with Kevin Murphy and Ed Lazear, Part 2
4 7:02 Unpacking Policy Consequences: Discussion Section with Kevin Murphy and Ed Lazear Part 3
5 9:26 Names, Faces, and Ideas: Discussion Section with Kevin Murphy and Ed Lazear
6 3:46 Names, Faces, and Ideas: Discussion Section with Kevin Murphy and Casey Mulligan
7 9:18 Names, Faces, and Ideas: Discussion Section with Kevin Murphy and Manasi Deshpande
8 9:56 Labor, Jobs, and the Modern Economy: Discussion Section with Kevin Murphy and Erik Hurst, Part 1
9 7:13 Unpacking Policy Consequences: Discussion Section with Kevin Murphy and Jose Scheinkman
10 10:13 Unpacking Policy Consequences: Discussion Section with Kevin Murphy and Steve Davis
11 9:43 Unpacking Policy Consequences: Discussion Section with Kevin Murphy and James Heckman
12 5:41 Names, Faces, and Ideas: Discussion Section with Kevin Murphy and Mohammad Akbarpour
13 10:23 Names, Faces, and Ideas: Discussion Section with Kevin Murphy and Chad Syverson
14 6:36 Names, Faces, and Ideas: Discussion Section with Kevin Murphy and James Heckman
15 6:56 Names, Faces, and Ideas: Discussion Section with Kevin Murphy and Benjamin Brooks
16 4:16 Names, Faces, and Ideas: Discussion Section with Kevin Murphy and Steve Davis
17 5:26 Names, Faces, and Ideas: Discussion Section with Kevin Murphy and José Scheinkman
18 5:14 Names, Faces, and Ideas: Discussion Section with Kevin Murphy and Erik Hurst
19 7:08 Inquiry & Impact: Names, Faces, and Ideas: Discussion Section with Kevin Murphy and Benjamin Brooks
20 4:16 Inquiry & Impact: Discussion Section with Kevin Murphy and Mohammad Akbarpour
The Life and Work of Gary Becker
source: BFIVideos 2015年11月17日
1 47:16 What Was the Industrial Revolution?
2 56:58 The Race between Machine and Man
3 49:56 Lifecycle Human Capital Accumulation Across Countries
4 1:04:07 Immigration, Human Capital Formation, and Endogenous Economic Growth
5 48:58 Technology-Skill Complementarity
6 46:33 Economic Growth in the Long Run
7 58:17 The Non-Market Benefits of Abilities and Education
Friedman Forum Lecture Series
# list compiled by BFIVideos
This counterpart to the popular and long-running Becker Brown Bag Series was created to offer students in the College an opportunity for informal discussion with leading researchers.
Read more: http://bfi.uchicago.edu/forum
1 55:46 Friedman Forum: The Effect of Technology on the Labor Supply of Young Men and Women
2 1:08:16 Why Are Some Companies Efficient While Others Are Not?
3 46:44 Automated Economic Reasoning
4 1:03:16 Using Text to Quantify Policy Uncertainty
5 56:03 Friedman Forum with Amy Finkelstein: The Impact of Expanding Medicaid
6 50:16 Friedman Forum with Michael Greenstone: The Global Energy Challenge
7 57:41 Game Theory and Negotiation
8 56:10 Speculation, Trading and Bubbles
9 54:08 Millennial Goals: What’s Happened? What’s Next?
10 1:16:59 Maurice Obstfeld: Financial Globalization and Financial Crises
11 56:06 Robert Engle: Monitoring Risk with V-LAB
12 44:06 Roger Myerson: On Moral Hazard and Macroeconomics
13 1:03:40 The Euro Crisis: Pain and Politics
14 1:09:09 Lunch and Conversation with Thomas J. Sargent
15 1:35:15 Pizza and Conversation with James Heckman
16 1:12:57 Friedman Forum Lecture: "The Recession of 2007--?" by Robert E. Lucas
MNTL Industry Affiliates Program 2016
source: NanoBio Node 2017年4月11日
1 41:35 Photonic Integrated Circuit Chips and Modules (Fred Kish)
2 41:00 Integrated Photonics Technology (Yurii Vlasov)
3 14:23 New directions in III-V MBE: from materials to devices (Minjoo Larry Lee)
4 11:14 Nano-scale Electronic and Optoelectronic Devices Based on Two-dimensional Materials (Wenjuan Zhu)
5 12:10 Piezoelectric MEMS Devices for Future RF Front Ends (Songbin Gong)
6 14:27 Novel applications of 2D materials as atomic membranes (Arend van der Zande)
7 15:28 Activities of Photonic Systems Laboratory (Lynford Goddard)
8 8:48 Poster Presentations (MNTL Industry Affiliates Program)