

運輸講堂 (交大演講)

source: NCTU OCW     2018年1月4日
運輸講堂YouTube Playlist:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
本課程主要介紹車聯網之車載資通訊技術在交通安全改善的技術、標準、應用與未來趨勢。 為了提升行車安全是各國以國家政策推動車聯網與車載資通訊(Telematics)發展之最主要動機。本課程首先將介紹車載資通訊技術與系統演進,並分享目前歐美車載資通訊技術標準現況。 接下來介紹車聯網在交通安全應用與實施場域。在實施場域案例分享中,將介紹4種國際安全應用,並分享工研院於車聯網系統及安全應用之成果。最後,分享車聯網於未來發展趨勢與商機

2:15:00 車聯網在交通安全改善的應用--蔣村杰
2:05:24 運輸業安全管理--李建文
2:31:27 事故鑑定實務--吳宗修
2:02:39 公路新巴客-幸福巴士--羅乙棋
48:41 車聯網與公共運輸─車聯網在運輸系統環境下之應用--蔣村杰
1:06:04 車聯網與公共運輸─商用車連網--陳昱光
46:17 台鐵勞資關係與一例一休之經驗分享--朱來順
1:28:13 計程車新式計費表功能設計--周文生
1:37:17 整合公共運輸行動服務(MaaS)--陳其華
10 1:34:23 智慧公共運輸--吳東凌
11 1:34:56 自己動手作分析(R語言)(2/2)--王晉元
12 54:49 自己動手作分析(R語言)(1/2)--王晉元
13 1:20:44 都會區公共運輸政策之規劃與推動--林良泰
14 1:55:10 公共運輸供需調查與分析--蘇昭銘
15 1:17:38 電子票證基礎分析--張志鴻
16 1:51:57 車隊資源與場站管理--蘇昭銘
17 2:30:42 運輸業之道路交通安全管理--張新立
18 2:28:19 事故重建中的車速估算--吳宗修
19 2:07:47 胎痕測量與車速推估--吳宗修
20 2:07:36 智慧城市的內涵與發展--魏健宏
21 1:20:20 交通寧靜區之規劃與推動--許添本
22 1:05:54 機動力管理--許添本

Hebrew Grammar Lessons (2011) by Rabbi Brian Bileci

source: Brian Bileci      2015年1月19日
PDF: http://simchatyeshua.sermon.net/64341...

HC-L01 Alef Bet 32:46
HC-L02 Vowels -Nikkud Vocalization 29:50
HC-L03 Alef-Bet Writing Practice 23:16
HC-L04 Hebrew Letters Pictographs PaleoHebrew -Symbols and Meanings 32:48
HC-L05 Hebrew -Creating Syllables 33:38
HC-L06 Practice Transliterating Syllables 38:11
HC-L07 Hebrew Pronouns 34:31
HC-L08 Hebrew Nouns 37:30
HC-L09 Hebrew Nouns & Suffixes 33:11
HC-L10 Hebrew Adjectives Part 1 31:59
HC-L11 Hebrew Adjectives Part 2 38:27
HC-L12 Hebrew Adjectives Summary 34:44
HC-L13 Hebrew Verbs Part 1 37:03
HC-L14 Hebrew Verbs Part 2 42:22
HC-L15 Hebrew Verb Review 33:40
HC-L16 Hebrew Colors Part 1 23:40
HC-L17 Hebrew Colors Part 2 29:45
HC-L18 Hebrew Expressions and Color Reivew 20:10
HC L19 Hebrew Numbers Part 1 27:16
HC-L20 Hebrew Numbers Part 2 31:24
HC-L21 Hebrew Numbers Part 3 35:24
HC-L22 Hebrew Numbers Practice 43:20
HC-L23 Hebrew Days of the Week 35:06
HC-L24 Hebrew Numbers Misparim 33:28
HC-L25 Hebrew Independent Prepositions Part 1 36:37
HC-L26 Hebrew Independent Prepositions Part 2 42:09
HC-L27 Hebrew Indicating Possession 37:33
HC-L28 Hebrew Preposition Min 38:18
HC-L29 Hebrew Prepositional Prefixes Part 1 36:14
HC-L30 Hebrew Prepositional Prefixes Part 2 36:50
HC-L31 Hebrew Prefix Review 39:07
HC-L32 Hebrew Names of God 35:11
HC-L33 Aseret Hadibrot Ten Words Part 1 42:26
HC-L34 Aseret Hadibrot Ten Words Part 2 35:53
HC-L35 Chodashim Hebrew Months 37:33
HC-L36 Vocabulary & Grammar Lesson 1 38:47
HC-L37 Vocabulary & Grammar Lesson 2 38:29
HC-L38 Vocabulary & Grammar Lesson 3 42:59
HC-L39 Vocabulary & Grammar Review 1-3 43:23
HC-L40 Vocabulary & Grammar Lesson 4a 37:03
HC-L41 Vocabulary & Grammar Lesson 4b 32:06
HC-L42 Vocabulary & Grammar Lesson 5 34:55
HC-L43 Hebrew Blessings Lesson 1 37:50
HC-L44 Hebrew Blessings 1b - Kiddush Blessing 33:51
HC-L45 Hebrew Blessings 2 -Kiddush Blessing 32:47
HC-L46 Shavuot Vocabulary 33:53
HC-L47 Priestly Blessing -Aharonic Benediction 36:11
HC-L48 Birkat HaMazon -Grace after meals 43:45
HC-L49 Modeh Ani -Morning Blessing 37:17
HC-L50 Shofar Blessing -To Hear the Sound of the Shofar 1:05:35
HC-L51 Amidah Avot -The Fathers Part 1 40:50
HC-L52 Amidah Avot -The Fathers Part 2 32:40
HC-L53 Amidah Avot -The Fathers Part 3 30:06
HC-L54 Amidah Gevurot -Mighty Acts Part 1 32:39
HC-L55 Amidah Gevurot -Mighty Acts Part 2 36:43
HC-L56 Amidah Kedushat HaShem -Sanctifying the Name of God 1:13:32
HC-L57 Amidah Daat -Knowledge Part 1 32:50

Abstract Algebra II (Spring 2018) by James Cook at Liberty University

source: James Cook       2018年1月22日
Abstract Algebra I of Fall 2017 covered basic and intermediate group theory and basic ring theory including the relation between PID, UFD and Euclidean Domains. We know a few things about building fields, but, the story of extension fields was intentionally left incomplete (in contrast, Fall 2016 covered more). We used Nicholson's text for Abstract I, but, we now transition to using Dummit and Foote for the second semester.

I intend to post my lectures from Math 422 given at Liberty University in Spring 2018. My plan is to follow Dummit and Foote and on occasion a "blurb" of Keith Conrad. Roughly the plan is this:
1.) field extensions ala Chapter 13 of DF
2.) Galois theory ala Chapter 14 of DF (not the whole thing, I can't talk that fast!)
3.) Modules including construction of tensor product etc.
4.) Structure theory for modules, Smith Normal form etc...
Essentially, points 3 and 4 should generalize things we already did in linear algebra and/or provide proof for some things which were not proved in Abstract Algebra I.

42:33 extension fields, 1-22-18
52:04 algebraic extensions, 1-24-18
52:17 degree of extension, 1-26-18
52:10 splitting fields, 1-29-18
52:21 discussion of hwk, splitting fields, 1-31-18
48:48 algebraic closure, separable vs. inseparable, 2-2-18
51:37 almost a proof of Eisenstein, application to xx-t, 2-5-18
37:31 separable polynomials, 2-7-18, part 1
14:21 cyclotomic polynomials, 2-7-18, part 2
10 42:53 Galois begins, 2-9-18
11 49:20 the Galois correspondence part 1, 2-12-18
12 [deleted video]
13 46:48 Galois extensions, 2-14-18
14 48:24 characters and linear independence, 2-21-18
15 42:44 fundamental theorem Galois, 2-23-18
16 39:10 Fundamental Theorem of Galois, 2-26-18
17 49:49 on where to get help for Galois, finite field result, 2-28-18
18 52:56 Galois group of polynomial, 3-2-18
19 46:49 elementary symmetric stuff, 3-5-18
20 46:18 Galois groups of polynomials, 3-9-18
21 32:21 solvable groups and solvable polynomials, 3-12-18 (snow)

Multivariate Calculus (Spring 2018) by James Cook at Liberty University

source: James Cook          2018年1月22日

37:55 vectors and points, 1-22-18
59:51 vectors, dot-products, angle, unit-vector, 1-23-18, part 1
14:50 vectors, dot-products, angle, unit-vector, 1-23-18, part 2
58:31 planes by equation or patch, cross product, 1-25-18
43:23 cross product properties, 1-27-18
51:04 curves and surfaces a catalog of examples, 1-29-18
59:51 cylindrical, spherical, calculus paths intro, 1-30-18, part 1
3:53 cylindrical, spherical, calculus paths intro, 1-30-18, part 2
41:30 path calculus properties, speed, 1-31-18
10 59:51 arclength, parametrized tangents, intro TNB, 2-1-18, part 1
11 8:50 arclength, parametrized tangents, intro TNB, 2-1-18, part 2
12 49:47 the TNB, curvature and torsion defined, 2-2-18
13 35:41 acceleration and Frenet data, 2-5-18, part 1
14 2:42 end of class quiz post mortem, 2-5-18, part 2
15 59:51 integral w.r.t. arclength, 2-8-18, part 1
16 13:24 integral w.r.t. arclength, 2-8-18, part 2
17 49:53 review for Test 1, 2-12-18
18 47:41 multivariate limits, 2-14-18
19 57:11 directional derivatives introduced, 2-15-18
20 36:05 partial differentiation, rates of change, 2-16-18
21 35:37 directional derivative analysis, 2-19-18
22 59:51 geometry of level curves and gradient, 2-20-18, part 1
23 8:22 geometry of level curves and gradient, 2-20-18, part 2
24 39:20 general derivatives sketched, 2-21-18
25 59:51 tangent planes and surfaces, 2-22-18, part 1
26 10:44 tangent planes and surfaces, 2-22-18, part 2
27 38:15 examples, start of chain rule, 2-23-18
28 20:36 more chain rule examples, 2-26-18
29 59:51 advanced partial differentiation, 2-27-18, part 1
30 16:54 advanced partial differentiation, 2-27-18, part 2
31 49:26 help with partial differentiation homework, 2-28-18
32 56:27 gradient in polar, cylindrical and spherical, 3-1-18
33 47:25 Test 2 review, 3-5-18
34 59:51 start of optimization, Lagrange multipliers, 3-8-18, part 1
35 18:02 start of optimization, Lagrange multipliers, 3-8-18, part 2

Linear Algebra (Spring 2018) by James Cook at Liberty University

source: James Cook      2018年1月22日
I intent to post my lectures from the Spring 2018 offering of Math 321 at Liberty University. I'll also post the help session which I run most Thursdays. This course has a prerequisite of a proof course, so, it is at a higher level than some linear algebra courses which are intended for a less advanced audience. The basic plan is to cover matrices and equations in Part I, then vectors spaces and basic theory in Part II then in the last third of the course we study Jordan form and the real spectral theorem as well as a few applications.

45:36 rings and things, matrices and components, 1-22-18
52:42 standard bases and matrix multiplication, 1-24-18
59:51 help session on matrix multiplication and index calculation, 1-25-18, part 1
12:57 help session on matrix multiplication and index calculation, 1-25-18, part 2
41:18 further matrix multiplication, 1-26-18
53:11 properties of inverse, types of matrices, 1-29-18
51:42 blocks, row operations introduced, 1-31-18
59:51 help session on row reduction, 2-1-18, part 1
17:22 help session on row reduction, 2-1-18, part 2
10 51:44 from row reduction to elementary matrices, 2-2-18
11 50:55 equivalent conditions for invertibility, 2-5-18
12 59:51 help session on CCP, LI and span, 2-8-18, part 1
13 18:08 help session on CCP, LI and span, 2-8-18, part 2
14 53:46 proof of CCP, super-augmented matrix, 2-9-18
15 49:30 determinants motivated, formulas, expansion by minors, 2-12-18
16 52:34 inverse criteria, Cramer's Rule, inverse formula, 2-14-18
17 59:51 help session, wedges, determinant, evectors, fun, 2-15-18 part 1
18 8:52 help session, wedges, determinant, evectors, fun, 2-15-18 part 2
19 43:00 review for Test 1, 2-16-18
20 50:34 vector spaces and subspaces, 2-21-18
21 59:51 help session, post-mortem of Test 1, subspace examples, 2-22-18, part 1
22 5:11 help session, post-mortem of Test 1, subspace examples, 2-22-18, part 2
23 50:01 span and LI in vector space, 2-23-18
24 49:11 basis and coordinates introduced, 2-26-18
25 52:11 on coordinate calculation, constructive proof of dim, 2-28-18
26 59:51 help session on coordinates and basis calculation, 3-1-18, part 1
27 12:21 help session on coordinates and basis calculation, 3-1-18, part 2
28 49:07 dimension theorems, linear transformation, 3-2-18
29 52:06 linear transformations leading to isomorphism, 3-5-18
30 6:25 examples of transformations on plane etc. 3-7-18, part 1
31 11:11 FToLA and the standard matrix, 3-7-18, part 2
32 9:56 restriction and linear extension, 3-7-18, part 3
33 21:16 matrix of abstract linear map, 3-7-18, part 4
34 59:51 help session on inverse image idea, 3-8-18, part 1
35 9:01 help session on matrix of linear map etc, 3-8-18, part 2
36 53:18 help for the weary, 3-9-18
37 6:22 coordinate change vectors, 3-12-18, part 1
38 7:02 coordinate change vectors, 3-12-18, part 2
39 6:22 coordinate change vectors, 3-12-18, part 3
40 11:19 coordinate change matrices, 3-12-18, part 4
41 11:56 coordinate change matrices, 3-12-18, part 5
42 3:47 rank nullity theorem, linear algebraic proof, 3-12-18, part 6