

Simon Thurley--English Architecture: How England was Built

# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon)

source: GreshamCollege                2011年8月12日
The English Middle Ages saw the construction of some of the world's greatest buildings, structures that still shape our towns, cities and countryside and mould our national identity. This tradition continued into modern times and beyond. These lectures give a controversial new view of how England has been built starting with the departure of the Romans and ending in the present day. These lectures were delivered by Simon Thurley, Chief Executive of English Heritage, in his role as Visiting Gresham Professor. All information about these lectures and all future free public lectures can be found on the Gresham College website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lecture are available from the Gresham College website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...

56:43 English Architecture: Making England in the Shadow of Rome, 410-1130
When the English nation rose out of the ruins of the Roman Province of Britannia, people remained obsessed with their Roman past. Seismic social and political change in 1066 barely upset the vision of patrons and architects and Rome remained England's cultural capital driving the imagination of its architects. This is a part if the series of lectures, 'God, Caesar and Robin Hood: How the Middle Ages were Built':
The English Middle Ages saw the construction of some of the world's greatest buildings, structures that still shape our towns, cities and countryside and mould our national identity. These four lectures give a controversial new view of how medieval England was built starting with the departure of the Romans and ending with the Reformation.
56:17 English Architecture: Reaching for Heaven, 1130-1300
During the thirteenth century Jerusalem surplanted Rome as the inspiration for English architecture.  Huge national wealth led to an outburst of building of great creativity and individuality.  The new gothic style which emerged by the 1220s was a national style for England creating some of the most remarkable buildings in European history.
59:34 English Architecture: Exuberance to Crisis, 1300-1408
England's economic success peaked in 1300 amidst a riot of architectural excess and was followed by a series of disasters which lasted much of the fourteenth century.  Yet against a catastrophic background English architectural individualism flourished and out of radically changed social structures an architectural consensus emerged.
1:03:35 English Architecture: Coming of Age, 1408-1530 
Against a background of political instability architectural initiative was captured by a new class of patrons who built in a style that expressed confidence in their worldly position and fear of the afterlife.  On the very eve of the Reformation English architecture had reached a perfection that was to be destroyed by Henry VIII and new world order.
59:27 English Architecture: The End of the Old World Order, 1530 to 1650 
The Reformation and the Civil War, two events a century apart, created an astonishing originality and independence in English Building.
56:08 English Architecture, 1650 to 1760: The Rise of Consensus
 Opened up to the world once more England drank in influences and ideas from abroad which were to infuse English building with widely held ideas and values.
59:10 English Architecture, 1760 to 1830: Engine House 
England's take off as the first industrial nation created a whole new language of building underpinned by technology and by an emerging view of the rest of the world.
58:43 English Architecture, 1830 to 1914: On Top Of The World 
Economic dominance brings cultural dominance and the architecture of Empire was, in part, a template for the world. But as the century turned there were already signs of big changes which were to go on to shape the England we now live in.
56:09 Building the Victorian City: Splendour and Squalour 
By 1900 Britain had produced the world's largest cities and the first industrial cities. These phenomena led to vast technical, social and architectural challenges. Victorian architects and engineers met these with some of the most impressive feats of construction since the cathedrals of the middle ages. 
10 52:16 English Architecture and the First World War 
The First World War had a devastating effect on Britain. Human and economic loss was accompanied by a loss of confidence and direction. This lecture looks at both the cultural effects of the War and its architectural impact. Both saw a struggle to reconcile a rejection of the pre-war world and a longing for it.
11 1:01:06 Forwards and Backwards: Architecture in inter-war England 
The First World War brought far reaching changes to England. These included a huge expansion of the suburbs, the massive growth of motoring and a debate about how England should look in the future. This was not a simple battle between conservationists and developers; it was a search for the soul of England.
This is a part of the lecture series, English Architecture: Into the Modern World.
Simon Thurley's four lectures complete his survey of English building from the Saxons to the present day. The theme is modernity and tradition. This is the story of how British architects struggled to find an architectural language that met the needs and aspirations of a society in a state of rapid change while negotiating deep and popular traditions and beliefs. Two World Wars shook the nation producing the seemingly contradictory emotions of nostalgia and progress. Out of this has come the world in which we live.
12 49:44 Coming to Terms with Modern Times: English architecture in the post-war era 
The Second World War intensified and magnified debates that had been current amongst architects since 1914. It also marks a fault line in English architectural history. Architects, supported by politicians, decisively moved away from tradition and sought to create a new language of architecture. Some loved it, but unfortunately the public grew to hate it.
This is a part of the lecture series, English Architecture: Into the Modern World.
13 48:57 The Building of England: Retrospect and Prospect 410 AD to 2000
In this the final lecture in his series on the history of English building Simon Thurley looks back. What can be concluded from a survey of 1,400 years of English architecture and social life? How English is English building and how are Saxon halls and modern skyscrapers intimately related?

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