

Malcolm Andrews - English Landscape

# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon)

source: GreshamCollege        2017年10月30日
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lecture are available from the Gresham College website: https://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-an...
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54:51 English Landscape: The Picturesque
The late eighteenth and early nineteenth- century vogue for the Picturesque and for forging an English landscaping tradition (with frameable landscape scenery and managed wildness) will be the starting point for discussion.
Proponents of the Picturesque, preferring to explore British scenery rather than go on the European Grand Tour, explicitly cultivated notions of Englishness and stress the native elements in landscape scenery, such as castle or abbey ruins (real or folly) in grand gardens, not classical temples.
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50:58 English Landscape: Constable and Clare
Constable's Stour landscapes of the Regency period, during and just after the War with France, and his publication English Landscape Scenery, champion local and low-key rural England.
John Clare's vernacular poetry in the same period celebrates the kind of rural scenery that escapes the notice of those for whom the paintings of Claude or Poussin are the ideal of landscape. Both Constable's and Clare's localism springs from a very powerful emotional connection with the idea of 'home'.
51:16 Samuel Palmer and the Pastoral
Samuel Palmer, in his Shoreham period in the 1820s and 30s, seized on the long tradition of classical pastoral landscapes, and wrested it into an English idiom. He effectively naturalised a foreign import, bringing an idyll to life in a Kentish valley, with sheep, shepherds and cornfields under a harvest moon, and the village church nestling in the fold of the hills.

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