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[lectures in English] 線性代數 Linear Algebra--林源倍 / 交大
source: NCTU OCW 2017年12月28日
YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
課程資訊: http://ocw.nctu.edu.tw/course_detail....
本課程是由交通大學電機工程學系提供。 (This course is taught in English.)
1 10:18 CH1.1 Matrices and Vectors
2 13:59 CH1.2 Linear Combination, matrix-vector product, and special matrices
3 15:48 CH1.3-1 System of linear equation PartI
4 19:13 CH1.3-2 System of linear equation PartII
5 14:07 CH1.4-1 Gaussion elimination Part I
6 17:17 CH1.4-2 Gaussion elimination Part II
7 21:03 CH1.6-1 Span Part I
8 11:14 CH1.6-2 Span Part II
9 19:52 CH1.7-1 Linearly independent sets and Linearly dependent sets Part I
10 16:54 CH1.7-2 Linearly independent sets and Linearly dependent sets Part II
11 14:51 Ch2 Matrices and linear transformation CH2.1 matrix multiplication
12 24:14 CH2.3 Invertible matrices and Elementary matrices
13 11:25 CH2.3 Invertible matrices and Elementary matrices CH2.4 Inverses Part I
14 20:06 CH2.3 Invertible matrices and Elementary matrices CH2.4 Inverses Part II
15 20:37 CH2.7-1 Linearly transformation and matrices Part I
16 5:41 CH2.7-2 Linearly transformation and matrices Part II
17 9:07 CH2.8-1 Composition and invertibility of linear tr Part I
18 9:54 CH2.8-2 Composition and invertibility of linear tr Part II
19 10:55 CH3 Determinants CH3.1Cofactor expansion
20 21:33 CH3.2-1 Properties of determinants Part I
21 10:44 CH3.2-2 Properties of determinants Part II
22 10:19 CH4 Subspaces and Properties
23 5:16 CH4.2-1 Basis and dimension Part I
24 11:29 CH4.2-2 Basis and dimension Part II
25 7:29 CH4.2-3 Basis and dimension Part III
26 13:48 CH4.3 Dimension of ColA, RowA, NullA
27 12:01 CH4.4-1 Coordinate systems Part I
28 13:51 CH4.4-2 Coordinate systems Part II
29 10:48 CH4.5 Matrix representationof linear operator
30 14:00 CH5 Eigen values, eigen vectors and diagonalization
31 10:18 CH5.2-1 Characteristic Polynomials Part I
32 17:41 CH5.2-2 Characteristic Polynomials Part II
33 34:42 CH5.3 Diagonalization of matrices
34 12:34 CH6 Orthogonality CH6.1-1 Geometry of vectors Part I
35 8:39 CH6.1-2 Geometry of vectors Part II
36 12:45 CH6.2-1 Orthogonal Vectors (orch) Part I
37 30:33 CH6.2-2 Orthogonal Vectors (orch) Part II
38 22:00 CH6.3-1 Orth. Projection Part I
39 25:18 CH6.3-2 Orth. Projection Part II
40 15:18 CH6.4-1 Least-squares approximation and o.p. matrices Part I
41 12:50 CH6.4-2 Least-squares approximation and o.p. matrices Part II
42 11:01 CH6.5 Orth. matrices
43 23:27 CH6.6-1 Symmetric matrices Part I
44 24:43 CH6.6-2 Symmetric matrices Part II
45 18:35 CH6.7-1 Singular value decomposition Part I
46 15:12 CH6.7-2 Singular value decomposition Part II
47 27:04 CH7 Vector spaces CH 7.1-1 Vector spaces and their subspace Part I
48 10:07 CH 7.1-2 Vector spaces and their subspace Part II
49 24:30 CH 7.2-1 Linear transformations Part I
50 24:33 CH 7.2-2 Linear transformations Part II
51 23:32 CH 7.3-1 Basis and Dimensions Part I
52 5:50 CH 7.3-2 Basis and Dimensions Part II
53 15:04 CH 7.4-1 Matrix representation of linear operator Part I
54 10:15 CH 7.4-2 Matrix representation of linear operator Part II
55 13:43 CH 7.5-1 Inner product space Part I
56 14:27 CH 7.5-2 Inner product space Part II
2016學年(下) 經典通識教育講座--交大
source: NCTU OCW 2017年12月28日
課程目標:大師開講,提升通識教育。 主題分類:以人文藝術、社會科學、自然科學三大領域區分。 為持續校務長遠發展,及面對新世紀資訊、科技、與全球化之挑戰,本校以「全人教育、科技創新、學術卓越」為願景,採取 前瞻多元之全人教育,培育新世代精英領袖;整合跨越之知識能量 ,探索人類文明的新知 ;突破創新之科技研發,解決人類面臨的挑戰等三策略,於民國 96 年起實施「以通識教育為核心的全校課程改進計畫」。
YouTube Playlist:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
1:35:47 最值得過的人生 / 政治大學哲學系 林從一
1:36:01 末次最大冰期以來,臺灣的環境變遷-對未來全球氣候變遷的省思 / 台灣大學地質系 陳文山
1:49:44 台灣電影60年的演變與展望 / 郭南宏
1:15:06 新時代判讀力-解讀科學新聞的陷阱 / 中正大學通識教育中心 黃俊儒
1:33:30 社區支持性網絡的建立-新港文教基金會相信工程工作 / 新港文教基金會董事長 陳錦煌醫師
1:33:55 重要的不是水墨-水墨當代發展中的一種世界觀 / 東海大學美術系 李思賢副教授、中國藝術家 張羽
1:00:34 Globe, Earth, Critical Zones – different ways to establish connections between social and natural sciences / Bruno Latour
1:41:37 臺灣特技的過去與未來 / 國立臺灣戲曲學院 程育君
1:12:24 一個南洋少年的神奇台灣文學之旅 / 第19屆國家文藝獎小說類得獎人 李永平
Maple在微積分中的應用--郭君逸 / 交大
source: NCTU OCW 2017年9月19日
7:43 單元一 MAPLE中的微積 MAPLE基本概念
4:27 單元二 MAPLE中的微積 極限
5:43 單元三 MAPLE中的微積 微分
12:20 單元四 MAPLE中的微積 畫二維函數圖
3:14 單元五 MAPLE中的微積 積分
7:31 單元六 MAPLE中的微積 積分方法
8:15 單元七 MAPLE中的微積 三維圖形
8:09 單元八 MAPLE中的微積 三維函數圖形
3:01 單元九 MAPLE中的微積 柱坐標、球坐標
6:29 單元十 MAPLE中的微積 重積分圖形
4:03 單元十一 MAPLE中的微積 找HELP
American Views, Viewpoints, and Manipulations (from Yale University Art Gallery)
source: Yale University Art Gallery 2017年10月31日
In each of the six lectures in this series, John Walsh selects an American painting in the Gallery’s collection and examines the similarities and differences between depiction and reality.
To read more: https://artgallery.yale.edu/programs/american-views-viewpoints-and-manipulations
1 1:05:51 Thomas Cole’s Catskills
2 1:01:03 Frederic Church in the Maine Wilderness
3 53:01 Sanford Gifford Creates “Darkness Visible”
4 51:10 Albert Bierstadt Follows the Sun
5 1:01:38 Joseph Stella and the View from Brooklyn
6 1:07:03 At Edward Hopper’s Doorstep
Fall 2017 Programs (from Yale University Art Gallery)
source: Yale University Art Gallery 2018年1月13日
The Gallery offers a variety of lectures, panel discussions, and talks that place our collection and exhibitions in the broader context of history and culture. Speakers include curators, scholars, artists, critics, writers, and others engaged with the world of art and ideas. Programs range from lectures for a general audience to symposia with a scholarly focus. Concerts, film screenings, dramatic performances, and literary readings connect the art on view at the Gallery with other forms of expression. Master classes provide an opportunity to explore works of art in an intimate classroom setting with a curator, educator, or guest scholar.
Please check our online calendar for a full listing of lectures and other events http://artgallery.yale.edu/programs-archive
1 20:40 Highlights from: Barikan: A Wayang Ritual Drama with Gamelan and Shadow Puppets
2 2:17:29 Barikan: A Wayang Ritual Drama with Gamelan and Shadow Puppets
3 1:07:03 At Edward Hopper’s Doorstep
4 1:16:24 Experiments at the Intersection of Art, Law and Innovation
5 1:01:38 Joseph Stella and the View from Brooklyn
6 51:10 Albert Bierstadt Follows the Sun
7 53:01 Sanford Gifford Creates “Darkness Visible”
8 1:23:51 An-My Lê and Peter van Agtmael
9 1:01:03 Frederic Church in the Maine Wilderness
10 1:05:51 Thomas Cole’s Catskills
11 1:00:34 Changing Times, Changing Tastes: Collecting American Art from the 1950s to Today
12 1:08:26 A Withdrawal from Appearance: Modernism and Exile in the 20th Century
13 1:11:40 The Heart Is a Muscle
2017 - Public lectures and events (from LSE)
source: London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
1 1:29:38 Cash: the future of money in the Bitcoin age
2 1:24:59 The Myth of Millionaire Tax Flight: how place still matters for the rich
3 1:22:10 The Human Cost of Conflict: the search for dignity and rights of Palestine refugees
4 1:30:30 Tim Roughgarden | Game Theory Through the Computational Lens
5 1:40:08 Minouche Shafik | Beveridge 2.0 - Rethinking the Welfare State for the 21st Century
6 1:29:16 The Great Leveler: violence and the history of inequality
7 1:40:21 Eric Ries | How Entrepreneurial Management Transforms Culture and Drives Growth
8 1:22:29 How Many People Can Earth Support in Comfort?
9 1:27:27 Partners or Adversaries? Managing US-China Relations in the Era of Trump
10 1:25:41 Professor Riccardo Crescenzi & Martin Sandbu | The Multinational World
11 56:06 The Environment And The Economy: fostering clean growth in the 21st century
12 1:36:37 Militarisation and the "War on Crime"
13 1:38:31 Installation Theory: the societal construction and regulation of behaviour (slides)
14 1:22:40 Prof. David Harvey | Marx, Capital and the Madness of Economic Reason (With Slides)
15 1:26:55 Robert Peston | WTF: what the f--- happened and what happens next?
16 1:19:16 Dr Muhammad Yunus | A World Of Three Zeroes
17 1:30:33 Investing in Equality: the role of capital and justice in addressing inequality
18 1:31:04 The Social Life of DNA: racial reconciliation and institutional morality
19 1:08:57 Assessing Global Financial Stability
20 1:38:31 Installation Theory: the societal construction and regulation of behaviour
21 1:27:28 David Madden, Anna Minton, Alex Vasudevan | What Is Housing For?
22 1:05:43 Outside Insight: navigating a world drowning in data
23 1:25:49 Prof. Jean Tirole | Economics for the Common Good
24 1:29:10 Prof. Richard Florida | The New Urban Crisis
25 1:10:12 The Role of the Attorney General: in conversation with Shami Chakrabarti
26 1:26:43 Bev Skeggs | You Are Being Tracked, Evaluated and Sold
27 1:55:51 Jeffrey D. Sachs | Man and Machine
28 1:28:38 Jeffrey D. Sachs | A Proposal For Climate Justice
29 1:16:51 Guy Verhofstadt | The Future Of Europe Post Brexit
30 1:27:11 Kristalina Georgieva | Financing Development
31 1:22:40 Prof. David Harvey | Marx, Capital and the Madness of Economic Reason
32 1:01:31 Axel A. Weber | The Interplay Of Market and Politics
33 1:18:38 Richard Rogers | A Place For All People
34 1:35:33 Sadiq Khan | Good Growth by Design – A Vision for London
35 1:29:08 Professor Branko Milanovic | The Evolution of Global Inequalities
36 1:23:20 Working the Phones: investigating control and resistance in the modern workplace
37 1:27:53 Prof. Christine Chinkin, Prof. Mary Kaldor | International Law and New Wars
38 1:27:22 Women, Peace and Security in the Global Arena
39 1:25:16 Professor Alvin Roth | Marketplaces and Market Design
40 1:31:48 Jee Kim, Amartya Sen, Katy Wright | Inequalities: changing the terms of the debate
41 1:22:34 Lord Stern, Amartya Sen | Economic development in Palanpur over seven decades
42 1:28:30 Dr Jana Uher | How We Judge Others' Personality: gender, ethnicity and questionnaires
43 1:27:16 Stephen D. King | The End of Globalisation, the Return of History
44 1:24:10 Kyriakos Mitsotakis | Defeating populism
45 1:34:59 Julia Gillard | Education for All: meeting the challenges of the 21st century
46 1:30:11 Professor Danny Dorling | The Equality Effect: improving life for everyone
47 1:42:49 Grammar Schools: schools that work for everyone?
48 1:28:29 Prof. Alison Gopnik | Why Children Learn Better: the evolution of learning
49 1:30:03 The Evolution of Ennahdha in Tunisia: In Conversation with Sheikh Rached Ghannouchi
50 1:25:22 Professor Susan Buck-Morss | Global Civil War: solidarity by proxy
51 1:17:29 Dr Jean-Yves Duclos | The Facts Matter: from policy to politics
52 1:27:58 Tiffany Dufu | Drop the Ball: how women can achieve more by doing less
53 1:34:15 Professor Marianne Bertrand | Breaking the Glass Ceiling
54 1:27:05 Professor Christian Hilber | Britain's Housing Crisis: causes and cures
55 1:21:14 Alexander Betts, Paul Collier | Refuge: transforming a broken refugee system
56 1:32:54 Professor Charles Spence | Gastrophysics – The New Science of Eating
57 1:19:17 Olivier Blanchard | The State of Advanced Economies
58 1:26:21 Andrew G Haldane | The Productivity Puzzle
59 1:30:04 Leonard Smith | Coping with Deep Uncertainty
60 1:29:16 Media, War and Peacebuilding | Clemencia Rodríguez
61 1:27:40 Michele Lamont | Getting Respect
62 1:29:57 Nona Buckley-Irvine, Georgia Gould, John Hills, Omar Khan | Stagnation Generation
63 1:25:49 June Barrow-Green | Mathematicians at War
64 1:05:51 Daniel Paravisini | Culture, Discrimination, and Economic Exchange
65 2:00:03 Women Leaders on the Global Stage: lessons for Africa
66 1:28:24 Promoting Mental Health: the economic case
67 1:26:05 Representing Poverty and Inequality: The legacy of Charles Booth
68 1:23:18 Elif Shafak | Where are the Women in Today's Islamic World?
69 1:25:06 Women in Work: An unfinished revolution?
70 1:29:57 Nona Buckley-Irvine, Georgia Gould, John Hills, Omar Khan | Stagnation Generation
71 1:49:52 Professor Jeffrey D Sachs | Lecture 3. Cultivating the Virtues of Globalization
72 1:54:51 Professor Jeffrey D Sachs | Lecture 2. The Hard Problem of Inter-Group Morality
73 1:54:22 Prof. Jeffrey D Sachs | Economics and the Cultivation of Virtue | Lecture 2 (slides)
74 1:49:25 Prof. Jeffrey D Sachs | Economics and the Cultivation of Virtue | Lecture 3 (slides)
75 1:36:40 Drug Policies Beyond the War on Drugs? (Video)
76 1:39:45 Prof. Jeffrey D Sachs | Economics and the Cultivation of Virtue | Lecture 1 (slides)
77 1:36:36 Drug Policies Beyond the War on Drugs? (Slides+Audio)
78 1:13:28 Politics after Brexit and Trump: Rick Pildes in conversation with Mervyn King
79 1:10:41 Ann Pettifor | The Production of Money: how to break the power of bankers
80 34:06 Paolo Gentiloni | The Future of Europe
81 1:29:12 John Milbank | The End of Religious Freedom and the Return of Religious Influence
82 1:38:14 Antje du Bois-Pedain, Richard Scorer, Phil Scraton | "Stale" Crimes
83 1:32:50 The Quito Papers: towards the open city
84 1:20:45 Tharman Shanmugaratnam | Inclusive Prosperity: making it possible
85 1:25:59 Professor Kenneth Benoit | The Brexit Debate through Social Media (Slides+Audio)
86 1:26:16 Professor Kenneth Benoit | The Brexit Debate through Social Media
87 1:24:54 Competition and the Regulation of the Legal Services Market
88 1:36:37 Local Economic Growth: do we know (or care) what works?
89 1:31:15 The Purposeful Company: a healthy prescription for UK plc?
90 1:25:21 Mark Carney | Policy Issues Affecting the Bank of England (Slides+Video)
91 1:25:20 Mark Carney | Policy Issues Affecting the Bank of England
92 1:24:52 Asma Jilani Jahangir & Amartya Sen | Religious Intolerance and its Impact on Democracy
93 1:29:03 Professor Hartmut Rosa | Do We Really Live in an Acceleration Society?
94 1:26:36 Dr Valeria Cetorelli | Documenting Genocide
Race in the U.S. | A free public course at The New School (2017)
source: The New School 2017年9月25日
The 2016 U.S. Presidential election revealed the stubborn persistence of bigotry in the United States, and demonstrated that race continues to play a significant, if changing, role in how we define our communities, develop our public policy, and shape our democratic institutions. This course brings together scholars, experts, thought leaders and activists to examine such issues as racial stratification, implicit bias, and the complex, intersectional relationships between race, gender, and class. What is race and how do we understand it today? How are demographic shifts driving wedges between communities and/or fostering pluralism? How democratic is our pluralist society? What is the role of racial divides in fomenting political partisanship? What impact does racialized discourse have on such issues as the social safety net, immigration, criminal justice, technology, voting, and urban policy?
“Race in the USA” is The New School’s second University course on post-election America, and is sponsored by the Provost’s Office and the 2017 Henry Cohen Lecture Series of The Milano School of International Affairs, Management and Urban Policy. http://newschool.edu/raceintheus
1 1:53:06 Linda Sarsour | Race in the U.S.
2 1:28:01 Arjumand Siddiqi | Race in the U.S.
3 1:36:38 Michael Omi | Race in the U.S.
4 1:27:12 Deva Woodly and Shanelle Matthews | Race in the U.S.
5 37:50 New School Live: A Conversation on Race in the U.S.
6 1:25:24 Lawrence Weschler | Race in the U.S.
7 1:29:40 Mindy Fullilove | Race in the U.S.
8 1:26:16 Rachel Godsil | Race in the U.S.
9 1:31:06 Tressie McMillan Cottom | Race in the U.S.
10 1:40:29 Sujatha Jesudason and Shanelle Matthews | Race in the U.S.
11 1:37:11 Race and the Environment | Race in the U.S.
12 1:37:52 Jaskiran Dhillon and Melanie Yazzie | Race in the U.S.
13 1:31:27 Steve Choi | Race in the U.S.
14 1:41:00 Samuel Sinyangwe and Vincent Warren | Race in the U.S.
15 1:32:05 Ari Berman and Christina Greer | Race in the U.S.
[lectures in English] 微積分基礎課程 Pre-Calculus (English)--王夏聲 / 交大
source: NCTU OCW 2017年12月15日
課程資訊: http://ocw.nctu.edu.tw/course_detail....
The purpose of this crash course is to give a condensed and unified review of high school mathematics that will be used frequently in a regular calculus course. (This course is taught in English.)
1:08:11 Lecture 1 Fundamentals:Part I
1:16:59 Lecture 2 Fundamentals:Part II
38:49 Lecture 3 Plane Geometry
1:34:06 Lec 04 Functions
35:05 Lecture 5 Exponential and Logarithm Functions
1:10:05 Lec 06 Trigonometry:Part I
1:06:15 Lecture 7 Trigonometry:Part II
43:08 Lec 08 Sequences and Series
48:08 Lec 09 Graphs and Curves
文學作品讀法--蔣淑貞 / 交大
source: NCTU OCW 2017年12月14日
本課程是由交通大學人文社會學系/族群與文化碩士班提供。 本課程為人社系一年級必修課,將介紹四部世界名著,著重探討它們「經典重現」的原因,以及當前成為文化產業的過程。貫穿這些作品的主題是性別議題,分別是異性戀機制、女性成功之條件、同性戀與美學、以及兩性經濟論(如「高攀」與「下嫁」)。
46:40 第二週 課程介紹與修課注意事項
1:37:43 第三週《薩拉辛》(1/2)
1:56:29 第四週《薩拉辛》(2/2)〈薩拉辛〉作品分析
26:19 第五週 簡愛 Jane Eyre (1/4)
1:33:41 第六週 簡愛 Jane Eyre (2/4) Jane Eyre漫畫版文字內容
1:08:18 第八週 簡愛 Jane Eyre (¾) 咆哮山莊 Wuthering Heights (1847)
1:44:57 第十一週 簡愛 Jane Eyre (4/4)
52:14 第十二週《格雷的畫像》The Picture of Dorian Gray (1/3)
1:53:06 第十四週《格雷的畫像》The Picture of Dorian Gray (2/3)
22:35 第十五週《格雷的畫像》The Picture of Dorian Gray (3/3)
2:03:58 第十六週《了不起的蓋茨比》The Great Gatsby