

Series - The European Union (2016-17)

# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon)

source: GreshamCollege      2016年4月20日
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lectures are available from the Gresham College website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
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55:57 Human Rights: Whether in Europe or out? - Professor Sir Geoffrey Nice QC 
With the in/out Europe vote to come (or having gone) what will the result mean for Human Rights? How is or has the debate been framed?
1:02:53 Learning from History? The 1975 Referendum on Europe - Professor Vernon Bogdanor 
Britain held her first national referendum in 1975 - on whether we should remain in the European Communities, forerunner of the European Union, which we had joined in 1973. The result was a two to one majority for staying in. Party attitudes were almost the opposite to what they are today. The Labour government favoured staying in, but the party in the Commons and in the country did not. The Conservatives were enthusiastically for staying in. The nationalists in Scotland and Wales favoured leaving.
The referendum was not held solely because the Labour government sincerely wished to discover the views of the British people, but to paper over the cracks of a divided party; nor did the two to one majority indicate widespread popular enthusiasm for Europe. Britain was at that time, economically, the sick man of Europe. One of Britain's European Commissioners, Sir Christopher Soames said that it was no time to leave a Christmas club, let alone the Common Market! In addition, there was considerable deference towards the pro-European political establishment - Harold Wilson, Roy Jenkins, Shirley Williams and Edward Heath. Neither of these factors are present today.
Populist politicians such as Tony Benn and Enoch Powell tried to stimulate a grass-roots nationalist movement against Europe, such as had defeated the pro-Europeans in Norway in a referendum held in 1972. Such movement did not materialise. Could it do so today?
Are there any lessons to be learnt from the 1975 referendum?
57:09 EU Debate - Should the UK Leave or Remain? - Professor Richard Evans and a Panel of Experts 
Leading up to the vote on whether the UK should leave or remain a part of the European Union, Professor Sir Richard Evans chairs a debate on this vital issue. http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and... The debate opens to the floor with a vote collected at the beginning and end of the debate.
37:16 EU Debate - Should the UK Leave or Remain? Panel Discussion 
Leading up to the vote on whether the UK should leave or remain a part of the European Union, Professor Sir Richard Evans chairs a debate on this vital issue. http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and... The debate opens to the floor with a vote collected at the beginning and end of the debate.
55:47 Assessing the Economic Risks from Brexit - Professor Jagjit Chadha 
Professor Jagjit Chadha evaluates the short- and long-term economic effects should the UK votes to leave the EU on 23 June, 2016: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
In this lecture, Professor Chadha, recently appointed as Director of the National Institute of Economic and Social Research, will consider how to interpret the published analysis on the consequences of a possible Brexit. While most studies (e.g. HMT and OECD) have highlighted the consequences for macroeconomic outcomes in terms of a set of point forecasts of real GDP per household, in this lecture Professor Chadha will consider how exit from the EU may affect the ability of the UK to share risk arising from macroeconomic shocks with the EU and the Rest of the World through trade in goods and assets.
59:08 Britain and the EU: In or Out - One Year On - Professor Vernon Bogdanor FBA CBE
One year ago, Britain decided, in the Referendum, upon its future relationship with the European Union. https://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-an...
What have been the consequences of that decision? How is the relationship like to develop? Did we make the right decision? This lecture will discuss the implications of the 2016 Referendum.

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