

Rhetoric - Belinda Jack on the Mysteries of Reading and Writing

# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon)    
source: GreshamCollege       2013年10月10日
Belinda Jack is Fellow and Tutor in French at Christ Church, University of Oxford. She features regularly in the press and media thanks to the popularity and insight of her published works, including books such as The Woman Reader, George Sand: A Woman's Life Writ Large and Negritude and Literary Criticism: The History and Theory of "Negro-African" Literature in French. As of 2013, she is the Gresham Professor of Rhetoric. She writes of her appointment and the series: "Reading is a subject which has long fascinated me, not least because of my role in teaching undergraduate students to read 'difficult' literature with the greatest attention to detail, structure and internal connections. My most recent book, The Woman Reader, is a history of women's reading from ancient times to the present day, and the writing of it deepened my interest in the subject of reading more generally. My Gresham lectures will draw on some of the material on which I based my book, including material that I didn't have space to treat, and on the research I am currently undertaking. My primary aim will be to encourage informed reading of a wide range of material, which will make us reconsider literature, ourselves and the society in which we live."
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lecture are available from the Gresham College website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
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1:03:22 What is Reading
Neuroscience is beginning to explore what happens when we read by monitoring the areas of the brain that are stimulated while we read. Do these findings matter to the Humanities? Is there neurological evidence that the brain responds differently to 'good' and 'bad' writing? How we read clichés will be examined, as well as what the experience of re-reading tells us about reading first time round?
54:00 Reading for Pleasure
56:43 Modern Reading in an Historical Context
54:48 Ancient Reading in an Historical Context
51:50 Reading as a Reader and Reading as a Critic
51:51 How do Novels Beguile?

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