

Carolyn Roberts - Environmental Controversies

# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon)

source: GreshamCollege        2017年10月10日
Website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk
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The transcript and downloadable versions of the lecture are available from the Gresham College website: https://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-an...

54:46 Cleaning Up The Thames: Success or Failure?
The Thames is often hailed as an international success story. Engineering works solved 19th century sewage problems, improving Londoners' health. Salmon, otters and birdlife are now reported to be flourishing along the Thames and the waterfront has been reinvigorated with new buildings. On the other hand, Thames Water PLC has been heavily fined for environmental offences that compromised human health, contaminated land and affected ecosystems. Levels of chemicals in river water are high. Will the Thames Tideway tunnel solve flooding and pollution?
59:54 Organic Food: Rooted in Lies?
Organic food production is environmentally benign, better for animal welfare, has human health benefits and tastes better - or so say its proponents. Conversely, detractors allege that the rising global population cannot be fed without using artificial fertilisers, herbicides and pesticides, that the environmental impact is slight and manageable, and that organic consumers are being duped by farmers.
With a global market approaching 70 billion, there's a lot at stake. Including some blind taste tests, the environmental science evidence behind organic farming will be reviewed, exploring facts and debunking a few myths.
58:00 EcoTowns or EgoTowns?
A sustainable solution to the UKs housing crisis, or a flimsy excuse for high-profile, profitable construction activity in the green belt? Architects may love them, but most ecologists are sceptical. Eco-town proposals have attracted controversy, with local residents alleging that their environment will be irrevocably damaged with the arrival of sprawling new estates, thousands of cars and the loss of important wildlife habitats.
Drawing upon live audience opinion, the lecture will weigh up the evidence for and against ecotowns.
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1:02:58 National Parks and National Park Cities
National Parks were designated to protect some of the worlds most loved landscapes from being eaten away by industrial and housing development. But Britains National Parks are exploited by intensive agriculture and sucked dry of their water for neighbouring cities. They sustain non-native invasive species and unlike National Parks elsewhere in the world, they are not natural parks. A movement is emerging with the aim of developing Greater London as the worlds first National Park City. But is there any significant environmental advantage to this and would London benefit from becoming one?
55:02 Is 'Green Business' a Contradiction in Terms?
Posters in shops and on trucks shout carbon neutral business, and more organisations are boasting of reducing their environmental impact by using environmentally-friendly, responsibly sourced materials. And yet we also have diesel car emission frauds, the hoax of degradable plastic, and a fashion industry that claims to be sustainable whilst suggesting that we buy new clothes each season.
There are green marketing scams, and dubious data being deployed to benefit shareholders. Are global businesses now leading politicians in moving towards more sustainable practice or is this an example of a post-truth society?

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