

Gwen Adshead - The Right Stuff: Ethics and Moral Psychology

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source: GreshamCollege       2017年2月10日
Linking the psychology of moral reasoning with the classic topics of medical ethics (consent, capacity, confidentiality, resource allocation). Boundary violations, poor performance by doctors, and those situations where doctors have dual responsibilities to the state or public as well as to patients will also be discussed.
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The transcript and downloadable versions of the lecture are available from the Gresham College website: https://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-an...

54:49 The Right Stuff: How Do We Make Moral Choices?
In this lecture, I will present and review developments in moral psychology over the last two decades.
Specifically, I will explore the neuroscience of moral decision-making, and the implications of this research for ethical issues such as moral responsibility. I will particularly focus on the capacity to make unwise decisions that are unpopular with others; and the question of whether values can be taken out of the research into moral choice-making. I will conclude by asking further questions about the implications of this work for training in medical ethics.
52:02 The Right Stuff: Information, Privacy and the Ethics of Disclosure
Personal information is understood as the property of individuals, especially in the domain of health care and no information can be disclosed without permission of its 'owner'. This way of thinking about information raises questions about the ethics of information sharing, and our identity as social animals who are connected by discussion and conversation. Dilemmas about information sharing will be discussed in relation to (a) research and (b) the management of risk in health care.
43:16 The Right Stuff: How Do We Make 'Good' Doctors?
In this talk, the concept of the 'good' doctor will be explored and how we can ensure that our doctors are 'good'. This question is crucial at time when morale in the health services appears low and inquiries reveal poor practice by some health care professionals. I will discuss the implications of these developments for the teaching of medical ethics, at both senior and junior levels. The idea of 'virtue' in medical practice will be considered, and how this may be linked to professional identity and responsibility.

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