

General Relativity (2017) by Alex Flournoy at Colorado School of Mines

# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon)    

source: Alex Flournoy    2017年1月12日 / playlist compiled by CosmoLearning
Lectures from 2017 upper level undergraduate course in general relativity at Colorado School of Mines

1:21:27 General Relativity Topic 1: Introduction to the Course
1:22:44 Topic 2: Relativity and Symmetry
1:16:31 Topic 3: Symmetry Transformations and Metrics 2 Case Studies:
1:03:39 Topic 4: Spacetimes, SO(1,3), Spacetime Diagrams and Causality:
1:17:17 Topic 5: Index Notation and a Pinch of Vectors
1:07:53 Topic 6: Vectors and Dual Vectors
1:24:15 Topic 7: Tensors
57:52 Topic 8: Relativistic Kinematics and Dynamics
1:19:50 Topic 9: Densities
10 1:01:50 Topic 10: Equivalence Principles
11 1:27:39 Topic 11: Manifolds
12 1:19:35 Topic 12: Tensors Under General Coordinate Transformations
13 58:03 Topic 13: Loose Ends, Metrics, Flatness and LICs
14 1:18:32 Topic 14: A New Hope (Derivative)
15 1:03:57 Topic 15: Interpreting Christoffel Symbols and Parallel Transport
16 1:27:57 Topic 16: Geodesics
17 1:08:32 Topic 17: Curvature
18 1:22:36 Topic 18: Symmetries, Killing Vectors and Maximally Symmetric Spaces
19 1:01:50 Topic 19: General Relativity and Gauge Theories
20 44:30 Topic 20: Where's Newton?
21 1:24:33 Topic 21: The Schwarzchild Solution
22 1:24:10 Topic 22: Geodesics of Schwarzchild and Tests of General Relativity
23 1:08:26 Topic 23: Interior Solutions and Stellar Collapse
24 1:20:38 Topic 24: Schwarzchild Black Holes
25 1:30:07 Topic 25: Maximally Extended Geometries
26 1:10:58 Topic 26: Rotating Black Holes
27 1:36:32 Topic 27: Black Hole Thermodynamics (a.k.a. I get confused and crucified for it)
28 1:29:47 Topic 28: Gravitational Waves
29 1:24:16 Topic 29: FRW Cosmologies
30 1:32:38 Topic 30: Our Universe

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