

(in English) From Disease to Genes and Back

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source: Лекториум        2017年9月25日
Подписывайтесь на канал: https://www.lektorium.tv/ZJA
Следите за новостями:

1:59 Course Overview | Marianna Bevova
13:56 Lecture 1.1 | Anatomy of the human genome | Michel Georges
12:17 Lecture 1.2 | Identifying important elements in the human genome | Michel Georges 
11:04 Lecture 1.3 | Genetic polymorphism | Michel Georges 
10:33 Lecture 1.4 | Interrogating genetic variation | Michel Georges
2:04 Week 1 Conclusion | Marianna Bevova 
6:11 Lecture 2.1 | Introduction to genetics of populations | Yurii Aulchenko
8:28 Lecture 2.2 | Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium | Yurii Aulchenko
8:53 Lecture 2.3 | Linkage disequilibrium | Yurii Aulchenko
10 11:33 Lecture 2.4 | Natural selection | Yurii Aulchenko
11 9:26 Lecture 2.5 | Genetic drift | Yurii Aulchenko 
12 2:07 Lecture 2.7 | Week 2: Conclusion | Marianna Bevova
13 12:02 Lecture 2.6 | Genetic structure | Yurii Aulchenko
14 7:43 Lecture 3.1 | Introduction to monogenic disorders | Marianna Bevova
15 11:41 Lecture 3.2 | Linkage analysis. Family studies | Marianna Bevova
16 7:54 Lecture 3.3 | NGS to study Monogenic disorders. Part I | Marianna Bevova
17 10:05 Lecture 3.4 | NGS to study Monogenic disorders. Part II | Marianna Bevova 
18 11:23 Lecture 3.5 | Interrogating genetic variation | Marianna Bevova
19 1:59 Week 3: Conclusion | Marianna Bevova 
20 6:24 Lecture 4.1 | From linkage to association gene-mapping | Yurii Aulchenko
21 12:10 Lecture 4.2 | Genome-wide association studies. Historical overview | Yurii Aulchenko
22 10:11 Lecture 4.3 | GWAS nowadays. Imputations | Yurii Aulchenko
23 10:37 Lecture 4.5 | Population stratification, genomic control | Yurii Aulchenko
24 10:10 Lecture 4.6 | Analysis of genetically structured populations | Yurii Aulchenko
25 8:05 Lecture 4.9 | Meta-analysis of GWAS results: Practical details | Lennart Karssen
26 2:35 Week 4: Conclusion | Marianna Bevova
27 11:00 Lecture 5.1 | Cystic Fibrosis — a story of human genetics | Gert Matthijs 
28 12:08 Lecture 5.2 | The challenges of BRCA1/BRCA2 testing | Gert Matthijs
29 10:39 Lecture 5.3 | Mendelian tricks: trinucleotide repeat expansions | Gert Matthijs 
30 11:05 Lecture 5.4 | Glycans and disease. The MODY3 story | Yurii Aulchenko
31 9:02 Lecture 5.6 | Multifactorial disorders in clinical practice | Gert Matthijs
32 2:13 Week 5 Conclusion | Marianna Bevova 
33 18:58 Lecture 5.5 | Causative genes. Genomic data | Michel Georges
34 28:28 Lecture 6 | Future direction and perspectives | Georges, Matthijs, Aulchenko

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