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非線性控制系統 Nonlinear Control systems--程登湖 / 交大
source: NCTU OCW 2018年3月1日
The basics of nonlinear dynamic systems Stability of nonlinear systems Controller designs for nonlinear systems
1 6:46 課程介紹
2 13:27 第一週(1/2)--Brief review of Linear Systems / Phase Portraits / Why Nonlinear Control Systems? / Autonomous and Non-Autonomous Systems
3 42:54 第一週(2/2)--Brief review of Linear Systems / Phase Portraits / Why Nonlinear Control Systems? / Autonomous and Non-Autonomous Systems
4 25:01 第二週(1/2)--Brief review of previous lecture / Controllability - linear systems / Controllability - nonlinear systems
5 58:36 第二週(2/2)--Brief review of previous lecture / Controllability - linear systems / Controllability - nonlinear systems
6 28:53 第三週--Controllability - Linearized Systems / Stable, unstable, Asymptotically Stable / PD, PSD, ND, NSD / Lyapunov Theorem
7 57:43 第三週--Controllability - Linearized Systems / Stable, unstable, Asymptotically Stable / PD, PSD, ND, NSD / Lyapunov Theorem
8 28:23 第四週--Directional Derivatives / Lyapunov Theorem / Global, Semi-Global Local Stability / Lasalle’s Theorem
9 49:00 第五週--Invariant Set / Lasalle’s theorem / Radially unbounded functions / Nonautonomous systems Radially unbounded functions
10 27:37 第六週(1/2)--Radially unbounded functions / Nonautonomous systems / UUB (Uniformly ultimately bounded)
11 43:34 第六週(2/2)--Radially unbounded functions / Nonautonomous systems / UUB (Uniformly ultimately bounded)
12 32:11 第七週--Feedback Linearization / High gain controller
13 47:37 第八週--High gain controllers / High frequency controllers / Adaptive control / Summarization
14 34:46 第九週--Euler-lagrange systems / Controller design for tracking– with Exact Model Knowledge (EMK)
15 46:53 第九週(1/3)--Euler-Lagrange Systems / Robust Control / Adaptive Control
16 30:41 第九週(2/3)--Euler-Lagrange Systems / Robust Control / Adaptive Control
17 20:02 第九週(3/3)--Euler-Lagrange Systems / Robust Control / Adaptive Control
18 30:09 第十週--Backstepping (1/3)
19 24:54 第十週--Backstepping (2/3)
20 39:23 第十一週--Backstepping (3/3) / Mechatronic Systems / Without using Backstepping / Backstepping
21 22:22 第十二週--Backstepping – Systems with Disturbance
22 10:46 第十三週--Adaptive Backstepping
23 23:08 第十四週--DCAL (Design Compensation Adaptive Law) (½)
24 57:06 第十四週--DCAL (Design Compensation Adaptive Law) (2/2)
25 31:25 第十五週--請參考Survey Paper:http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10...
26 25:10 第十六週--Robust Integral of Sign of Error (RISE) Control / RISE with Multilayer Neural Network (MNN)
27 29:42 第十六週--Hybrid Systems / Switched Systems / Common Lyapunov Function / Switching between Unstable Systems / Multiple Lyapunov-Like Functions
屠格涅夫散文與小說的析賞 (Turgenev’s Essays and Novels: An Introductory Reading)--洪鎌德 / 交大
source: NCTU OCW 2018年3月1日
作為19世紀俄國大文豪之一的屠格涅夫(1818-1883) 生平著有數本札記(《獵人筆記》和文學回憶錄) 、6本長篇小說,33本中小篇故事、15齣戲劇和上百篇詩詞、三萬六千多封書信。運用其生花妙筆,屠氏把俄國的民族性格、風俗習性做寫實的素描,也把大自然、個人和社群融為有機的整體。其敘事之佳妙、文體之簡潔、文字之優美,非杜思托耶夫斯基或托爾斯泰所能比擬;而其文學作品所呈現的悲天憫人的人道精神,尤其令人感佩。本課程以哲學、政治學、社會學、心理學和文化學的角度,以及深入簡出的方式介紹屠格涅夫的生涯、著作及其時代意義,目的在藉師生的共同閱讀、涵詠、溝通、析賞,而踏上經典級的文學之門檻。總之,本課程旨在鼓勵學生認識、理解和欣賞19世紀俄國文豪屠格涅夫優美的散文、詩歌和小說。從而體認文學與人生、文學與自然、文學與社群之關係。這是涵育人文素養,提升人文精神和發揚人本主義的捷徑,尤其是對理工、科技、生態、資訊為專業的學生更應利用此一機會接觸文字高超美妙的俄國文豪的文學詐品,俾擴展人生視野和開拓仁民愛物的胸懷。由於授課者能掌握中、英、德、俄等文字,又有相關課程之新作出版,可激發研讀的興趣和便利同學的學習。
1 53:50 導論:屠格涅夫的出身、家庭和國內外受教經歷與哲思的來源 (¼)
2 1:04:36 導論:屠格涅夫的出身、家庭和國內外受教經歷與哲思的來源 (2/4)
3 55:24 導論:屠格涅夫的出身、家庭和國內外受教經歷與哲思的來源 (3/4)
4 1:06:50 導論:屠格涅夫的出身、家庭和國內外受教經歷與哲思的來源 (4/4)
5 56:17 文學生涯的開始和轉折、文學寫作的分類與分期 (¼)
6 1:12:05 文學生涯的開始和轉折、文學寫作的分類與分期 (2/4)
7 1:11:56 文學生涯的開始和轉折、文學寫作的分類與分期 (3/4)
8 1:10:26 文學生涯的開始和轉折、文學寫作的分類與分期 (4/4)
9 1:07:15 屠格涅夫劇作的析評、中長篇小說的析賞 (1/3)
10 1:06:23 屠格涅夫劇作的析評、中長篇小說的析賞 (2/3)
11 1:14:51 屠格涅夫劇作的析評、中長篇小說的析賞 (3/3)
12 1:10:04 屠格涅夫文學短篇作品粹選與藝術價值 (½)
13 1:14:35 屠格涅夫文學短篇作品粹選與藝術價值 (2/2)
14 1:02:33 屠格涅夫文學的評價和影響 (1/3)
15 1:05:50 屠格涅夫文學的評價和影響 (2/3)
16 50:19 屠格涅夫文學的評價和影響 (3/3)
文化研究 / 交大
source: NCTU OCW 2018年1月4日
1 1:15:26 思考當代世界中的中國 / 宋剛
2 59:01 阿根廷接管工廠運動的歷史與前景 / 萬毓澤
3 1:14:39 Leveling the City: The Crisis of Late Liberal Society and the Remaking of Shanghai’s Urban Space / Jake Werner
4 1:44:07 追尋燦爛時光,從一間東南亞書店出發 / 張正
5 1:17:10 Means Without Ends: Politics, Technics, Media / Scott Lash
6 1:54:32 回家 – 從來台越勞返家的歷程,映照並反思全球化下的勞動者處境 / 演講講者:顧玉玲 / 與談人:梅秋
影像處理概論 Introduction to Image Processing--莊仁輝 / 交大
source: NCTU OCW 2017年12月29日
This course aims to introduce students to various principles and techniques of 2-D image processing.
影像處理概論 YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
1 26:54 CH1 Introduction
2 27:17 CH2 Digital Image Fundamentals
3 32:52 CH3 Image Enhancement in the Spatial Domain
4 57:20 CH3 Image Enhancement in the Spatial Domain
5 57:07 CH3 Image Enhancement in the Spatial Domain
6 17:49 CH3 Image Enhancement in the Spatial Domain
7 32:26 CH4 Image Enhancement in the Frequency Domain
8 1:14:46 CH4 Image Enhancement in the Frequency Domain
9 32:56 CH4 Image Enhancement in the Frequency Domain
10 44:15 CH4 Image Enhancement in the Frequency Domain
11 36:33 CH4 Image Enhancement in the Frequency Domain
12 39:35 CH4 Image Enhancement in the Frequency Domain
13 35:51 CH4 Image Enhancement in the Frequency Domain
14 34:18 CH4 Image Enhancement in the Frequency Domain
15 45:12 CH5 Image Restoration and Reconstruction
16 1:11:28 CH5 Image Restoration and Reconstruction
17 45:54 CH6 Color Image Processing
18 46:31 CH6 Color Image Processing
19 31:03 CH8 Image Compression
20 58:35 CH8 Image Compression
21 39:24 CH8 Image Compression
22 45:47 CH8 Image Compression
23 20:37 CH8 Image Compression
24 25:19 CH7 Wavelets and Multiresolution Processing
[lectures in English] 機器人視覺 Robotic Vision--王學誠 / 交大
source: NCTU OCW 2017年12月28日
This course covers fundamental and advanced domains in vision for mobile robots, including topics from early vision to mid- and high-level vision. We will use "Duckietown" (an open course "MIT 2.166 Autonomous Vehicles) as platform, and students will form teams to develop vision-based projects, including mobile robots, assistive robots, or VR. (This course is taught in English.)
機器人視覺 Robotic Vision YouTube Playlist:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
1 30:35 單元1 Introduction to Robotic Vision
2 21:46 單元2 Duckietown,Robotic Vision for Assistive Technology
3 31:33 單元3 AprilTags
4 14:02 單元4 Objection Detection and Evaluation
5 50:29 單元5 Mid-Level Features
6 25:40 單元6 High-Level Features
7 39:35 單元9 Sensor Data, RANSAC, FORVIS
8 27:14 單元10 RANSAC, ICP
9 15:14 單元11 Navigation Overview, Gazebo
10 33:59 單元12 The Map and World Model (2D, 3D Mapping)
11 23:29 單元13 Robot Model
12 19:08 單元14 Duckietown Review
13 25:53 【報告1 In-Class Tutorial】Jupyter & python
14 35:37 【報告2 In-Class Tutorial】Object Detector
15 29:09 【報告3 In-Class Tutorial】Gazebo Simulation
16 39:36 【報告4 In-Class Tutorial】Caffe Tutorial
17 27:26 【報告5 In-Class Tutorial】PCL & LCM Tutorial
18 12:38 【報告6 In-Class Tutorial】PCL Segmentation
19 9:58 【報告7 In-Class Tutorial】Visual Odometry
20 11:55 【報告8 In-Class Tutorial】Visual Odometry
21 15:22 【報告9 In-Class Tutorial】Husky
22 14:38 【報告10 In-Class Tutorial】Rosserial Arduino & Encoder Visualization
23 10:26 【報告11 In-Class Tutorial】Tensorflow
24 8:50 【報告12 In-Class Tutorial】Multicamera System (Eye to Hand System)
25 6:54 【期中報告】Topic:Virtual Reality Simulation
26 10:03 【期中報告】Topic:Guidedog Robot
27 5:42 【期中報告】Topic:Smart Home Security Robot
28 7:19 【期中報告】Topic:Consultant Robot
29 5:06 【期中報告】Topic:3D Prediction
30 11:08 【期中報告】Topic:ROBO-Cleaner
31 7:52 【期中報告】Topic:Object Recognition
32 10:06 【期中報告】Topic:Autonomous Lift Riding Robot
33 3:38 【期中報告】Topic:Multicamera system (Eye to Hand system
34 4:21 【期中報告】Topic:Reinforcement learning
35 8:43 【期末報告】Topic:Virtual Reality Simulation
36 7:51 【期末報告】Topic:Guidedog Robot
37 6:50 【期末報告】Topic:Smart Home Security Robot
38 5:14 【期末報告】Topic:Consultant Robot
39 7:53 【期末報告】Topic:3D Prediction
40 10:15 【期末報告】Topic:ROBO-Cleaner
41 8:36 【期末報告】Topic:Object Recognition
42 10:26 【期末報告】Topic:Autonomous Lift Riding Robot
43 10:59 【期末報告】Topic:Autonomous Lift Riding Robot
44 6:53 【期末報告】Topic:Multicamera system (Eye to Hand system)
45 5:35 【期末報告】Topic:Reinforcement learning